
Hi I’m Jess

Hello I am Jess I'm 23 and have moved out of my parents house. I am not in school and I work as a painter. About 1 year ago I started dating my ex. When I started dating him I was happy. But about a month into the relationship he cheated on me so we broke up. But he came back to me begging forgiveness. And stupid my forgave him. The cycle repeated until now. Yesterday I finally broke up with him for good I took all his stuff out of my apartment and threw it away. This morning I woke up nauseous and I threw up. I thought that I had food poisoning so I just called in sick and stayed home. The next day I felt the same so I took work of again, but I was began to get suspicion after having "food poisoning" for a weak. So on Sunday I went to the doctor because I generally thought I had some sort of terrible disease that could kill me. When I was checked the doctor asked if I had been sexually active in the past two weeks. I of course said yes due to breaking up with Dolan, my ex, only a week ago. She came back with a paper and a cup. She said I will have to do a urin test. After the test she let me go home, later that day I got a very important phone call...

To be continued