
Test Run Arc 07 Explanation 01


Matt Gold


Matt POV

I stood there looking at avenger not knowing what to do.

I think she might be mourning over her mother.

After a moment of silence I decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Avenger perked up and looked at me questionably.

"I can tell that the person that had died here was someone who you cared about."

She remained silent.

"I thought over what you said before coming here. If we are going to to survive this then we-"

Before I could finish what I was saying avenger grabbed my throat and lifted me up.

I was choking while avenger was giving me a death glare.

"You know, I really find you very annoying" she said, "Let me make things clear to you, I am not your friend, I don't like you and if I didn't need you I would have left you to die."

She let me go while I was holding my throat.

"I ever since I got here I got confused at why I'm here and how I'm alive. Next I had to fight against that monster which led me to get stabbed by that trident twice. And you don't want to answer any of my questions. You got some nerve asking me questions and expect me to answer you?"

She was getting angry and summoned her black knife.

Oh no.

I didn't want things to escalate any further so I had to act.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly said catching her off guard, "I was wrong and I'm sorry. For bringing you here. For having you fight a dangerous opponent and almost dying. For not considering how you felt about the situation that I forced you into!"

Avenger was silent with her death glare gone.

I feeling tears come out of my eyes, but I continued, "I don't want to die, not again."

She perked up at that, "Not again? What do you mean?"

I took a moment to get my bearings and wipe away my tears.

"…My name is Matt Gold and I was sent here to gain allies and resolve any problems that happen in this AU."

Avenger narrowed her eyes at me.

"I now that you don't believe me, but it's the truth. My… boss sent me here as a test. This is my first mission."

Avenger stayed silent for a moment until she asked.

"Who is your boss and what do you mean by you dying again?"

I sighed and braced myself for what I was going to say.

"My boss is a monster skeleton named Fate Sans and the reason for why I said I don't want to die again, it's because I died, but was brought back to life by him."

Avenger looked very surprised at what I said but I continued.

"He is the one who brought me here and gave me my powers to summon you."

I looked at avengers stunned look as she seemed to contemplate what I said.

I have to put all my cards in the table to salvage this situation. I don't want her to kill me or torture me.

"…As much as I want to ask more about you and your boss. There are more important things that we need to discuss."

I let out a sigh of relief but she wasn't done speaking.

"While I'm debating on whether or not what you say is true. I can see that you are being truthful with me, but also."

She dispelled her black knife.

"I also don't want to die."

After she said that I knew that she wasn't going to hurt me and was going to cooperate.

So I decided to take the annotative.

"You asked me back then what you are."

She gave me a questioning look at what I said.

"I will give you a full in depth explanation."

I gathered my my thoughts to tell her about heroic spirits.

"There is a place called the thrown of heroes, a place that exists out of space and time, it documents historical figures or individuals in history and transforms them into heroic spirits. The thrown selects the historical figure or individual and makes a copy of them to send out. The copy made adopts the personality and abilities of the person that they were copied from."

Avenger had a look of interest at what I was saying.

"These heroic spirits then turn into servants-".

"Servants?" Said Avenger giving me a glare.

I held up my hands,"Hey I'm not the one who came up with the idea! I just know that when a heroic spirit is summoned from the thrown they become a servant or a high tier magic familiar."

After that I continued, "Anyway when a heroic spirit is summoned they are normally summoned under one of the 7 classes."

After I said that Avenger looked like she was starting to remember something.

"…classes… I think I know what you are talking about. My class is Avenger…what is that class?"

I hesitated for a moment before I answered her.

"Avenger is a class founded on vengeance, born from powerful resentment that does not fade even after death".

Avenger had a complicated and disturbed look on her face.

I still can't tell if she was a victim or if she was the cause of a great catastrophe that led to her death.

But aside from that I continued, "The 7 main classes are Saber which is a jack-of-all-trades warrior, agile and powerful in close quarters and extremely adept at swordsmanship."

I then looked at her.

"If you weren't summoned as an avenger you would have most likely been summoned in the saber class category due to using those knives of yours."

I remember her battle against that skeleton monster. The way she fought and dodged any attack that was thrown her way. I'm very certain that if she wasn't summoned as an avenger she would have been summoned as a saber.

"Next class is the Archer class which are excellent scouts that excel in possessing powerful Noble Phantasms. Masters of long ranged warfare. Now don't let the class name fool you, while most heroic spirits that are summoned in this class have bows there are those that use projectiles."

I thought back to the monster skeleton that attacked us. How he summoned those skull beasts and blasted at avenger. If that monster was summoned as a servant he would most likely be in the archer class.

"The third class is the Lancer class are those gifted with extreme agility and proficient in hit-and-run tactics as well as ranged melee weapons such as spears and lances."

The monster skeleton could also be summoned in the lancer class because of that red trident that he used. But for some reason I doubt that.

"The fourth class is the Rider class are experts of the mount able to tame any beast, be it mythical or mechanical. This means those who ride on beasts, boats or mounts."

And once again my thoughts went back to that monster skeleton. Those skull beasts that he summons could have him be counted as a rider class. Man that monster skeleton seems to fit a lot of classes.

"The fifth class is the Caster class which are those adept in magic, being one of the few able to use magic to the highest caliber."

I'm a little iffy on whether or not avenger or that skeleton monster would perfectly fit this class.

"The 6th class is the Assassin class which are individuals that are extremely skilled at covert, stealthy, and silent operations. They are silent killer and widely seen as the weakest class due to their low stats."

At the moment I haven't met someone yet that would meet the conditions for this class. Maybe later on I will.

"And last but not least the Berserker class crazed warriors that have lost almost all traces of their sanity in exchange for great power. They can deal a lot of damage but have poor defenses."

Avenger came to mind remembering when I used my command seals to have her release her noble phantasm. She was covered by a black substance all over her body and she seemed to go berserk in my eyes. I don't know if in her past life she fell into a shift of madness. Aside from that this was only just speculation.

"And that is all of the 7 main classes that most heroic spirits will be summoned as."

I saw that Avenger had an interested look at what I said. I'm explaining this in full detail to help her understand servants and classes.

I can imagine it now. In the future I will summon a lot of servants. So many like Chaldea from Fate Grand Order.

I put these thoughts aside as right now I'm starting out small.

"Next are the Extra classes, these classes exist outside of the main seven classes. The first one is the Ruler class which are virtuous warriors and saints who act as mediators for the holy grail war."

Avenger raised an eyebrow at that, "Holy grail war?"

"The holy grail is an artifact that can grant you any wish."

"And by 'Holy Grail War' I assume that there was a war over this artifact?"

I nodded, "Yes, Im going to give you a brief summary about the holy grail war. You see three magic families came together to create their own holy grail, but while they succeeded in creating it they needed a large amount of magic to use it. And so they decided to summon heroic spirits from the thrown of heroes. They created the summoning system and command spells to take control over their servants. But that brought up another problem which was that only a select few people can summon servants. So they decided to invite outside individuals that would fill up the roosters. They created an event that would be known as the Holy Grail war."

"That was a very long summary" said avenger.

"It's the short version" I stated, "Trust me you don't want to hear the long version."

"Anyway the ruler class was created to be a mediator for the war staying neutral and making sure that everyone follows the rules, along with some special abilities."

"What special abilities?" asked Avenger.

"The ruler class allows the servant to decipher other servants names, history and abilities. They also have a large amount of command seals to control servants that don't follow the rule or eliminate them."

Avenger scowled, "Those command seals again? I really don't like does things."

'Ya, I figured due to your reaction' I thought remembering her hating the command seals, which I really don't want to remember.

"After that we have the Avenger class, but I already explained that class. The class after that is the Alter Ego class which leads the servants alternate aspects and personalities split from their originals. Instead of being proper Heroic Spirits, they're personifications of emotions, wishes and various aspects that belong to others. I don't really know about the class that much so that's all that I know."

The Alter Ego class was a class that I didn't really know about. Nor do I have any interest in it.

Avenger looked very confused at the description that I gave her about the Alter Ego class.

"The last class is the Shielder class. One-of-a-kind warrior boasting near impregnable defense. Pretty much someone with high defense."

Moon Cancer, Foreigner and Pretender classes might not be here, but I could be wrong.

After my explanation we both sat down on the ground.

Avenger looked like she was thinking about all the information that I told her.

I would wait patiently because we were making real progress. I hope that she will be more open on giving me information.

After a while she nodded to herself and looked at me.

"Thank you for the information, but what I really want to know is what your abilities are?"

I sighed at that.

This was going be a long day.

End chapter