
Chapter Forty four

"Becca! Mum called in surprise and aunt came to stand beside me " mum please I pleaded "I know I shouldn't go back there after the way he threw me out and embarrassed me bu..but I still love him and I feel I have to tell him maybe this child will bring us back together, I might be foolish in saying this but...... " you're not stupid Becca! Stop saying that. Mum took my hand in hers "I understand and I won't stop you from doing so". " Really! I hugged her thanks mum, she planted a kiss on my forehead "I hope that this child would bring you guys back again" aunt fed me till I thought my stomach would explode and later I was forced to go to bed by mum and have Emily escort Nancy home.

I stare at my stomach in the mirror, it still wasn't visible for people to notice but I was now sure I was pregnant, seeing how swollen and thick my waist and thigh have become. Aunt and Emily were going in two days so I have today to visit Sam, I stare at my makeup Emily has already put her best in doing it and I have selected one of my new dresses to wear, black jeans and a beautiful design top and my hair.....I have Emily to thank for putting her best effort into preparing me. She has a message and rubbed a very expensive oil in it making me look more beautiful "if you continue staring at yourself like that, I think the mirror would explode, I turned to see Emily leaning at the door  " That's mean" I pouted she laugh and came to stand behind me "you look beautiful" "Am just nervous"  "you know..... I watched her sit on the bed "If he loves you the way you do, he should have given you a listening ear for you to explain what happened that day and mum told me that you waited for him that day to come but he didn't show up and why the hotel?  " I don't know," I said going to sit beside her  "But I understand that he just angry and I know he loves me". " someone who loves you wouldn't be marrying another woman without giving you any explanation or listening to yours, you're not the only one here that has made a mistake, he has too and he owns you explanation too" I hugged her "how did you know,"  I asked "About him getting married? Well...he's a celebrity and I think I have my ways" she shrugged "Don't let mum or aunt know now" I pleaded she just stare at me for a while before nodding "okay... For now" "Thanks " I stood up to grab my handbag, "If that jerk tries anything stupid I won't take it lightly with him and that would make it clear to you that he doesn't love you the way you thought he does.

I wonder how this will turn out🤔 don't forget to leave your comments and follow up on my WhatsApp group.

Love from Casey ❤