
Unexpected Imprint 2

When Leah Clearwater thought she couldn't imprint until she had a run0in with a newborn (Bree Tanner)

JayJ127 · Movies
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Chapter 6 - Embracing

"Quil! You can get off me now," Embry called out after Quil had frozen above him, feeling confused.

"Oh yeah, sure. Sorry Embry," Quil answered, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

"Hey Quil! You still need to train up a bit more to beat me", Paul teased as he held a hand out to help him up.

Quil didn't say no, but when Embry saw Quil taking Paul's hand he felt a small part of jealousy begin to grow within himself. He rushed to his feet and helped Quil up instead. Both Quil and Paul looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Are you feeling alright, Embry?" Quil asked. 

"Did Quil knock into you too hard?" Paul asked, laughing.

"Erm… No, I'm good. Just a little head rush from standing up too fast I guess," Embry answered with a small blush. They laughed and went about the rest of their evening.

"Ok! We shall leave the both of you alone, James and I wanted to be alone for a reason. We have something to figure out, well me more than him," Paul admitted. James growled as if Paul had said too much. "James! Don't growl at me, I haven't told them anything I shouldn't have," Paul told him. 

"I don't need everyone to know about our situation right now. I get that you still have your pack, but don't forget you are my mate and are readjusting," James told him, eyeing the younger pair before stalking away. 

"Sorry lads, gotta go," Paul turned and walked away catching up with James. Quil and Embry watched them before they began to walk back to the packhouse themselves.

Embry felt warm and fuzzy, but when he stared at Quil, he felt that Quil didn't feel the same. He was oblivious to how long he was staring until Quil caught his gaze. 

"Are you sure you're alright, Embry? You seem a little out of it after I knocked you down," Quil asked, worriedly.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm good," Embry stuttered. Quil wrapped one arm over Embry's shoulders and walked him home. 


Meanwhile, Leah and Bree were still alone on the beach, lost in each other, before deciding to head back to their house.

"Come on, it's getting late. Let's go home. We have time to figure us out tomorrow," Leah told her. Bree smiled and linked arms with her. 

As Bree laid down on the bed, Leah watched over her for a long moment thinking about what Paul had told her. 

'Maybe this is easier than I think it is, afterall she isn't James. If Paul is able to tolerate James enough to change his ways then Bree should be no problem for me,' Leah thought. She saw Bree starting to stir as she cautiously climbed on to the bed behind her carefully trying not to wake her. As Leah wrapped her in her arms, Bree slowly relaxed and shuffled into Leah.

"This feels good," Bree whispered quietly. Leah tightened her grip and they both fell asleep.