
Undoing Her Curse

Stephanie Doyle known by some as the Wraith, an avenger of the dead was separated from her family at the young age of ten. Growing up in the Voltz family as a maid, she learned responsibility and at the same time she met Adrian, her friend, master and brother. Escaping from the curse was easy and while fighting it was hellishly difficult, nothing could compare to the thorns of the heart. When love fights itself in the form of an unrequited romance, will Stephanie defeat the gloomy darkness of her past? Or will she be consumed by the omnipresent curse that was present in all humans, the duality of nature. Now, survival is her only intention, fortunately, it's all she ever really learned to do.

Esther_Orsu · Urban
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6 Chs


"Mia, I think my charm worked on her. I didn't even need to say any extra words" Adrian shrugged proudly, theatrically fixing up his clothes.

"Mia gave you this?" Donna's eyes chilled. If it was a girl around his age group she would not have cared but a receptionist from the office… was way older.

"Check the number" Stephanie suddenly commented. She knew the contact numbers of every employee in the office but she did not know that one.

Donna smiled pitifully when she heard Stephanie and whipped out her phone to check the number. She tried sending a text but when she typed in the contract number she realized it was three numbers longer than it should have been. She tried sending a text anyways but…nothing. It was a fake.

Adrian glanced awkwardly between Donna and Stephanie.

"I hate Mia" he uttered snatching back the toy from his Mom. Rubbing the bridge of his nose he looked down awkwardly but when he looked up he saw the two girls were still staring at him sympathetically.

"Will you be okay?" Donna asked. She didn't want this to affect his confident spirit.

"Ah, the duality of human nature" Stephanie shook her head and walked away from them.

"I'm just asking. . . Out of curiosity, do you have her number? . . . Mom?" Adrian coughed and asked after Stephanie left.

Donna's sympathy vanished and she glared coldly at Adrian.

"No Adrian, I don't have the contact numbers of the receptionists" she marched away feeling ridiculous at her previous thoughts. Adrian was sti a blockhead after all.

Stephanie planned to get some chores done but Donna forced her to have dinner with them and sent her to sleep early. Although Donna would not mind her ignoring the order to sleep if she was doing chores instead, Stephanie knew that the woman would feel guilty for it so she obediently went into her room.

As for sleeping though, she had no such plans yet. As soon as she entered the room, she first locked the door and turned on the sleeping light. A dull blue light illuminated the room making sight almost impossible.

Stephanie found a small torch in her pocket which she took with her to the bathroom for a hot shower, when she finished, she got out and with a towel around her waist walked into the dressing wardrobe. Her wardrobe was very neatly arranged with clothes ironed and hung or folded in their places, under the full light everything looked blue and black. Splitting apart the clothes in the hanger, she knocked twice on the back of the wardrobe and the cardboard slid to the left revealing a small door with a passcode on it.

Stephanie opened the code box and there was a sudden flash of green light before the box forcefully closed itself. A moment later, the small door opened. The passcode was a cover, it worked but no combinations of pins would open the door. In fact, using it at all would instantly replace the things behind the door.

Squeezing through, she entered an open space but it was darker than night in here. Visibility was completely zero. At least she could stand.

The small door snapped shut and barely a second after, a dull white light came on and the room slowly became brighter till it was completely lit. It was bigger than one would expect just by looking at the door. It was a large room with weapons and different items neatly arranged on the walls. A table rested in the middle of the room and Stephanie walked up to it. The surface of the table was completely black, like it would absorb anything that was put on it. Placing her hand on the surface, she felt it warm up as it scanned her prints. The black surface flashed green then the sides of the table lit up giving it the appearance of a normal 3D interactive table.

Knocking on it once, a part of the table rose up to reveal a cabinet in which a briefcase rested. Stephanie took it out and opened it up. Taking out the bodysuit from it, she pulled down her towel and changed into it. She returned the briefcase and as the cabinet sank back into the table, she turned around to select a handgun from the array of weapons which she placed on her thigh. Next, she selected a sniper rifle and two knives. The knives went in the armguard of her bodysuit and the rifle she took apart and arranged into a duffle bag which had at some point appeared on the table along with a small stack of cash. Next was gloves, a boot and mask which she wore on her face. The mask flashed and a different face appeared, even her hair looked different.

Lush brows, a perfect small nose, beautiful large eyes and deep brown hair, she looked very beautiful and also a little older than her age. Now she seemed like a young woman in her twenties… with a little height issue and. . . unfortunate flat chest.

With all these she was ready. She got out of the small room and the wardrobe went back to looking normal, as normal as an odd teenage girls wardrobe looked at least. Satisfied, she sat on the bed and whipped up her phone. In an unopened message she found and briefly studied the details of her target, when this was done, she walked to the window, opened it and took a long deep breath. With the duffle bag on her back, phone in hip pocket and a gun hanging from her waist, the twelve year old covered in black jumped out the window. As she fell towards the snow below, the window behind her closed and the snow that had gotten into the room was taken in by the vents.

Unknown to her, in another room of the mansion a figure stood by window, watching as she plummeted below into the freezing, cold white world.