
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

10. Who is the liar?

I did not know what to say or what to believe, whom to trust. Hanel did not welcome me like a boyfriend I missed and he has been searching for me for a long time, he finally found me and there was no outburst of emotion, I could not have had a relationship enough to be called a relationship.

I would never have accepted a relationship that did not give me emotion and chemistry. If I had been in his place I would have hugged him tightly and probably cried when I found him again. Or maybe he did not want to embarrass me.

"I will leave you for a few minutes, I will just send someone to take you for dinner, you must be hungry."

He kissed me on the forehead and I felt nothing, he touched my shoulder and I felt nothing. He left the room and I didn't miss him. Apparently I would still have to wait to find out the truth.

A few minutes later someone accompanied me down to a table full of food. Sitting around the table stood Hannel, a weird person in white overcoat and thick mustaches, and someone I knew and remembered very well, Step. I ran towards him relieved as he got up from the table.

"Step!" We hugged tightly until Hannel coughed.

"I thought if I brought one of your friends now you would feel more comfortable."

Step was my best friend. He belonged to the world I knew before I locked myself in that mad house.

He too looked excited to meet me but looked scared.

"Hanel as if you said you did not know where I was, how do you know that Step is my friend?"

"After I found out you were back I did my research Tara. While this is Peter Hood. Peter will help you to recall some things as a start. We have a lab downstairs where Peter will accompany you when you feel ready."

Hannel spoke sweetly to me.

I was surprised that Step was not talking, not asking what was going on, had a strained smile on his face and looked scared.

"I would like to have a few minutes alone with Step?"

I turned to Hannel who stood static then smiled at once.

"Just don't make me very jealous."

"Oh do not worry, Step isn't into women!" I said without turning my head by pulling Step by the arm to the room where I woke up.

"I am into women. Are you crazy?"Revolted Step on the way to the room, after pushing the door from inside I turned to him.

"Now talk, how did you get here, why are you scared and do not question what is happening?I know you very well, I know what a talker you are. We do not have much time, what happened?"

"I do not know I was on the way home only when I woke up in the lab downstairs. They told me they know you, that you are very important to that guy, Hannel."

"Something is wrong . I have to find Franklin. I have to make him find me."

"You have always had someone watch you who you did not see but you felt his presence, maybe he will help you, do feel his presence?

"No, not here. When I was in the room with Hanel, it can't be Hanel I felt too far away."

" How far away? "

There was a knock on the door and Hanel came in smiling.

"Sorry for the interruption but you have to go to bed it is late."

I couldn't sleep, I wanted to remember. The only thing I remembered was a fragment with the sun-shaped necklace that was already on Hanel's neck.

"Step , Theo will accompany you to another room, Tara you can sleep here."

Step followed someone, as Hannel was coming out the door I stopped him.



"How long have we been together?"

"What do you mean?"

"How long have we been in a relationship?"

"For a long time."

"How exactly?"

"We will talk tomorrow. You need to sleep now!"

He went out without waiting for me to answer or tell him good night. I locked the door from the inside and lay down on the bed.

My limbs were tired. What to believe? Who to trust? I could not remember who I was. I could not separate good from evil. Did I really love a man like Hannel or did I expect a little more, even a lie to get caught up in my unbridled fantasy.

My eyelids were heavy, I woke up to the sound of knocks on the door and to my name being heard in the background like a broken disk that had stalled.

-Tara! Taraaa! Open the door, are you awake? Persevered impatiently Hanel. I walked lazily towards the door with my eyes half closed.

-"Finally sleepy bunny. Wear these as I wait for you here I will accompany you somewhere. He handed me some clothes, I had days with my clothes on. After I changed I opened the door and followed him silently all the way.

-You are very silent today. If I did not know you, I would say that you are not curious at all.

-I'm not a morning bird, I'm sleepy.

He turned his head looked at me laughing then continued on his way.

-We arrived! I introduce you to our lab.

He raised his enthusiastic voice. You remember Dr. Peter Hood I believe. Come on dear Tara, do not be afraid to sit here. He grabbed my arm lightly as he accompanied me to sit near a chair. I had a tired body I just wanted sleep. Behind me stood the doctor, in front of me Hanel and Step who stood silent which was strange.

"Now we will inject something in your neck, you wont feel it at all." The doctor spoke and for a moment I had a vision. I sat somewhere in a chair, I hear some people come in, I pretend to be asleep, pretend to be unconscious and not listen. They are the same words the doctor said, the same voice, vague faces. I feel a big needle stuck in my throat and left there. I try not to react, it hurts a lot. Then I seek someone, a doctor. Revolted I enter the room, Step is the frightened nurse. I knock things down, I ask, I ask. "He is the nephew, but he is incompetent, he came in to replace him," says someone else. Step stays next to the wall with his knees to his head.