
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

16. You abandoned me

"I know, you will ask why. Because you were not ready for this trip. I did not want to put you up in all this..."

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted me to regain those damn skills? Why did you erase my memory?"

"Because I did not want you to depend on me, when I was not there tomorrow you could not live without me."

"To depend on you? I love you, damn it! I loved you so much that I did not want to be without you. Maybe, yes my love was selfish, to love you for myself, to want you to stay with me. But this does not mean that I depended on your presence, I survive very well even without you. You are a coward when it comes to love."

"You don't know how difficult it was to see you, without being able to touch you, without being able to kiss you, without being able to tell you how beautiful you are. You are my beauty, you are mine. Withoutbeing able to say that you are mine."

"I do not belong to anyone."

"You belong to me!"

"I do not belong to you!"

"You belong to me."

"You abandoned me."

"I did not want you to go through all this, to be kidnapped, to be in that laboratory. To meet Franklin and the others again." He spoke in half, clenching his teeth.

"It would be better to remember so I would know the truth when I was kidnapped than to doubt that I was his girlfriend! As for Franklin, your father and the rest of the group, how is it possible that they are alive and remember everything, are they not mortal? Or has everything been a lie?"

"A portal has been opened, where many people with supernatural abilities, Franklin and others, members of the group, are crossing the veil that divides the dimensions. Also others with bad intentions like Hannel and Peter Hood that you already met. As well as Step the one who pretended to be your friend."

"When do you say bad intentions, what do you mean?"

"Eternity. They want to become immortal. To live and destroy the world with their way of ruling. Things are messed up, Franklin thinks he has found a way to fix things, to stop them. So we need you too, he has found a way to restore your skills. No worries we will teach you how to use them, you will be as much brave as in the past life."

"So you need me? So you need me Gideon! I do not know you anymore, you are so cold and ruthless that I do not know if Tara's Gide is further inside the new Gideon. Tell me, is it worth it for me to at least try, since you are not doing it and I do not believe you intend to do it? Is it worth it to feed myself with love for you?"

"This does not work .. between us .." He spoke in half looking at the air with his jaw clenched.

"Six months! Six damn months listening to your tales! I do not know if I fell in love with you or the man in your tales. Or it must have been because you needed me."

"I tried to leave, made you forget me, not to get involved!" He raised his voice too.

"And I ended up in psychiatry because of you." I laughed ironically.

"I stood behind you like a shadow, without you knowing."

"I knew that Gideon. Somehow I knew it because I felt your presence. I felt observed. Didn't your father tell you that? I do not even understand why you call him by his name?"

"Because we do not have a good relationship as father and son. It is complicated."

Franklin's voice interrupted us while coming towards us.

"Because he did not want to involve you when he did not know the end of this journey and did not want to endanger you. But this son of mine is crazy about you and not a second is separated from you." He continued laughing.

"Well this son of yours does not know that the feelings that someone experiences are very difficult to forget, they are deeply rooted in the soul."