
Chapter 17-Alexis

I drove home in the afternoon, Vicky and Sophie driving right behind me, following me home. It was mostly a calm day but I had been, all in all, moody. They picked up on it, called Oliver and set a 'much needed intervention'. Their words not mine.

I parked in the parking lot and Vicky parked right next to me. We all hopped out and made our way, no words exchanged. Until we got to my apartment. Oliver was already inside, living room set, intervention banner hung, wine out, glasses ready and he sat there waiting for us while he filed his nails and hummed.

"Hey." I said, taking my coat off and hanging it. "Oh hi, sweetie." He said waving, before he started filing again. I threw my keys on the key holder and slipped my shoes off, joining him on the couch. Vicky on Sophie shut the door before they joined us too.