
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

21. It's a big fat "NO" from me

"Bzzz, Your time run out! It's a big fat NO from me!" It was Gide's voice, he entered the room pushing the door open, imitating the buzzer button.

"Were you eavesdroping young warlock?" Piter Hoods asked him already knowing the answer.

" Well I am not that young, I'm immortal. You forget who I am fake doctor. I don't need to stand behind the door to listen to your bullshit."

Gideon was talking with a smirk on his face. This is the Gideon I knew, the one who entered through my window in my bedroom. The bad boy, he who jokes around and this serious guy ignoring me through all the trip.

"It is her decision Gideon! She accepted once, maybe this time is definitive." The old man responded again, these time looking me in the eye.

"So you do know my name. Yes that's me Gideon! And all those terrible things you have heard for me, are true. Franklin may have tortured you physically, but I am way worse than him. I can enter in your head without even touching you filthy man! "

Gideon became serious this time, his eyes darkened and smoke came from his ears. But his face softened when the old man spoke again mentioning me.

"Are you really gonna do that in front of her? We all know your reputation the last years but Iden doesn't remember you like a monster. She doesn't know the monster you have became in her absence. "

" I am not Iden! Stop calling me that! " I intervened raising my voice.

They both looked at me, Gide was anxious while the old man had a smirk on his face.

" You know what, I don't like you old man. This is your super power? Talking? Oratory? What kind of doctor are you anyway? The doctor of the oratory or manipulation? Because none of them is working with me. Do whatever you have to do with him Gide, I am out of here. "

I left them alone going outside. As soon as I stepped outside the old man's screams were heard. I felt bad, this wasn't me. I knew I disliked that old man, but I.. I didn't want to cause him pain. As if reading my mind or knowing me well Franklin came near me.

" Are you alright? "

" Yes, no. I don't know. "

" He is not a good man Id.. , sorry, Tara. He caused you and many others so much damage."

" Yet I feel bad for hearing his screams. "

" It's ok, Gideon is gonna hurt him enough to get the information we need. "

" Is it true what he says , that you don't know any solution, you're trying to get it from him? "

" Unfortunately yes. My plan was to get the solution from Hannel, but he managed to escape when you fainted. All of Gide's attention was on you while they were fighting. The good thing is that man inside knows too, and we have to try everything to get it from him. "

" I understand. Can I do something to help you?"

" For the moment wait for Gideon. He must be furious when he gets out of there. That man talks a lot when it shouldn't."

" You want me to calm him down. " I smiled lowering my eyes.

" I think you are the only one who can do that." He smiled touching my shoulder.

I was trying to not hear the screams of the old man. I was walking back and forth when Aurea approached me.

"Frenklin is right, you are the only one who can calm him down. You can cool him down, while I can only add fuel to the fire. But when he is in fire it becomes really steamy between the two of us. " She smiled devilishly as I widened my eyes .

" What?! What do you mean?"

"Oh common are you that innocent? I doubt so. You haven't been for a long time in his life and now you come back taking the place as his lover. I was the one he lit fires with, I was the one he kissed, I was the one he touched, he made love to! I , I , me Aurea, not you! "

She raised her voice angry at me. I tried to be as calm as I could.

" What do you want from me Aurea? "

" Stay away from him! He is mine! " She responded with clenched teeth.

" If he is yours why is he running after me? You can't consider him yours this has to be mutual."