
Unexpected Romance: Love $ Hustle

Twenty-eight year old Delilah Sterling, has perfected the art of being a respectable realtor by day, and a professional gold digger by night. Delilah believes she has her double life under control. Her meticulously crafted life crumbles when she wakes up one morning with a wedding band on her finger, a marriage certificate on the table, and a sinfully gorgeous man claiming to be her husband. To make matters worse, he is broke and jobless, making her feel trapped in a surreal nightmare. Desperate for escape, Delilah demands a divorce, but the stranger—insisting he wants to stay married—thwarts every attempt. Frustration and confusion mount until Delilah hatches a new plan: she proposes they team up to con her next target, the elusive billionaire, Hunter Quinn. What Delilah doesn't realize is that her "broke husband" is actually Hunter Quinn himself. Billionaire CEO, Hunter Quinn, having discovered Delilah’s intentions to con him, had decided to outplay her at her own game. Hunter agrees to the partnership, and together they plunge into a high-stakes game of deceit. As they plot and scheme, the lines between pretense and reality blur. Their forced proximity ignites an unexpected chemistry, leading to moments of vulnerability and genuine connection neither anticipated. Caught in a whirlwind of deception, passion, and power plays, Delilah grapples with their growing feelings. As their con deepens, she must confront the ultimate question: Can she open her heart to love and trust again? ****Exerpt**** Delilah’s eyes darted to the marriage certificate again, the official seal glaring back at her. Her fingers itched to tear it apart, to make this nightmare disappear. But deep down, she knew that wouldn’t change anything. “I don’t remember,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. “I don’t remember any of it.” Blake nodded as if he had expected this reaction. “That is expected. You had a lot to drink last night.” he fished out a phone from the back pocket of his trousers, opened it. “Here, this is us celebrating, after we got married last night,” he said, showing her a picture. Delilah’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the photo. It was indeed her. “How?” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I don’t remember any of this.” “It was a wild night,” he said softly. Perhaps she had married Blake because he was wealthy. That would be the only logical reason for her to make such a blunder. There was hope, she thought, as she clung to the possibility of salvaging something from this disaster. Turning to him, she forced a smile, “Is this your house? Are we in your house?” She asked, looking around the bedroom. Blake shook his head, “No. This is a hotel,” he said, and she nodded. “I see. It looks like quite an expensive hotel,” she observed, “What do you do for a living?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady as she searched his eyes for any hint of affluence. Blake hesitated, his confident demeanor faltering for the first time. He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m... in between jobs,” he stuttered, avoiding her gaze. Delilah’s heart sank, disappointment crashing over her like a wave. “In between jobs?” she echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief. Blake seemed to sense her dismay. “I know it doesn’t sound great,” he said quickly, trying to reassure her. “But I’m working on a few things. I just need a little more time.” “You’re jobless,” she muttered to herself as reality sunk in. “How did you pay for this room? For the wedding bands?” She asked, and he winced. “I didn’t. You did,” he said, and she collapsed on the bed. (PS: Cover photo isn’t mine. Credit to the real owner)

Miss_Behaviour · Urban
Not enough ratings
177 Chs

Chloe’s Engagement

While Hunter had breakfast with Jessica, Delilah remained secluded in her bedroom, determined to limit her interactions with him to the barest necessity.

She paced back and forth, her mind churning with thoughts about the absurd situation she found herself in.

After a while, she heard the sound of Jessica's footsteps approaching. Jessica entered the room, a faint smile on her face, clearly in good spirits after the meal.

Delilah raised an eyebrow. "Where's my breakfast?"

Jessica flopped onto the bed, her smile widening. "You know the way to the kitchen, D. Go fix yourself something."

Delilah's curiosity got the better of her. "Where is he?"

Jessica's eyes twinkled with mischief. "By 'he,' I suppose you mean your husband? He's in his room. The coast is clear."

Relieved, Delilah headed for the door, her stomach growling. She hesitated, though, when Jessica's voice called after her.

"Your husband left your breakfast in the oven," Jessica informed her, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Without bothering to respond to her, Delilah made her way down the hall, her steps slowing as she passed Hunter's bedroom.

She stopped and pressed her ear against the door, straining to hear any sign of activity. A part of her hoped she would hear him on the phone plotting against her so she would know what he was up to.

Silence met her inquisitive efforts. With a soft sigh of resignation, she continued to the kitchen.

She retrieved her breakfast from the oven and returned to her bedroom with it, determined to maintain her distance from Hunter.

She spent the rest of the day holed up in her room, avoiding any chance of running into him. Her mind raced with plans and counterplans, all focused on regaining control of her life.

As she prepared for bed that night, she made a mental note to contact Mark to research the legalities of the marriage document Blake had shown her.

She also made a mental note to find a way to get Hunter's picture so she could send it to Mark. Despite agreeing to let him stay for six months, she knew she needed to explore her options and secure her future. One drunken night wouldn't define her life.

The next morning, Delilah woke early, her mind clearer than it had been since Blake mysteriously showed up in her life.

She glanced at Jessica, who was still soundly asleep beside her, and smiled at the memory of Jessica's laughter the previous day.

It had been too long since Jessica had been so amused, and as much as she hated the situation, she was happy to know that Jessica still had it in her to laugh. Delilah was glad to see her sister's spirits lifted.

She reached out and gently brushed Jessica's hair away from her face, a tender gesture that spoke volumes about their bond.

Delilah had a plan now, and she was ready to face whatever came her way. She would support Jessica in her new job and figure out how to handle Blake.

One step at a time, she would reclaim her life, Delilah told herself as she got out of bed and set out to get ready for work.

After showering, she felt a renewed sense of determination. She was Delilah Sterling, a woman who had built her life from the ground up, and she wouldn't let anyone take that away from her.

By the time she got out of the bathroom, Jessica was no longer in bed. Delilah wasn't exactly surprised by it since Jessica had made a habit of waking up early to fix her breakfast every morning.

On numerous occasions she had asked Jessica to stop bothering herself doing that, but Jessica insisted it was more out of habit than devotion, since she had done that for her husband everyday until he died.

After dressing up, Delilah paused in front of the mirror, inspecting her reflection. She was dressed in a beige colored tailored blazer over a white silk blouse, paired with fitted black trousers and beige colored stiletto.

Her look was stylish and commanding, the perfect armor for the day ahead, she mused as she walked out of the room and headed for the dining.

She scowled when she heard the masculine laughter coming from the dining room before she got there. She had hoped he would still be very much asleep, giving her some more time to avoid him.

Well, it was just as good that he was at the dining. She knew she couldn't avoid him forever, and she needed his picture so she could send it to Mark.

Taking a deep breath, she walked into the dining room. Hunter's eyes met hers, and he greeted her pleasantly. "Good morning, Lila."

"Good morning." Delilah gave him a curt nod as she took her seat beside Jessica and she helped herself to some fruit.

Jessica glanced between them, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, what's the plan for today?" she asked, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

Hunter shrugged, his demeanor relaxed. "I was thinking of looking for a job. I need to start earning my keep around here."

Delilah's nodded, her voice cool and detached. "Good. You can also start by not getting too comfortable. Remember, this is a temporary arrangement."

Hunter met her eyes and nodded, his tone serious. "Understood."

"So, what kind of job are you looking to get?" Jessica asked, conversationally since she wanted to know him better.

"Anything with decent pay…"

"Is that the name of a title in a company? Anything with decent pay is nothing. Do you even have a degree?" Delilah cut in.

Jessica, ever the peacemaker, shook her head, "C'mon, D. Can you not talk to him in that manner?"

"What manner? I wasn't being rude. I was only stating a fact and asking him a question. Do you have a degree?" Delilah asked, and Hunter nodded.

"Yeah. I do. I studied Business management," Hunter said easily, and before either Delilah or Jessica could comment on that, Jessica's phone rang out.

She glanced at the screen and smiled when she saw it was her best friend. "It's Kate," she told Delilah, quickly answering the call. "Hey! Good morning."

Hunter and Delilah glanced curiously at Jessica as the smile on her face disappeared and she listened intently to her friend on the other end.

Jessica's eyes grew wide, her mouth forming a perfect 'O' of astonishment. "You're kidding me!" she exclaimed. "I can't believe it!"

Delilah couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "What happened, Jess?" She asked when Jessica finally hung up.

Jessica turned to her. "Dad reached out to…" she stopped abruptly when Delilah shot her a look, reminding her that Hunter was a stranger.

Hunter pretended not to notice what the exchange between them even though it made him wonder who Jessica was referring to as Dad, when they were both supposed to be orphans.

"Chloe got engaged last night," Jessica said, referring to their half-sister.

Delilah rolled her eyes, her tone dripping with disdain. "Who is the idiot that would want to marry a shallow-minded person like Chloe?" She asked Jessica who was busy on her phone scrolling through news updates.

"The idiot's name is Hunter Quinn," Jessica said turning her phone's screen so Delilah would see the headline.

Hunter, in the midst of taking a sip of his coffee, choked, sputtering as the hot liquid went down the wrong way.