
Unexpected Worrior

Adpoted as a baby to a normal family but struggled with her emotions the whole time. Creating her own pack to become a strong leader for those who really need a family and to be apart of something more. Having been raise in a normal family and learned about running a business. From their love, she has raised above her issues to help others and heal herself. Join her on this journey of bring together more to the supernatural and her family that had adopted her.

Elizabeth_Baird_6256 · Teen
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31 Chs

Chapter 9

After the talk with Richard Star and starting up a way to get organize for the meeting, back to the paper work. I did not have much more to finish by the time I got the call I had a few more peices to go through. As everything gets updated and saved I made sure the notes of what was what is made. One peice of paper work was something that keep getting my attention. A knock came at the door. So I got up to see who it was. To my surprise it was David with Jeremy.

"So what do you need?" I asked.

"D-d-david mention you look after everyones bank accounts," jeremy stutered. "I would like to sit d-d-down with you and go over mine. Have you help me. I would like to have a better u-u-undes-s-standing of my expenses and either save or invest. I-I-I mentioned this to David and h-h-he said you may be able to help m-m-me."

"Jeremy," I said. "By you coming to me and asking of this tells me that you what to do thing on your own. Also I would love to help you. Anyone who asks for help I would always help them because all they have to do is ask. The rest of the pack asked me to over see their accounts and give them an allowance that they can spend once a week. What I can do to help you is first I need to see how you spend by looking at your past expences. Second I am going to find out what your good at so we can get you set with a job. Once an income is coming in for you we can go a step further and set up a type of weekly spending allowance. This will help you out."

"Told you alpha would help you," David said. "All you have to do is ask and the alpha will help you."

"Y-y-yes," jeremy said. "You a-a-are right. Th-th-thank you Alpha."

"Your welcome Jeremy," I said with a smile. "This is why I am here. If you need me or any help just ask me. Any problems that arise come to me and I will see what I can do to solve it."

"See Jeremy," David explained. "As a pack we work together to help each other. As for our Alpha, well we keep her stable to be calm but if anything happens to someone in the pack she becomes the blood bath queen. Nothing can stand in her way. We are the glue that holds her togther, her light and we are the reason that she does not go out to kill anything in her way. In a way we balance her and she gives us hope for a future."

"Th-th-this means a-a-alot," Jeremy cried as tears were rolling down his face. "N-n-no one has ever cared e-e-enough to be th-th-there for m-m-me. I-I-I have had t-t-to t-t-take care of myself."

"Well no more," I said as I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. "Now you have a pack, family and people who care for you. So when you feel down find some one to take to. If we are busy just aproach my dad or uncles they are very supportive. They will always stop what ever their doing to help and listen to anyone who is struggling."

Jeremy just kept on crying into my shoulder for a while.

"David," i said. "Is everyone asleep?"

"Yes," he said. "When they were about to fall asleep they went and shifted into their wolves. The others who are humans just found a near by spots and let the wolves be up close to her. A least so she will sleep comfortable. Your dad took the last room say that he wanted to leave you to your paper work. I was thinking of just crashing here. No clue what Jeremy wants to be."

"He'll sleep with use in this room for the night," i said. "It looks like we have two people to heal and help to over come what they have been through."

"Well from what I have seeing," David tarted than paused to gather his thoughts. "Everyone seems to be drawn to you as you come in the area they are in. As always you give hope and make them feel safe. You are even willing to give second chances to those who want to change their lives. So yes you have accomplish what no other alpha has done or willing to do what no other alpha is willing to do."

"Of course I will," I responded. "Why should not give someone a second chance when they are wanting to change. That is why I have two to three wolves around him and watching their every move. I do not tell him he is being watch but I do have him supervised until his trail period is over. This way the guy that he knows about that watches him but if he wants to change his actions is what will truely prove if he is going to change."

"Well," David went on. "It is about time for bed. I am going to get ready. It loooks like someone cried themselves asleep. So I guess it is just us three in this room tonight. If there is any problem or any one need us they can reach us. Especially when you sleep lightly."

"Since it is going to be a long relaxing day," I said. "Lets get to bed and get rest. I am going to find out about anything that may help us. I do want to find out about this town because we are going to be living in this area. Best to find out how this town going to handle new people and a new business coming to town."

After our conversation, we went and got ready to bed. That was after we put Jeremy to bed in one of the twin beds in the room. I decide to sleep in my wolf form because I have been feeling as if there will be trouble coming. Knowing a lot of the people I have been helping have either trouble or are still in trouble. What else can be happening I have no clue but I will always be ready because they have not met me yet.

The next step is going to put everything together for each person for protection. So the next thing is to set up a system for those who we are interacting to them. All we need to do is to take a seat and talk to everyone individually so I can find out what everyones problems. Than figure out how to take care of each one.

Heading towards the bed I shift, since Jeremy is needing comfort right now I will be laying down by him. As soon as I got in bed Jeremy wrapped his arms around me with a sleeping sigh. David came out of the bathrooom and saw me in wolf form laying by Jeremy.

"So i am going to take the other bed good night," david said.

"Good night," I mind linked him.

I watched as he settle down to go to sleep. As he got settled I just closed my eyes so that I could go to sleep. Sleep came to me as I layed there and there was quiet.