
Underworld’s Jinx

Since the start of Pech’s rather unfortunate life, he was always targeted by bad luck. It was as if bad luck was drawn towards him like a strong magnet. His parents lost their jobs, lost their family, and even their lives. The relatives that knew about Pech’s luck decided to avoid him all together and gave him away to a another unlucky batch of people. The place that took him away was unware of this any took him, but over time it was found out. The people who once made friends with him, now avoided him as if breathing the same air next to him would kill them. Years had passed and Pech had found a family that took him in while knowing about his luck.

Though_that_then · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Layer One

When Pech arrived on the other side of the portal from Limbo to the first layer of the underworld he was greeted by disturbing scenes and ear piercing screams.

" Help Me!" Ahhhhh! " Im Sorry!" " Please Save Me!" "Forgive Me"

The screams of pain made Pech instinctively take a step back.

He looked around at what was the known as the weakest layer of the underworld. He threw up spit and the display in front of him.

He saw a man being spun in circles on a chain that was surrounded by bloody spikes of blood. He was enclosed in a small circular container. Every spike hit every part of his mostly naked body along with his bones. The spikes didn't stay in his body for long because of how quickly they were ripped out and replaced because of the rapid spinning that made him dizzy and caused him a headache.

A women had a baby ripped out of her insides and had it stoved down her throat and the process repeated. Whenever she chewed the the baby she named back on earth, it would be reborn back in her stomach, only for it to be eaten once more.

A man was forced to bathe in itching power and was thrown in pure alcohol. He stratched at his skin until his skin peeled off, which made the inner part of his body burn like fire. Despite the burning pain he keep stratching even when his nails fell of.

A old man was chained up and was beat by every person who's life he ruined during his days as a lawyer. They had bats with nails, knives, barbed wired whips, and knuckle dusters. They let out all of their anger on the person who sent them to this disgusting place. Each hit was laced with the intent to murder.

A teenage boy had insects roaming his entire body. They filled his belly, throat, and nose. They entered and exited from every entrance in his body, His mouth, his ears, the sockets of his eyes, and his rear end.

This was the least gruesome that Pech could see in the seconds he could look.

'This is the first layer." Pech said before he slammed his teeth together as he began to think about what his sister could be going through at the bottom.

He steped foward and began to run across the burned sand ground. Hands that were coated in eternal flames reached out to him for help, he ignored these hands and ran even more. His legs cracked and creaked like old wood, he ignored this a pushed past the pain and fear that swelled in his heart and legs.

Even if he felt scared to his core he would never leave his sister behind even if he was personally thrown in the seventh layer and punished by every device known.

He keep running and finally reached a road that was cut down the middle and lead to only to places. He chose the right road for no reason at all and kept on running.

His throat became sun dry and his body seemed to stutter in steps while he ran. It seemed like his body wanted to fall. His breathing was quick, it was obvious he was out of breathe. Whenever he breathed it felt like fire ants roamed around inside his lungs. He felt like falling and throwing up.

The feeling he felt was halted and a large fist collided with his body like a wrecking ball hitting a wooden house on its last legs. He flew into wind before traveling like tumbleweed blown by a tornado in the west. He slamed into three trees and went through two of them. He crashed into the last tree and felt the hot air in the sky leave his body.

'Painful, why is it so painful' He thought why laying on the ground

Pech didn't know the pain was amplifed depending on the layer. Even the first layer had a pain difference when compared to earth. If you punched once on earth it would feel like a single punch, but if you punched in the first layer it would feel like two punches in the same exact place.

Pech looked up from the ground and saw a smiling demon. This demon looked nothing like what the shows showed you, it looked extremely terrifying. It had large amounts of crow colored fur, crimson red eyes that radiated with eternal hatered, it was tall and looked like hybrid of bigfoot and a goat, its teeth where coated in yellow, black, and red, and it had the facial features of something you would find at the bottom of the ocean.

"Hehehehe" It laughed in a tone that sounded sadistic and angry at everything that existed. It slowly walked over to Pech like a stalker with the desire to get a closer look, it looked a Pech with a expression of joy that seemed to want to see how he would react.

Pech body seemed to be held down and only his neck could move. It looked like his entire body was asleep excluding his head. He moved and moved his head with extreme vigor like a madman. He didn't want to die, he wanted to see his sister no matter what it costed him.

He eyes willed with desire as he lifted his head off the ground and extended his backwards until it couldn't go farther back, it was like extending a rubber band that wouldn't move any more. His neck cracked as he reached the limits a human could pull back their head. Then he slammed his head on the ground with every bit of force he could muster.

A shock was sent into his body like a bolt of lighting that ran through the inside of his body.

The demon stopped and only laughed and jumped at Pach like a police dog.

Pach used his shaky legs to stand up, they felt weak, like they had been stuck by billions of volts of lighting.

He used his least dominant hand a launched his open palm into the mouth of the demon. The demon caught his middle finger and pointer finger and knawed at it.

Pach grinded his teeth in pain and used his entire body weight to throw a punch into the face of the demon.


Was the sound that was heard when the fist hit. He demon slide backwards with force that caused the fingers of Pach to tear off. The skin deformed and blood dripped out. The demon smiled with blood red teeth and charged at Pach.

Pach balled up his fist and punched at the charging demon.