
Unfortunate events.

She just laughed and shook her head slightly. "wow! You haven't figured it out yet ? My mother is Medusa! It was all a lie. Everything, is a complete lie. My 'life' is a LIE" "Medusa !! How your nothing like her. Not in look wise because know one has ever seen her before I thought she was just a myth". I struggled to compose myself. Medusa is one of the most feared people in the world. She's a gang leader to and a scam artist . No one has seen what she looks like unless she's scammed you but even then she where's a disguise. She hides away and apparently works alone but I know that BS! This is up on wattpad aswell the same story but I will be posting it on here to.

kadiecarter · Teen
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 21- bullet wounds

Aviana's pov :

She scoffed and rolled her black soulless eyes at me. " that's it then? You choose a boy ,who your target to kill, over your own flesh and blood!"

" um yeah I guess so" I mean what else was I going to say.

" oh" she looked taken back " well then we're leaving without you"

" oh, um ok bye" well this isn't awkward. I walked her and the scary men to door and just gave her a Little unsure smile.

She looked at me with descust and left the building. I looked at the guys as soon as the door shut, and that's when Colby looked frozen.

Everything happened in slow motion and I didn't understand why at first. Colby shouted first.

" get down !!" He spoke over gunshots firing into the house, smashing windows and shattering vases, bursting pillows. Just turning the hole place upside down.

I couldn't process what he was saying until he came up to me and made me l how do you spell right why down just arrived is the same way outside truth lie down on the floor next to him.

The shooting stoped for awhile and all I could here was pistol barking. The door opened slightly and closed straight after throwing something in.

It took five seconds for the ball shaped weapon to go of. Everyone flew five feet apart and a ringing noice is the only thing I can here. 

My head was to heavy to lift and my eyes felt droopy. I tried my best to stay awake, I heard muffled voices. It was a mans voice but I couldn't tell who's. At that moment I was put over someone's shoulder and I couldn't do anything.


"Wakey wakey" the fakeish sweet voice I've ever heard spoke to me waking my up from unconsciousness.

Ughhh someone kill me already. And of course it was mother dearest in all her glory.

She needs new foundation that wort on the end of her nose is growing by the second. Ew what an actual witch.

I pressed the pain on my head to make it stop failing in attempt. She handed me water and a pill. I just looked at her then the the pill , I eased my brow at her in response.

"Ugh, it's a pain killer sweetheart." She said in an obvious tone.

" of course." I mimicked with the same fake tone. I took the water and the pill still unsure. I wound fully know what it is until it kicks in.

I was in my old room ,before I was given my mission. God I hate this place, thinking back to when I liked it made me sick, I must have been drugged. Wouldn't put it past her to drug me.

Wait a minute. Where's chlo? Oh no is she here? Is she ok? I hope she's with Colby right now. Because I don't want her to see what's gonna happen, even I don't know what's gonna happen.

" what am I doing here mother?" I say bored out of my brain.

" oh you wasn't serious about staying with him were you. Ha" she snorted as she laughed.

" you know I was or else you wouldn't have tried to kill us. You know I thought you changed, when I gave birth to chlo that's the only time I've ever seen you happy. You stooped scamming people, you helped them. Doty stopped killing you....." she cut me off

" ok ok I get it. But trust me I was much happier when I divorced your farther, best day of my life" gee thanks " did you know next week it'll be my 10 year divorce-versary."

" yeah that's not a thing" I say rolling my eyes and getting to the point "what's your price"

" what are you on about now dear?" She spoke mockingly.

" you know what I mean. What do you want in return of my freedom" I asked regretting it soon after.

"You want to know what I want." She said faked shocked.

"Yes" I said firmly.

" you want to risk loosing it" she said in the same tone once more.

It took me longer to reply this time until I finally said it. "Yes"

"I want ..."


I know I'm so evil I'm sorry to do this to you but I hope you like it comment what you think it is she wants. Please vote and comment what you think and share to your friends.
