
Undoing Her Curse

Stephanie Doyle known by some as the Wraith, an avenger of the dead was separated from her family at the young age of ten. Growing up in the Voltz family as a maid, she learned responsibility and at the same time she met Adrian, her friend, master and brother. Escaping from the curse was easy and while fighting it was hellishly difficult, nothing could compare to the thorns of the heart. When love fights itself in the form of an unrequited romance, will Stephanie defeat the gloomy darkness of her past? Or will she be consumed by the omnipresent curse that was present in all humans, the duality of nature. Now, survival is her only intention, fortunately, it's all she ever really learned to do.

Esther_Orsu · Urban
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6 Chs

Opera Show

Stephanie knew that had to be the case. The ticket was to see an Opera show but it was not just any Opera Show, it was one where the elites of the country would all attend and there would be a break between for them to socialize and make business deals or settle conflicts. It was managed by the three top Underworld leaders of the country, in that day they would put down their weapons and come together to enjoy the show and anyone who started a fight in it would have to face them.

Once, someone had tried to scheme with it to kill their enemy but every plan failed and the three crime organizations came down on them without mercy. Stephanie's former family, the Doyle family had always been invited to attend, of course like most of the families there, they never came in contact with those crime kingpins. However, the occasion allowed them to build new allies so it was never missed. She never expected Donna to get one now.

"Jill got this?" Stephanie asked Donna again.

"Yeah, why?" Donna replied without looking away from her computer screen.

"Do you know where from?"

"No, she saw an ad for it and suggested it to me so I asked her to get one ticket because I know you enjoy those things. I can't sit for an hour listening to boring music"

Stephanie contemplated silently for a long time but she still couldn't figure out how Jill had managed to get her hands on this ticket.

"Thanks Donna"

Donna looked up from her computer at Stephanie without a word, she kept her gaze for a few seconds before returning to work but she did not reply.

Stephanie felt awkward now. She had a mother, although her mother was dead and she did not really love her, she still grew up with a mother. Now being with Donna, it was difficult for her to call Donna 'Mom'.

"I'll go" she got up to leave.

"Steph" Donna called from behind and she stopped.

"I'm sorry, it's okay, take as long as you need but I… I just want you to know that I love you. And… I may not be your mother but to me you'll always be my daughter. I don't know what it is you are running from and I can't promise that you are safe here but, I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure that it doesn't get to you in my house. And for that, I will give up everything, as long as you are safe. You must never forget that, never forget to run home"

By the time she finished she was standing behind Stephanie who seemed to have frozen in place.

Turning around abruptly, Stephanie hugged her tightly. Donna gaped as she felt abnormal strength from the twelve year old kid threaten to crush her and split her from the waist. Gritting her teeth she endured the pain and hugged Stephanie back but her eyes had already turned red from it.

Fortunately, the hug only lasted a few seconds before Stephanie turned back around and ran away.


Donna sharply inhaled after Stephanie released her, the pain remained strongly, she felt like crying. If she hadn't seen that Stephanie was crying she would have thought it was intentional. As soon as she tried to walk back, she crumbled to the ground as a sharp pain hit her.

'Fuck!' she screamed. Fortunately the office was soundproof.

Enduring the pain and with great effort she walked back to her seat. Cautiously lifted her shirt. Inhaling sharply she gaped at the sight of her skin, it was bruised badly, red and purple… her feet felt weak because of the restricted circulation and she felt a little cold.

Donna could not believe her eyes, she always knew there was something up with Stephanie but this… this was next level.

At this moment Stephanie ran back cursing all the way.

"Shit shit shit shit"

"Hey hey, it's okay, Stephanie, it's okay I promise" Donna quickly put down her shirt but Stephanie was panicking right now. She ran around the table and forcefully lifted Donna's shirt. As soon as she saw the bad bruise she froze and her left hand moved to cover her mouth, tears falling from her eyes she hurriedly opened her coat and took out a small box from it.

"I didn't… I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry" she muttered.

Donna was very touched by Stephanie's reaction but she could tell that she was being a little too emotional which was unusual for her. Just as Stephanie was about to apply something to her bruise, she caught the latter's hand.

"What are you doing?" she asked calmly but her voice could not hide how much pain she was in.

"Donna stop, you need this right now" Stephanie regained her calm and looked up at Donna seriously. Donna did not know the extent of the damage but she did.

Donna was surprised at the reaction she got and decided to just allow her continue, she watched as Stephanie gently applied the pink balm thing to her skin.

"How did you do that?" she asks curiously. She was starting to feel why Stephanie was so panicked, her vision was blurring and her speech slurred.

Stephanie noticed and quickly took out a piece of candy from her coat, she opened the top and handed it to Donna who took out the candy and ate it with trembling hands as Stephanie returned the paper to her coat.

"It's a stupid thing my father did" Stephanie replied to the question in annoyance, even then she was still crying.

A few minutes later, Stephanie has finished applying the balm and Donna sat back down on her chair, she felt a lot better after eating that horrible candy.

"The healing is superficial, it will be some time before you really heal. I'm sorry, I got agitated and lost control, it won't happen again, I promise"

Donna smiled, shaking her head she slowly got up again and walked towards the sofa. As she sat, she motioned for Stephanie to join her.

Hesitating only for a moment, Stephanie obliged.

"Okay, I won't as too many questions, I just what to know who you are" Donna tried to reduce the tension when she noticed Stephanie's stiff shoulders.

Stephanie stared at Donna seriously taking in the latter's excited expression.

Opening her mouth, she spoke slowly without any of her previous hesitation.

"Stephanie Doyle. From the Doyle family"

Donna's expression remained unchanged. What Stephanie Doyle? She already knew that name, her question was whether or not the name was Stephanie's real name because she did not know of any wealthy or famous family with the name Doyle.

Staring into Stephanie's glowing eyes, she quickly understood that she was being tricked.

"Okay fine, at least tell me why you could do that and what that candy thing is" Donna shook her head in resignation.

A glint of guilt flashed in Stephanie's eyes and this time she did not hide anything.

"It's not a superpower or anything special. Just gene modification and that candy is to hasten healing and it also acts as a pain killer"

"Gene modification?" Donna's eyes widened in shock and sympathy.

Stephanie quickly realized what Donna was thinking and she hurriedly waved her hands as she explained.

"No no, it's nothing like that. I don't even know when it happens, as a baby or a fetus, I have no memory of it and I remember pretty much my whole life since the moment I opened my eyes"

"Like you would know if some evil scientist fed you memories to make you think you remember" Donna raised her left brow.

Stephanie broke into a coughing fit as she hurriedly looked away from Donna.

"Umm, that evil scientist was my father and he was actually the only one who cared about me" she replied in a low tone.

Donna realized her mistake and covered her mouth with her hands as laughter threatened to escape.

"I'm sorry" she apologized.

"It's okay, he wasn't evil but he was definitely crazy, he edited all our genes, didn't save the other though" Stephanie chuckled.

Donna's smile faded instantly.

"Didn't save them?" she asked.

"Oh wow, look at the time, we should be going home now" Stephanie stood, a playful smile on her face as she pretended to check the time on her nonexistent wristwatch.

"Yes, the tiimme" Donna glared at her before getting up too. She found that that could barely feel any pain as she walked back to her desk and resumed working.

"We are not going home?" Stephanie asked in confusion.

"Well I'm already here, and the storm… it's too cold outside" Donna replied sarcastically.

Making a sad face Stephanie walked to the desk and sat in front of Donna. When there was no reaction, she put her elbows on the desk, propping her head in her arms she made a more exaggerated sad face.

Donna looked up at her and a smile graced her face, shaking her head at Stephanie's antics she proceeded to ignore her.

Next Stephanie climbed on the table and sat crossed legged, she was small and didn't take much space. She leaned closer to Donna, her sad expression still on. . . Closer and closer until her body was resting on her knees.

"Fine, fine. Just give me an hour Jesus!" Donna exclaimed and Stephanie instantly jumped down from the desk.

"I'll be with Adrian" she said as she left the office.

"Don't let him touch those wild girls" Donna muttered but Stephanie was already gone and could not hear her.

The receptionists in her office were wild and bold, with clients they behaved but when on their own or with Adrian and Stephanie, they had no restraints. Of course they wouldn't do anything inappropriate but she still worried that they would influence Adrian somehow.

As for Stephanie, she was a stubborn board. She tried to hide it but Donna could see right through her.

It was almost dinner time when they got back to the mansion. Donna's few minutes turned into many hours but at least Adrian was having fun. He talked a lot of nonsense with the receptionists and they entertained him but what he didn't know was that they were laughing at him behind his backs. It was to be expected after all he was a fifteen year old boy trying to show off to well trained receptionists working in a big office.

"What's that?" Stephanie asked Adrian when she noticed him holding something tightly as they entered the house.

"What?" Adrian feigned ignorance and tried to hurry ahead of them but Donna was faster. Reaching out she caught him by the ear and dragged him back.

"Open your hand" she demanded and the boy could only listen if he wanted to be released.

In his palm was a small toy bear and written on its back was a phone number.

"Who gave you this?" Donna gaped.