
Chapter Hundred and Twenty four

I finally drove to a stop at the house, Mandy and Emily would be waiting inside to surprise her, she had texted me too that Aunt wold be here and a lotof Sunny's friends would be here too. I had organized it just for her to be happy and I know she would be surprise in seeing all of them, she would have missed them even though she had been showered with lots of gifts lately what matters to me was my daughter's happiness and nothing more..

"Come, mummy has a big surprise for you"  I went and unlocked her seat door and led her toward the house, I want this to be perfect just the way I had imagine for long. I reached the door and pulled it open. "You enter first" I smiled down at her as she walked into the dark seer eyes widen in surprise as she saw a lot of people in the house. " Happy birthday Sunny! The room exploded with balloonss and happy wishes I watched my daughter jumped up in excitement as a lot of people hugged her. "Mummy it beautiful" She smiled to me. Her smile only could light and mend my broken heart.

I missed her so much even though she was standing in front of me, I led her to the tables where I had kept her cake. "Wow! It so huge, thanks mum, come" she gestured making me to bent toward her and she took me by surprise my kissing my forehead "You're the best mum!  " And you're the best daughter" I smiles holding back the tears in my eyes, I hope I would be here and see her grow into a fine woman, I just want be there in every stage of her life.

 But I would come back for her no matter what I kissed her hair. "Happy birthday day Sunny" She giggled as her godmother stood beside her and sang happy birthday to her along side with everybody, when the song was over. She cut her cake and just like I had received my gift when I was pregnant with her that was the same way aunt, Mandy and Emily showered her with gifts. "Mum, I love this unicorn" she smiled as she raised a pink unicorn that aunt has bought. "Come, your grandma wants to speak with you. I switched on the video call and listen as mum sang and wished her a happy birthday, Dad wasn't here and I was grateful because I wouldn't have allowed him to speak to her even if he wanted to.

" Now, Mummy's gift" I smiled when she was done speaking with mum "Another gift? She jumped excitedly and spin the a " 11  birthday ever" She laughed alongside with her friends, I walked over to the pink box I gave decorated and handed it to her "Anothee surprise! I nodded and watched my little daughter, she might not realize how important this gift was but soon she would know that I never wished for her to forget the good memories. She finally unwrapped the small box. " Now is the time to take out your gifts" She opened the box and brought out a framed  picture of both of us and Andrew, as much as I had wanted to out him off my life  couldn'ttt be selfish not to recognized the good things he had done one both me and Sunny.

"Mum, you're beautiful" she smiled. "And so us my daughter " And...she looked back at the picture again "Uncle Andrew, I missed him"  "He missed you more baby" I kissed her cheeks, feeling very guilty fit denying her Andrews love. "And guess what? She looked up with a teary eyes, I didn't want anything to spoil this special day for her. " He sent you a present, a very beautiful present" now she was smiling, I reached out to bring another gift Andrew has sent for her, a dancing Barbie. "I missed uncle" she said hugging the gift closely and I had to fight the tears.

"Sunny, why don't you go and play with you friends" She nodded and dropped the gifts back on the table before running off. I looked over to Mandy and Emily who was busy with the kids "Come let's grab some drink" Emily said tugging me along "Wgat about the kids? I asked looking over to where they were playing with a lot of unwrapped toys. "Mum would take care of them". " Let's take a little break" Mandy winked at me and I had no other option than you follow them to the kitchen.

Emily poured out a drink and handed over t me. "I know this is very hard for you but you have to" she said sipping her drink. "Sunny, loves you and no matter where you go her love still remain the same"  "I hope so" I mutters to myself and stare at the liquid in the glass. "Becca, Mandy stood up  and placed her arms over my shoulder. " we're always there if you need us, I'll just come running to you" I laughed not knowing I would ever succeed in doing that. "Wow, Emily smiled and high five Mandy. " You made her laugh!snd they high turned to me  "That's a good start for you Becca, I know it's hurt but everything is going to be okay someday" She opened her arms and wrapped me in it. 

"I'll miss you if you leave" She whispered loud enough for me to hear. "So, have you told Sunny that, you're traveling" I shook my head, not knowing how to even start, it was going to break her heart and I don't want that. I just want her to be always happy and Mandy hugged me. "You have to tell her Becca" Emily said gulping down her drink and I looked back to mine without any interest, I just don't know how she would feels when I tell her but I have to force myself to, I have to tell get that mummy was leaving but I'm still goinf to come back for her.

It was already 8'o clock when I drove her home it was already late and she was too feeling very sleepy, I kept glancing over at her. Without knowing how best I would explain to a seven year's old kid that I would be traveling without her breaking down in tears. "Sunny, I called looking over to her, she looked up to me with sleepy eyes. I just wish that I would leave her to sleep more but I have to tell her this. 

" Yea mummy, she smiled leaning her back to the seat. "Hope you enjoyed your day today" she nodded with a happy face "I'm hot to know that" "Thanks mum, she whispered again trying to go back to sleep. "Sunny, mummy wants to tell you something"  "What's that? She asked rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down, I have to tell her, I can't just disappear from my life without telling her the reason why. "Mum, she called again. " I turn to her with a smile before focusing back on the room.

"You know mummy loves you right? She nodded " And I will continue to love you no matter where I go" I reached out with my free hand and rubbed her hair. "Sunny, I called finally wanting to break the news to her, this was going to be one of the tough things I had done. " Mummy, will be traveling just for a while"   "Why? She asked with a smile dying on her face. " I'll come back soon for you, I'll come back and take you to a lot of places but for now I have to leave". "You're leaving me"  get eyes now crowded with tears stare up at me, "No, baby don't cry, Mummy is going to come back soon". " You promise on that".

"Of course, I promise, I'm coming to come back for you".  " But how soon mum? I turned from the road to look at her face. "Mummy don't know" Just then I drove into the house and pulled to a stop in front of the mansion " whenever you miss me" I took out a little phone that I have bought specially for her "Whenever you miss me just call me okay, I reached out to one of her gift boxes and placed It there. " Don't allow your aunt to see It baby, she probably take it away from you" Sunny nodded as she listen to me.

"Whenever you missed me, just call me I would answer you" she nodded attentively I reached out to her and took her into my arms "I'm going to come back". " I'll miss you" Tears dropped down from her eyes. "I'll miss you too and remember this mummy loved you" She nodded and stare out of the car, I followed get gaze and found the Tara was already standing at they top of the stairs waiting for her. I pulled away from her and kissed her on too of her hair. "Come, you need to sleep" "No, I don't want to" she said holding me tightly.

I also didn't want her to go, I wanted to be with her but it wasn't possible now no matter how hard I try. "Sunny, look at me, I have to go now and listen to me just be a good girl and remember always that you'dhave me" she sniffed back her tears and let go of me. I opened the car and walk to di the same for her, I draw her close to me staying there for a while and holding back my tears. "Don't listen to shy bad things they say about me Sunny" Sgr nodded and I key go of get before going to beck to the car to unpacked the guts box in there. 

When I was done, I came out to hand it over to Tara who had walked down and now carried the sleepy girl in her eyes. "What happened to her? She asked me glaring at me " its none of your business"I said returning her glare. "I had the best night today", I heard Sunny muttered before shutting her eyes I returned my face to him. " Take care of my daughter and remember what I have told you if I find out that you are not, you're going to be dead" I muttered before turning away from her and headed to my car.

I didn't want to break down here, I was trying my best to control the tears now in my eyes but it hurt a lot more than I thought, the pain was unbearable as I watched Tara carried my daughter inside. This was the last tune I'll be seeing her in year's. "I'll come back for you, I promise". I finally drive away and then let the tears slipped all out as I choked on my tears. I was leaving my daughter behind, this wasn't the dream and future I had hope and prayed for. I had wanted to be there for my daughter in all stages of her life but now it wasn't as I had plan.

I cried more as I drive back to the house feeling as if I should turned back and take my daughter into my arms, I was already missing her more than I could ever imagine. How could life take this dramatic turn, all I had wanted was a simple happy family for my daughter but now it was a whole different things. I cried more knowing that she was also missing me but I couldn't do anything about it. " I can't do anything! I cried thinking of the empty house that I was going to meet when I return how can one survive with this much pain an unbearable pain.

Finally, she had left her daughter, would she come back for her?🤔🤔