
Unexpected Imprint 2

When Leah Clearwater thought she couldn't imprint until she had a run0in with a newborn (Bree Tanner)

JayJ127 · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - Protected

"Oh sorry! Shall I give you both some privacy?" Esme asked, as she turned to walk back.

"No!" Bree blurted and blushed. "It's ok. Did you need me for something?"

"No, just wondered where you were. Now I can see you're safe, I'm happy," Esme smiled. "Would you like something to eat, maybe something to drink?" She asked.

"No, I need to go," Leah got up on her feet, gazed at Bree before running off and phased.

Bree then followed Esme home.

Leah was still adjusting to the fact that she imprinted on Bree, she still had a strange feeling inside of her like there was something else. It felt like there was some other hidden meaning to their connection. She didn't want to bother Sam again, so she went to Jake, as she knew he would be best for advice about a sudden unexpected imprint.

"Jake, could I ask you something?" Leah asked, feeling confused.

"Leah? Yeah sure, what's happened? Why haven't you gone to Sam for help?" Jake asked.

"Well let's just say I feel you will understand more about this situation," Leah stuttered quietly.

"Leah, what is it? What happened?" Jake asked, with a worried quiver in his voice.

"Well, I've kind of imprinted on someone, but not just anyone. A cold one, Bree," Leah explained.

"Hold on Leah, Bree as in Bree Tanner. The newborn that lives with the Cullens?" Jake questioned.

"Yes Jake, how many Bree's do you know?" Leah groaned in frustration.

"Sorry Leah, I just had to make sure. Well, there's not a lot you can do after you've imprinted. You just have to listen to the ancestors and your wolf," Jake explained. Leah knew this already as she had heard this from Sam.

Just as Leah was about to walk away she felt a surge of pain, then she heard Bree's ear-piercing screams. Leah phased and ran off before Jake even had a chance to ask her what was wrong. After she raced off, Jake quickly followed her.

When Leah got to Bree, she froze as she recognised Jane. The Cullens were trying to make her stop. Jane looked up and stopped torturing Bree when her eyes locked on Leah as she shifted back.

"She finally arrives. What took so long?" Jane asked.

"Move away from Bree, you have no business being here, she hasn't done anything wrong, so why are you here?" an annoyed Jake told her.

"I, unlike Aro, do not trust anyone other than who is in the Volturi. Aro would be interested to find out a wolf has imprinted on one of our kind," Jane explained.

"Jake, let me handle this," Leah growled, before he could say anything as she stepped forward. She looked at Bree's frightened expression before shifting again and lunging at Jane catching her off guard and knocking her to the ground. As Bella arrived with Edward, Jane tortured Edward which gave Leah the upper hand. She grabbed Jane around the neck. Her sharp teeth pierced the flesh with a crunch, it cracked and Leah took her head off.

The news soon travelled, and Alec arrived, not waiting for Aro's he released his paralysing vapours. If it wasn't for Aro's arrival, he would have succeeded.

"Not today Alec," Aro told him.

Jasper smiled as he sensed a slight fear in Aro's body language. They didn't engage any further and soon they walked away as they must have known they were at a loss.

"If we keep this up then others might think that we are overpowering the Volturi, won't they?" Bella asked.

"It would appear so, but don't get your hopes too high, Aro will find ways to gain the upperhand again," Carlisle explained.


For weeks Leah felt uncomfortable leaving Bree after that attack. With the help from the pack and Cullens, much to Leah's surprise, she built a small cabin nearby for her and Bree to live in. Despite the reservations she had she felt Bree would feel safer with the Cullens nearby and Leah felt better with the pack close. This was the best of both. They could get to know each other whilst figuring out this connection they had.