
Killer Sans Class:Assassin (Info)

Servant Profile: Killer Sans was once a normal classic Sans before his change. In one of the genocide routes Chara offered a deal to Sans, for them to be partners and for him to join in the genocide routes. Vulnerable and desperate Sans accepted the deal. He killed everyone in the underground even his brother. After killing his brother Hate consumed him and he became killer Sans. Once he was done with his genocide route he killed Chara and took her knife as a trophy. It is unknown when or how he met Nightmare, but he would then meet Horror Sans and Dust Sans. The 3 of them would form a team that would be feared across the Underverse, the 'Murder Time Trio'.

Hate (C+)

Increase Hate magic by 30% for 1 turn. Decrease one enemy's Hate resistance by 20%.

A Silent Killer (B+)

Apply evade for 1 turn. Gain sure hit for 3 turns.

Megalomaniac (C+)

Increase Determination magic by 20% for 3 turns. Apply 1 guts for 5 turns.