
Chapter 17: His Family

My relationship with his mother and sister was fine, add up to the fact that I was they're so called "Benefactor" when I showed paintings towards his grandfather, Mr. Norman Cohen or known as Grandpa Cong, his Chinese name.

The Cohen family was from the descendants of one of the most powerful and aristocratic family of military men in china. Due to the falling out of the kingdom, several countries tried to conquer them and thus, they fled the country to save their still existing family members.

"What did you prepare for Grandpa Cong?" I ask Nolan when I prepared our breakfast for today.

"His favorite painting"

His word shock me but when he answered me, it almost brought me to tears. I don't know why he's doing it now, I am still so very much afraid of his kindness and was still not used to it, but I know I would cherish it.

"It was some decades old....can it be really restored?" I ask, not believing that the painting that Grandpa Cong cherishes in his life would be restored. I am a painter myself and know how hard the process would be when it comes to restoring a painting, what more a decades old painting.

"I've contacted the shop way before grandfather's birthday" then he stop eating and look at me straight into my eyes. "Why are you still asking questions? Still not eating?" His brows were raised up.

"Oh! I....uh forgot....sorry for that" I smiled sheepishly at him while eating away the food I had prepared.

Sweetness overfilled my body, eyes twinkling like the stars as I devoured the food I prepared with a smile.

I know that his kindness was only temporary, so then, I would do my best to prolong and cherish every moment with him.


At the villa...

"Grandpa Cong!" I said with a bright smile on my face.

"My sweet, sweet daughter! How are you my angel? Did Nolan bully you? Tell me and I would beat that grandson of mine!" Then he added it with a boisterous laugh while he held my hands in glee.

"Grandpa! Brother always bully her!" Iris added while she glared at her brother whose face was already scrunch up like a crumpled paper.

"Dad, how could you say that to your grandson?" Father in law, Albert, shakes his head while he gave a squeeze on Nolan's shoulder.

"Hmph! He is a lucky man to have my dearest angel Eiri to be his wife! He should treasure her well and love her from the bottom of his heart! If not I would really ought to be-"

"Okay grandpa, your pressure would get high. I think it's the time for your medicine too" Nolan said in a dead panned voice which made me giggle for a second.

"This stupid grandson of mine! How could you cut me off like that! Just wish I have-"

Grandfather Cong was now gone when he was pulled by his son, daughter in law and his granddaughter. I can still hear his shouts and words that threaten the safety and health of his grandson in which Noel didn't even consider hearing.

"That old man must be healthy. To shout so loud like this, and to even threaten me, Hah!" His words were sharp yet his eyes tell a different story.

"You must really love Grandfather Cong"

My words must have shocked him, so when my eyes met him, I beam a large smile at him in which he just ignore. It hurt me for a bit but I cheered up, not all relationships end well.

I'm just a lucky woman who got a husband whose family loves me like I am their real daughter.

"I have to go to my dad, just go to mom or annoy Iris" He said while he fasten his walk.

I nodded, not noticing the slight redness in his ears which emerge after I gave him a smile.

As I walk aimlessly, I turn around a corner when I spot an empty room. Looking at my left and right, I opened the door and went inside.

The sight in front of me was....

Thank you so much for the review whoever you are!!!! Thank you, really! Anyway, practice for our graduation march is happening this following week and my thesis is still not signed.

It's so frustrating yet all I could do was to wait. So anyway, here's the chapter. Hope you like it!!

Alex0024creators' thoughts