
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

11. The necklace

"Aaaaa" I held my throat with my hand.

"We have not started yet !"

The doctor speaks again and I hear the same voice. I get up from the chair holding my throat with my hands until I fall on my knees coughing. I felt like I had a big needle in my throat.

No one approached, Hanel did not approach. I looked up at Step who was looking scared.

"You are his nephew." I pointed to the doctor. "You have been pretending all that time as my friend! Why?!" I lowered my voice at the last question and lowered my head coughing worse.

"I'm sorry. It was my chance to prove that I am worthy to be the descendant of our family. You were crazy anyway, there was no danger for us as long as you did not remember, but your guard should have come to watch you."

"Step!" Hanel interrupted by grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

What was happening, the one I knew as reality was collapsing. Who to trust.

Hanel leaned towards me.

"Do not approach me, do not touch me" I spoke as loudly as I could.I felt like my throat was torn.

"Tara listen to me"

"I do not want to hear you! You do not love me! You are not who you say you are!"

"Okay it didn't go right because of this parrot that sings too much! He looked at Step angrily. But you can not say I do not love you. If I had not loved you, you would not be here. You do not remember my Tara, but I offered you eternity with me. You will always stay strong, you will be able to do whatever you want with your powers, because you have been very strong, one of the people with the most extraordinary powers. But you stubbornly did not accept, you did not love power, eternity, wealth, power! Love, love. And I offered you love too, but you did not love my love, you loved his love."

"Whose ?"

"The one who told you that he is dead and is playing games with you! You exchanged the eternity of power for him, and where is he now? Where has he been all this time ? He abandoned you, has made you a nothing without memory without knowing who you are. But I continue to be nice to you. Let me give you a second chance to help you regain your strength and join us."

"Eternity ?! Do you know how many times I wanted to kill myself, how many times I tried to do it and you talk to me about eternity? I do not want eternity! If I did not accept then that I had a reason to live I will not do it now. I can not remove any pimples that appear on my face, you tell me that I have the power to bring someone from death?"

I received no response, a loud bang was heard, and a commotion broke out inside as Franklin and the others entered. Merida came to me helping me get up. Gideon had placed a stick that shone blue on Hanel's throat and pulled the necklace from his neck.

"This is mine! Do not dare to try to take things that belong to me!"

The necklace belonged to Gideon, but it was so familiar. Everything was rolling around me until it turned orange, reddish and then black. I only remember Merida calling out my name and Gideon running towards me.

I woke up haunted, my eyes burning and I could barely breathe. I felt my face wet with tears. I was tired, angry, irritated. I felt more than ever that I did not belong there, I did not belong anywhere. There in the room where I was at the clinic I could not sleep at night, I was scared, I prayed to have someone close to stay until I fell asleep but I was very proud to tell any of the nurses. Once again I found myself so bad that my pride fell to the ground as I asked one of the nurses to stay but she could not, of course she could not. I was one of those night sparrows forgotten on any tree branch. I waited for him, I felt he was watching me but I did not have him to hug me until I fell asleep. I spoke to him, I told him what my problem was but nothing. I was furious but tired, and what did I have in my hand? Nothing. He too had forgotten me, he too would not love me again, if he had ever loved me. When I woke up I was in the arms of Gideon who was stroking my head and removing the hairs from my face. Was he worried about me?

I knew I had to have red eyes burning with tears and a red nose as well, pulling my nose I turned my head looking him in the eye and finding my voice I asked:

"Who am I?".

Gideon turned his gaze away from me and said something through his teeth, more like swearing. And I did not take my eyes off him ignoring all the others who were watching us. Then he looked me in the eye again, surrendered, pursed his lips as if to say 'I'm sorry, I can not say it.' I remembered, my eyes were heavy and burning, I closed them and there I forgot until I fell asleep. There in the arms of a stranger with the scent that strangely calmed me.

My eyes were heavy and I could not open them but I could hear whispers, they were talking in a low voice. I understood from the voices that were Franklin and Gideon, I remembered what Hanel said that he was his son.

"We should not have brought her here, she is not ready! " Gideon shouted in a low voice.

"She is ready."

"Don't you see that she is suffering? She is not feeling well."

"It will be fine. Before us she was suffering too, she was lost."

"I can not bear to see her in this condition."

"I know son I know, but you have been patient all this time, have a little patience now."

"When she remembers she will know everything and wont forgive me."

"When there is love there is also forgiveness, and you know that she is full of love only she doesn't know it yet. She radiates love and you more than anyone should notice it, because .."

"We found something in the lab that you should look at." A female voice intervened, it was Merida.

"You stay here, I will go."

Footsteps were heard as they left and I closed my eyes as if I was still asleep. I was the only one there and as far as I understood Gideon too. Trying not to wake me up, he moved slowly, I felt his breath on my face and he was moving a few hairs that had fallen on my face. I kept my eyes closed until I fell asleep again, and when I opened my eyes I saw that Gideon was lying in front of me, the palm of my hand was below his cheek. He seemed to be asleep, I did not move my hand not to wake him up. I was watching him as he slept, my hand that had touched him felt like exchanging electricity, I felt the spark from the touch of his skin. I raised my other hand and suspiciously tried to touch his face, after the first attempt I touched with my index finger his face, it burned wherever I touched him.