
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


"Yiu can call me Franklin. Tell me what are you looking for behind the window?"

"Why are you so interested in what I am looking for behind the window? If I am looking for something."

"I told you you are smart. Because I want to know why you are here. It is written in your data that you refuse to meet your family, your relatives, your friends, why?"

"Isn't it easier not to love and not to care for others? Because if you care a lot you get hurt, it hurts. It hurts you, it hurts them. Isn't it easier when you feel nothing?"

"Oh, but you feel, and this is the problem huh? Let's say I had a very friendly meeting with your family. Oh that concern in the eyes, you are wondering why, you are wondering if they are okay, if they are worried about you. Do not worry, they do not remember that meeting. And if it calms you down at all they do not remember having their daughter locked up in a psychiatric hospital. Didn't you like that? Didn't you want them not to get hurt?"

"And how did you do it, you erased their memory?" I laughed ironically.

"Exactly. With magic. Do you believe in magic?"

"You are playing with me like any psychiatrist with his patient."I turned my head to the side.

"I do not have patience, to play with someones mind is something that does not work for me."

"Then why did you choose this profession?"

"For a reason that you will find out very soon."

He winked at me with a laugh. Noises were heard from outside the office door.

"What is happening?"

"Oh that means he's here. He always comes with noise." He laughed as if something normal was happening.

"Who?"We both turned our eyes to the door which was opened forcefully, the lock was torn.

It was a strong energy, I could feel the energy as a form of body heat even at that distance. It was weird, my eyes slammed into a brown on green pair of eyes. They were eyes that I did not understand, for one second they showed longing, in the next second they repented and in the next second they ignored me.

His gaze was directed at Franklin, I followed his gaze as I saw Franklin then again at the stranger dressed in black.

"What did I tell you !?" He shouted with clenched jaw.

His voice, I do not know why he seemed so familiar.

"Finally Gide, I was waiting for you."

"It's Gideon for you."

"Ah yes, Gide is only someone allowed to call you. Uh, I forgot that you both do not know each other. Miss Tara, he is Gideon."

He introduced us with a laugh, as if he knew he was coming. We looked into each other's eyes again, the feeling was strange. Then he ignored me again, it seemed like he was angry at me. He didn't even know me. Why should he be angry, then why should I care, I was learned not to be liked by others because I was different from how they wanted me to be.

"Enough with this stupidity, I told you not to intervene!" He talked again with a serious tone.

"We need her Gideon. If you don't do it, I must do it. It was the only way I could force you to come."

"You and your tactics." He pointed his finger at me looking at Franklin.

I reacted instinctively by getting up and grabbing his finger lightly as I walked in front of him: -"You are talking as if I was not here, unfortunately I am here and listened to everything." His gaze changed again, he pulled his finger away from me.

"What the hell is going on here? Who are you and how do you know me?" I raised my voice looking at them.


"Explain to her! Just the part you need to." Gideon sighed as he stepped out the door.

"Is he always like this?"

"Let's say that it turned out that way, wasn't it you who said that caring for and loving others it hurts you?"

"Whatever , what should you explain to me?"

"Well Tara, tell me doesn't it seem a little strange that there are things that don't make sense in this reality you know? Doesn't it seem to you that there is something more that not everyone can understand or feel?"

"What do you mean? Can you not blurt out the words and tell me what that weird guy meant? What relation do I have with him, with you, whatever it is?"

"I'm trying to tell you in a way so you do not get shocked, but if you want the bomb to explode in your hands okay then, Tara Butlo."

I saw him with impatience and at the same time confused eyes waiting for an another Tara to be unfold in front of me, another reality, a world which I was supposed to not believe. But strangely enough, I believed, and believed more in escaping, that I had a reason to hope that something more life-giving would change my reality up to that point.

"Great. I'm starting then. Let's say we know each other and you do not remember us because your memories have been erased. There is another kind of reality that people with special abilities can see, people like me, like you, like Gideon.

"Like me?"

"Yes Tara, because you have discovered within yourself the skills and power needed to save and destroy life."

" I have no ability or power. I'm not well, I must be crazy so I'm here and I'm letting you tell me tales."

"You will understand that they are not fairy tales after we restore your memory, but that we can't do it now because there is someone who hinders us."

"What do you mean?"

"When he has erased your memory, he has placed a protective spell on you, that only the person you love can break that spell."

"How ? With a kiss? This is bullshit."

"No, only he knows how."

"Who is he? What if there is someone who does not have these skills you say?"

"The one that has erased your memory."