
Unexpected Worrior

Adpoted as a baby to a normal family but struggled with her emotions the whole time. Creating her own pack to become a strong leader for those who really need a family and to be apart of something more. Having been raise in a normal family and learned about running a business. From their love, she has raised above her issues to help others and heal herself. Join her on this journey of bring together more to the supernatural and her family that had adopted her.

Elizabeth_Baird_6256 · Teen
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31 Chs

Chapter 7

Finding the local cafe was easy to find we arrive five minutes til nine o'clock. As we looked at the place it looked more of a dinner. I found out once we walked in that the owner wanted a cafe but it turned more into a dinner.

"We are here to meet some people," I stated to the waiteress. "It would already be preset ahead of time."

"I have no clue what you are talking about," she sneared.

"WellI would say it is time to bring in your boss," I responded. "There is one thing for sure if this the kind of workers they employed and since my family and those who works for our business is moving here. I can garantee that their business will start to fail badly. So I will ask again before I have to sue your boss and you for inturrupting business. IS THERE A TABLE SET UP FOR A DAMN BUSINESS MEETING THAT STARTS IN ABOUT TEN MINUTES!"

Pissed of David step up to take over before blood got spilt.

"Lady, I am going to advise you to rethink the way you are thinking," he said. "If my boss raises her voice that is bad. As in she starts to fight and the threats she uses are followed through. I can saw my boss is very powerful finacailly and can tear apart you and your bosses carreer. So quiet being a fucking slut, bitch and whore that is ugly trying to get sex. And do you fucking job. Because as of right now there is a high possibility that we will never come back to this place to do business ever again."

By this time everyone had mouthes open and shocked at what was going on. A man in his thirties came walking forward. As for the waitress she was full out sobbing from what david said.

"What is going on here?" Asked the man.

"First anwser this. Are you the owner and her boss?" I responded.

"Yes this is my business," he responded. "I took over after my mother passed away about four years ago. Why?"

"Okay. This is great now," I said as calmly as posible. "There is a meeting in about five minutes now and your waitress is not telling me where the table or place it has been set up for. Also I am displeased on how she has treated us. If this is the type of treatment your employees treat costumers; I am surprise you are still in business. I can say that we will never bring business in here after this treatment and it now makes us question if the food is worth eating. Now I am going to call Mike olsen to see if their is some where else location wise that will be more suited for our business meeting."

"Wait olsen called and had one of our private rooms reserved for your meeting," He quickly jumped in. "It has been all arranged. Also I apolagize for my waitress. In fact as of now she is fired and needs to get out of here."

"Now that has been taken care of can we be seated?" I asked. "We do have a pregnant lady with us and it is best to get her to sit and rest."

"Okay I will take you to the room so that you guys can get started," he told us. "Mike has used this room many times and knows where it is so as soon as he and his guys come right on in."

"All right," David said. "Can we at least get drinks? Get us cups for cold drinks and hot. Three pictures one with coke, one tea and the last one water. Also if you have a coffee pot that will keep the coffee hot for a period of time. This should keep us good til the rest of the party comes. On top of that just send some to check the pitchers and coffee pot. once the rest of our party is here we will order or food. Unless Trish need is hunry now."

"All I would like right now is some fresh cut fruit to eat," Trish said. "some strawberries, blueberries, cantulop, and watermelon in a bowl. That will hold me off til everyone is here."

"Okay," the owner said. "I will get that for you. A waiter will be in with what you want."

"Oh and just keep a running tap on every thing that comes to this room," I told him. "I will pay everything after our meeting is over at the end. This way it is handled all at once. Will this work for you?"

"Yes that would work Just fine," he said. "I will tell the Waiter that be checking on you to just write is all down and total it all up at the end of the meeting. A convence to everyone instead of having many tickets at once."

"Yes," david agreed. "We will start organizing everything for you by writing down what we order and want to eat so all your waiter will have to do is pick up the paper and as for the pitchers and pot price it as singlely but we will payfor each time it is refilled. as for the fruit if you have plater we can snack on that also add some vegetables on another plater. I know this is not normal for breakfast but this is a good start for us."

"Alright I will tell the kitchen and also if one of the kitchen help can bring it back they will. Also I will have the waiter that will be attending you bring your drinks and also tell him what you will do to make his job easier," he said. "I apperciate how you guys are willing to help us out and make my workers jobs easier for them. When your orders come up with the list of everything, I will personly put prices on it and at least get everything ready. so have a good breakfast and I will put in your veggie and fruit platers order in with the cook."

He walked out the door to take care of our first order.

"David," I said. "Do you have all the paper work for this meeting?"

"Yes i do," he responded. "I made sure to get it from your dad before we departed. Also told me he ate already and wanted us to handle this part."

"Okay," I said to david.

Before I could say anymore a group of men came walking into the room.

"Are you Phoenix?" asked the man that seemed to be the leader.

"Yes I am Pheonix," I anwsered. "As you must be Mike. But one thing that I did not expect was that you all are werewolves."

"I did not expect you to be werewolves as well," Mike responds. "To also top it all off is that you small like a pack, not a rouge."

"I am going to tell you this once," I said. "I do not care that you are rouge or not. You work in construction. Correct? That is all I care about. Also I would like to extend an invitation if you choose to you can jion my pack. I do not care how you became a rouge but I do care about what you do now. So with that said lets order breakfast and get started with the meeting. What we are going to do is start pass a paper around write down your order with what you want and than we will get that paper to the waiter that is coming with a pot of coffee, a pitch of water, pitch of tea, and pitch of coke. Also til our food comes we will have vegetable and fruit on a couple of platers."

"That sounds like a great start," Mike said. "We will talk over what you have offered and tell you our decision. Thank you for giving us a place to belong, a family and a home. We appericiate it. Now onto our business."

"While we talk everyone can write down their order," I told them. "Just follow my order as an example of how to write it. Also this will make it easier for the waiter and he will pick this up after everyone has wrote down their order. Or one of us if not busy can take it up front so that they can start. As for the cost I am paying for it so do not worry about it. So lets sit down and start taking care of business. First Mike if you already know what you want please I would like you to start so we can talk business. Other wise everyone else go ahead and talk. If you guys want to give input occationally that is fine as well. Shall we start."

"All right," Mike said. "A young lady with a plan. I can live with that and I do know what I would like so I will write down my order real quick. After I am done than lets talk."

As he wrote down his order and checked the price for it as well. I pulled out all of the paper work that I had including the contract if they agreed. Figuring out to let him look over everything first would be the best start for him. Getting the sketches ready with everything all the details that was palce to gether as well as an extra peice of paper with possible materials need listed. But i made sure that everything was in order for him so he can go through it all figure out price range for everything.

"Okay now we can talk," Mike said.

"All right I have here the plans for the house, a firing range, basketball court, outside and inside course, outside and inside pool. I also did a rough draft for possible supplies that may be need on that note we are planning to cut and use some of the trees to help with the lumber that may be need. On top of that my family has drawn up a contract that will keep all parties honest but this is to legally keep us all safe if we need it. My family does this with everyone we hire to do a job," i explained to Mike. "So look over the drawings and supply list. See if this is something that you would like to do. If you want to show and decuss this with your guys feel free to. Go a had and make notes on the possible supply list. When you are ready to I will hand you the contract and than we can start figuring out the rest. Only if you are wanting to do this project. Also I want to mention that you will have extra hands to help with building everything but you and your people will be in charge due to the fact that this is your area of knowledge."

"Alright,"Mike said. "Give me a few to go over all these. than I will read the contract that you have drawn up. After that I will talk this over with my eight guys to make our final decision."

"We have some time," I told him. "My father has gone to make the purches of the property today. So from today til we get the deeds for the land we are organizing everything together and prepared for when the time comes."

"I see what you are saying," Mike said. "This should not make it long to figure out if we will do this or not. But I can respect the fact that you are getting your ducks in a row as you would say."

"Okay," I said and at the same time we had two people come in with our drinks and the starting two platers of food. Looking at the two young men, of the one i smelled faintly werewolf off of him. I got up and walked over to him. "Hey can I talk with you?"

"Y-y-yes," He stuttered."I can talk for a little while."

"Are you okay?" I asked him. As the other guy just left. "I would like to ask how old are you? Where is your family?"

"I am fine," He said slowly. "I am 16 years old. My old pack kicked me out and my family wants nothing to do with me. I have not shifted and no one wanted me. Why do you ask?"

"I have an idea and please consider this," I told him. "You are just a late bloomer that is all. you do have a wolf because I can faintly smell him. As for no one wanting you that is not true. You are welcomed to join my pack if you want to. As for your old pack and family they were foolish to do what they did to you. So go to work and I want you to think what I said. Also I believe everyone got their order down so you can take it with you."

"Yes we just finished," David said.

"Okay," I said. "Take this with you and get this to the cook. As it gets done please deliver it so that we can eat some. We have wrote down prices of the meal down but I wrote down what we order on the platers and drinks. The owner needs to price those for us but that should make it easier to total up."

"Okay," he said. "My name is Jeremy Volt. I am thankful for what you are offering to me. I do not need to think on it I would accept it. Thank you very much"

Looking him in his eyes I notice how hard he was trying to not to cry but the evidence was there. So giving him some time to get his emotion under control. He took the paper and walked out to get our order to the cook. I went and sat down by Mike.

"So what do you think so far," I said.

"Well," Mike said. "While you talked to one of the waiters. My guys all are in agreement and they want to go through with this project. I just have one to finish and that should be done by tomorrow. Than we are all yours. Here is the contract all signed. By the way I have the list of everything we need for this project."

"I am glad that you guys want to go a head," I happily told him. "This means that you have at least up to a week to get everything in order. By that time we should have all the paper work and also I will see what we can do about getting some lumber. I will keep in contact with you and you can probably be able get a line on the rest of the need matrial. If it is cost that may cause the issue you call me and I will get the money to get is all covered. Just have it all in order of who, the amount of suplies and cost. do the leg work first until we have the paper work on the property than we will go on a spending spre to get the supplies that we need."

"That sounds like a great plan," Mike agreed. "It will give us time to finish any current projct and commitments before moving onto what you have for us."

"So this concludes our business," i said. "Unless anyone else wants to put their input in what we covered. I for one am ready to visit and eat while we enjoy each others company."

Laughing and joking around the guys all where talking.

"So Mike do you mind introducing your crew," I said.

"Oh of course," Mike said. "I will start to my right. Guys why don't you introduce your selves.

"Yes. How about we go around the table introducing each other," I said. "I will take lead. My name is Poenix Zeva Winter. Yes I am an Alpha of the Reaper Worrior Pack. Also my father and uncles had adopted me when I was a baby but they are humans. I still love them dearly."

"I am Mike Olsen," Mike introduced himself. "I have been a rouge all my life. I would love to find a pack that I belong to and call as my family."

"I am David Thunder," he started. "I am the Beta of the Reaper Worrior Pack. Found Phoenix when she was 8 years old. In fact she saved my life and gave me a reason to continue to live. After my father the alpha kicked me out of the pack and disowned me. I lost everything after my mother was killed and I was blamed. Never returned but I found Phoenix. Since than she has been my rock and light through the whole ordeal. Because of Phoenix I have found a new family and home. Thank you Phoenix. You have been my friend, Boss and support through hard times."

"I am Blake Walker," Blake goes. "Yes I am human and if it was not for Phoenix I would have been on the wrong side of the law. She pulled me from going done the wrong path."

"My name is Sean," One of Mike's guys started. "I am born and raised as a rouge. Would love to find a place to call home and people to call as family. But my own past always interfers with that and I will never endanger anyone else."

"Well Sean," I said. "If you really want those things than we will take and take care of that problem. But you make that decision. MIke just as I am inviting Sean, you also have an invitation. As for the rest of you guys if you want the same as these to I want you to think very carefully because I will welcome all of you guys. I do not care if you have a problem because we will talk about that. I think we should cut to just names and one detail about yourself."

"Okay," Another of Mike's guys said. "My name is Ben and I was force to become rouge when my mate rejected me."

"My name is Jake Trump," Jake introduces himself. "Phoenix saved my life and gave me hope for the future."

"I am Domanic Bear," Domanic went next. "I was on the same track as Blake but one step futher than him. Phoenix gave me a second chance."

"I am Logan," Stated another Mike's guys. "I was the next beta but got blamed for a crime I never did. Miss living in a pack but I do not know if I can trust anyone again like that."

"Matthew is my name. I was kicked out of a pack because of some bad choices my family made. Have been struggling since and I never trusted my family again," He stated.

"Well, I am Colt Lightiening," Colt koicked off his introduction. "A known fact about me is that I was born and raised as a rouge. I am forever greatful for Alpha Phoenix by her opening and giving me a chance."

"I am Trish Larson," Trish said softly. "These Guys took me from a bad spot. I was part of the Blood Light Pack. That was until Alpha stepped in and brought me as a new member of her pack."

"Dylan Wolf is my name. I am 20 years old and glad that I met Phoenix on one of her tracking missions. She is one of a kind that I will follow any where," Dylan said.

"I am Jonathan," spoke a gruff man that worked with Mike. "I have been kicked out of a pack after a rejection and always found peace in building things or working with my hands."

"Hunter is what I go by. I ran away from my pack as soon as I could because I was their punching bag, they starved me and left all the work on me. So I left to find a different place to survive and live in peace. If a pack will accept me, I will have to find out how they treat others before I can trust them."

"I am Mitch and my twin is Robert," He led out. "I am very out spoken. we left a pack after we were rejected because we were not what she wanted in a mate."

"Robert and I like to be left alone to do my work. Prefer not to speak at all," the guy by Mitch said softly.

"Ralph Smith is my name. Phoenix saved me and I will always stand by her," Ralph said. "When she found my I had been starved, beaten and wanting death. She however gave me a reason to live and taught me how to fight. I will always stand by her side till the end."

"Well now that we know each other and a little about each other," I said. "Is there any questions you may have for me? I will answer them the best I can or you can aks one of my guys. They each at one point was in the same place you guys are in. Or were just ready to give up. As for how I treat my pack. This is for you Hunter. I do let those who had a rough life and struggle with trust come in to my pack. This is so they can experiance what we do. There is one thing that I require even if you are just doing a trial period. Everyone learns to fight and I even give tempary jobs so that your are still earning money."

"I have one," Mitch spoke up. "How do you give people hope when they have been rejected? Why would you even give people second chances?"

"I may not be to fill in the hole that a mate would but I can give you hope that you can find someone to love," I explained. "Everyone needs love, even our inner wolves. So all I do show and give a loving evoriment to help over come that loss. Yes you may have a difficult time healing but I try to give hope that you may find a second chance mate. Or someone that will accept you as you are. As for why I would give second chances, well let me putit this way. Everyone should have a chance to change. In that change all I do is give them a choice of what they want to do. If they continue wanting to break the law and not wanting to change their ways than I will have to put them down. I figure everyone deserve a chance to make amends with their past and make a new life for themselves. This way they can change their future."

"She does give the best hope," Trish spoke softly. "I was rejected and the pack turned their back on me. After I found out I was pregnant, things turned to the worst. When Phoenix and her guys with her father found me I was ready to give up. If it was not for her, her father and the guys I would be lost as well as my ex-mate still raping me."

The room fell silent as Mike and his guys digest what she just said. Only one person moved and that was Colt. He wrapped his arms around her in comfort.

"That anwsers alot of questions just by what Trish said," Mitch said.

"How about this as an idea," I suggest. "Do a trail period for as long as you need this way you guys can decide if my pack is what you guys are looking for. If you guys decide after a few days my beta and I will bring you into our pack folds. But for now I will create tempary pack links so you can communicate with us. What ever your decision is just know that I will not be upset. I just want you guys to make a decision that is best for you. If you have a problem or issue that is causing a problem don't let that make your mind up. Come to me a decuss it with me. I may be able to help free you from this problem. Otherwise we need to go and Trish needs a little rest. With all the events happening so close together in just mare few days cannot be good for her and the little one she is carrying."

After I said that I went to the front so that I could find Jeremy and pay for our order. I heard a commotion and looked toward the kitchen. Out came Jeremy scared and upset.

"Jeremy come here," I called him. "Are you okay?"

"Y-y-yes," he stuttered in a rush. "I-I-I ha-have b-b-been fired."

"Well do not worry," I said to calm him down. "I will find you a job that will work in your favor. But for now you can focus on helping Trish out. So you are coming with me when we leave."

As I was talking saw the owner approach with a look that I did not like one bit. Also I saw David walking toward me at the same time. He seemed to always knew when I am about to loose my temper and comes to try to keep me calm.

"Well I see you are here," I snarled out at the owner. "I want to pay the bill so we can leave. Also know this we will never come back this to this place again. Even for meetings. I see how you treat your employees and costumers. One thing I know for sure is that you do not know how to handle business or how to treat your workers."

"H-h-here is your b-b-bill," He stuter scared of what I may do.

Taking the bill I approached the register where a waitress met me. I handed her both the bill and a business debit card to pay the bill.

"I will need the reciept," I tild her as calmly as I could.

"Yes," She said. "I will get that. Also thank you for saying what you did. He is chasing away the business and some of the workers left because of his actions."

After paying the bill, everyone met out side to head back to the hotel.