
Underworld’s Jinx

Since the start of Pech’s rather unfortunate life, he was always targeted by bad luck. It was as if bad luck was drawn towards him like a strong magnet. His parents lost their jobs, lost their family, and even their lives. The relatives that knew about Pech’s luck decided to avoid him all together and gave him away to a another unlucky batch of people. The place that took him away was unware of this any took him, but over time it was found out. The people who once made friends with him, now avoided him as if breathing the same air next to him would kill them. Years had passed and Pech had found a family that took him in while knowing about his luck.

Though_that_then · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Truly Limbo

Pech eyes opened to a scene of balls of light wondering the walkway of a large bridge that guided the grey orbs of light to a certain direction. The balls of light seemed to be in a hurry to which Pech followed mainly because it looked as if it was the only place he could enter or exit.

He sliently followed and observed the scenary that was around him

The sky was grey, the bridge was grey, his surrondings seemed like a endless grey never ending area that would forever trap you if you got lost in it.

The air felt like a mixture of hot and cold. It felt like the left side of his body was being hit by burning hot water and the right side was being attacked by blocks of ice.

His area was mostly grey, it seemed like a mixture of black and white or rather Heaven and the underworld. They both were two sides of the same coin, but despite being on the same coin most wished to be in the other place rather than the opposite of that place.

Pech coutinued walking until he arrived at a large gate that seemed it would and could be only be opened by a large giant person.

That large door soon opened and a large giant steped out. He was so large he needed to crouch down to even get through the large door. He was aleast five hundread metres tall, he may have been eight hundred. Pech could not see his head unless he broke his. Pech watched as he steped closer, each step he took felt like the entire limbo was shook.

When he stopped he spoke in a loud voice that could vibrate the a part of earth even while being more than million miles away from it.

"Are…You…The…Human.. Who…Walked…To…The…Entrance...Of…The…Limbo." He said in a voice that was clearly curious and extremely slow like a snake sneaking up on its prey.

Pech yelled out to make sure his voice reached. It took a entire minute for the voice to finally reach him. He began to laugh in a very slow manner

"Ha…Ha…Ha…Ha....Ha..........Ha" he laughed while clapping his hand once. This may have been a clap for him but for Pech it felt like he was trapped inside of a tornado that could blow him away. The giant crouched down his entire body and offered his hand to the teen.

The teen stood on the hand that was as shaky as a human walking on a thin layer of rope over a lake up lava that streached out ten thousand meters. The giant raised Pech to his face and asked

"Human..Why…Are..You..Here? Only…Souls…Or… People…Lady…Death…Herself…Allowed…To…be…Here...Can…Stay…Here…With…There…Physical…Form. Were…You…Allowed…By…Lady…Death…To…Enter…This…Place…As…A…New…Guardian? No…That…Can't…Be…The…Case…You…Are…Entirely…To…Weak…To…Deal…A…Good…Blow…To…Me.

It took more than are entire minute for the giant to speak words to the human who nearly went deaf from the loud voice.

" No I wasn't sent here to be a new guardian. I was sent her to go onwards into the first layer of the underworld"

The Giants eyes slowly opened before he slowly said

"Are…You…A…Fool? Why…Would…One…Wish…To…Dive…Deeper…Into…The…Underworld" The giant asked as he slowly closed his large mouth while awaiting a answer

"Because I have someplace to be, I need to make it their before its to late" Pech said with resolve that formed in his larged fist.

"Very well human, I will send you near the first layer of the underworld" The giant said as he put Pech and the center of his thumb and pointing finger

"Eh, you can speak fa-" Pech could not fully speak as he was ficked away like a coin that was shot by a certain shorts wearing girl.

The wind nearly ripped Pech's face apart. He only hear booms of air as he went towards the location he needed to go. A grey barrier was formed before he crashed into the ground and rolled across the hard surface of the ground. The barrier protected him from any damage he substained from landing on the ground.

He got up from the ground and looked at what was in front of him. He saw a fire colored portal that radiated a feeling of anger, despair, and dread. Next to it stood a Tall smiling man who wore a suit. He walked over to Pech and tidied up his clothing and his hair to perfection.

He bowed perfectly and introduced himself

"I Am the the guardian of the first layer of the underworld my name is Beleth. I will be the last layer guardian you will ever see. The only way to get into the second layer is by completing a trial set by the person who owns said layer or defeating them and obtaining a key and bypassing the trial altogether." He stopped his explanation at a perfect time before perfectly starting it back at a perfect time.

"I believe you are pleased you don't have to fight them all right?"

Pech lightly laughed and said

"Of course, I don't need to waste any time on fights I can avoid, but if i can't avoid it I guess I will have to fight" Pech said without a trace of fear

The fearless words shocked the perfect man and he coutinued to smile before saying

" Is their anything you would like to know before entering?"

Pech thought and formed a few queationa he had

"How many layers of the underworld are there?"

The guardian signed and said

"You entered without knowing"

"No, I was kinda through into hear without any information by a laughing women"

In a unknown place, a group of women began laughing while one women pointed at the screen while laughing and saying

"Hahahahaha, he's talking about me, yours truly" The person said as she slamed her hand on her raised leg.

Back to the gurdian and Pech

"Their are 7 layers"

" How long would it take to reach the second layer from the first layer"

"The entrances to different layers differ. One month it could be in front of you and in the nexf hour it could be more than one hundred thousand miles away. However their are ways to track the entrances, they are often found in stores and could be bought quite cheaply since only luntics buy them or you could find a fortune teller that could tell you where the next one will be and how long it will be there.

Pech closed his eyes and tried to imprint the infomation into his mind. He said his final question

"Is their anything I need to watch out for"

This question called Beleth to smirk before he said

"Devils, Werewolves, Demons, Vampires, Dragons, and most of all humans"

"Why humans"

Beleth laughed before saying

"Because of a human's will to survive they are the most dangerous despite most of the time being weak. However once a human becomes strong they will be unstopable"

Pech nodded and told him to open the portal

Beleth nodded and told him words of advise

"If you decided to fight any layer boss you should find out their weakness. Every strong person has weakness that anger them, saden them, and make them feel helpless. Just exploit this weakness until you obtain what you foolishly decended for." Beleth said as Pech walked into the portal and left Limbo for the first Layer.

"Be careful, Human" Beleth muttered to himself rather than the human under the grey sky.