
Chapter 16: Spending a day with you

I was finally leaving the company when a sudden black Bugatti car parked in front of me. I was suddenly intrigued but I didn't dwell into it and walk away.


My foot stopped the moment I heard his voice, turning back, my gaze met his usual cold ones.

"Come here" As usual, his commanding voice leave no more room for discussion.

"What....Uhh....you...what i--is it?" My tongue were tangled up and all I could do was to ask in a jumbled words.

All I could do was to smile awkwardly with my messed up self.

Why though? He was dressed in a casual outfit with his hair swept up nicely and is cleanly shaved. Tailored dark grey coat paired with a white shirt and some white high top sneakers, he looks like a model in a causal outfit.

He was too handsome.

"Done staring?"

His words made me flush all the way from my neck, thankfully I added a dark scarf on my neck. I smiled at him awkwardly as I open the car and went inside.

"So.....uh.....I thought I'll wait at....uhh....home?" I ask warily as I watch him turned the ignition.

He stopped for a second and I swear I caught a shade of red on his ears but he immediately drive the car I was suddenly flying on my seat. My head made contact with his car and made a small noise which alerted him.

"What happened?" His face considerably darken and I was left astounded again by his emotions.

"Nothing.....I haven't put my seat belt on so I--Nolan!" My tone raised when I felt his hands on my waist as he fumbles around my seat belt. His hands were grazing my body and I was soon dyed red due to embarrassment.

His hands finally left my waist which was bursting with butterflies earlier and immediately drove towards the mall.

Walking along the mall, I itch to hold his hands but I couldn't. It was fine this way anyway. Like the old days, I was in his back as I gaze far away from him. Hours had passed but with not even a single bag lays in our hands because we haven't even buy a single thing.

Seems like we need to move away and I was relieved by that. Countless of women were gawking at him and I was feeling all uncomfortable. They're eyes were zeroed on us and I was severely scrutinized by them which is just awful.

"Nolan.....Maybe.....maybe we shouldn't be with each other....I mean....we didn't even buy a single thing. So I think we should separate and look for other stores?" My tone gradually weaken when I felt his piercing eyes narrowing on me.

I felt uncomfortable from his stares and what's more, we were outside of the mall where every one could see us.

"We will find something. I have something in my mind now" He spat those words and held my hands now as we swerve around the corner and walk for half a minute or less.

Grandies Antique Shop.

I look at him but he just tug me and we were finally inside. The shop smelled of old book and a hint of an incense onto it. Various styles of things were placed and there hung several paintings.

"Welcome Mr. Cohen!" An old man with a steady back and friendly smile greeted us.

"Mr. Choi, how's the preparation going?"

"We were just polishing it and I believe in just a few hours, it will be good as new!" He said with an excited tone which made me even more curious.

Why would Noel ask me to go with him to buy present for grandfather's birthday when he had already prepared one?

After he finished asking questions related to something he would give grandpa, we went out to grab for food.

I wasn't really hungry as well as he so we settled for some shake. The cold air blew on me as I unconsciously shiver from the cold due to the wind as well as the shake I'm eating.

"Why did you ask me to go with you today? You.....already prepared a gift for grandpa.....right?" I ask hesitantly as I watch him from my side.

"Just because"

His vague answers lead to many ideas sprouting in my head but one thing's for sure, he is not angry at me.

Not for the mean time.

So sorry for not updating!!! I was busy due to my thesis and yep....still not done over it. My money is already thinning and I don't want it to thin more than now.

Thank you for your understanding!!!

Alex0024creators' thoughts