

I woke up feeling like the heavens favor child. I glance over to see her already out the bed which was no surprised. She probably couldn't get whatever she was thinking about out her head. Most Grandmaster wouldn't even bother showing their lovers attention if they were in similar position. Just for her to stop and indulge my needs is already league above others. I walk out the room to find a meal fit for young masters spread out across the table. Chen Yi was sitting in front of the jade screen watching the last of the fights. Rewinding it on certain point of the fight. I walk over to see the person she was watching was my sister. I wondered what could catch her fancy as I lean over the back of the couch and nibbled on her ear. She said with mouth full of food. I sighed as I jump over the back of the couch. Dropping onto the cushion. With a wave of my hand, plate of food floated to me. "Why are you all dressed up for?" She look at the skirt and blouse before throwing me a confused look. She usually walk around in less than that. Shirt that barely covers her. Shorts that stop at the upper limits of her thighs. Of course, that was only around the dimensional home. Outside she wore dresses or robes.

I shoved food in my mouth as she ignored me and went back to watching a particular scene. It was when Bai Ah sidestepped an incoming kick instead of stepping into it. If she stepped into it, she could have probably ended the fight that much quicker. Or cause enough damage to end fight next exchange. However, she step out of range of her own fist but there was a pause as if she was considering stepping forward. The body muscle memory was there but her resolve wasn't. However, Chen Yi had a different look upon her face.

"Do you think she was showing low quality on purpose?" I ask around a mouthful of warm grain. Chen Yi shrugged before wrapping her hair up into bun. Using two chopsticks to keep it in place. "You should know your sister much better than I do." I was about to say something when robe landed beside me as someone knock on the door. With a frown, I put it on while she open the door. I raised my eyebrow as Cai Jie stood on the other side, fidgeting with her tunic frills. Chen Yi eyes widen and she turned to me with that look that said we had something to discuss. Cai Jie eyes look at me with the robe barely concealing my body. I coughed and tighten it up. "This was unexpected." Chen Yi didn't say anything as she walk into the room. I knew she had something planned as she only dress half decent when she wanted to spend time with me. I click my tongue in annoyance as I turned to Cai Jie. "Did you need something?" Cai Jie fumbled out her words. "I actually need to see Chen Yi." I turned back to see Chen Yi dress up in her work clothes. Stormy look in her eyes as she walk into the kitchen.

"I don't think this is good time for you to see her right now. You are kind of interrupting something." Cai Jie look disappointed but brighten up when Chen Yi called for her. I sighed as I wanted to get some morning time loving in before I go on a mission to relieve my boredom. I step out the way and went to shower. I was sorely disappointed that not only was my fun interrupted but I had to rub one out myself. I growled in utter frustration before throwing on minimal clothes possible. I walk out the room to find short stuff sitting on couch waiting for me. I glance around before using my spirit sense before sighing. I left Cai Jie there as I headed but she followed me. "I talk with Chen Yi and she said she fine with me becoming your concubine if you were. So if you had any living feelings for me, we can still be together. The three of us!" She rushed out her words and I almost backhanded her. No wonder she left. "Please be silent and go do your job. We can talk later tonight." I didn't bother turning around as I head straight for the smith. However, next instances I heard thunder and I ran outside to see sky darken as golden clouds swoop into the area. I glance around to see others coming out. Chen Yi's Mother appeared beside me with a group of elders as we look up into the sky. "Why did she pick tonight to breakthrough?" I shrugged even though I knew the answer. Cai Jie pissed her off and she didn't want to have a melt down. Golden thunder rampage in the sky. Sending down bolts after bolts of purified hell. Chen Yi sat in her ball as if it didn't even bother her. Her comprehension of the Daos far exceeded my comprehension of her body. One of my least favorite elders spoke up. "This child is monstrous. You have raised an heaven defying monster, yet again!" Luo Hai did not need to say anything. Everybody agreed with this elder as Chen Yi took forty-seventh bolt. By this time, the power coming from the golden sky was so powerful that it was causing the weaker people to kneel and cough up blood. Being the capital city, this was the most dangerous place for Chen Yi to undergo this kind of punishment bestowed by the heavens.

A silver barrier surrounded the city. Keeping the pressure from harming the citizens anymore. The Emperor appeared before us and I had instinctive urge to grovel before this man. Despite my instincts I just bowed according to customs. "If this damages any buildings, your Celestial Sect will be held accountable." Aunty Luo waved her hand as we all watched as Chen Yi transformed from the gorgeous goddess that caused all noble clients to fight for her attention. As the eighty-ninth heavenly bolt slammed into her revolving sphere. We saw the first crack. The Emperor's General loudly exclaim like a four year old who couldn't control their emotions. "Is she turning the explosive essences into soft essences?!" Nobody spoke as the ninety-third raging bolt broke through her sphere and slammed into her body. We all saw her eyes open and heard the heaven roar in triumphant as it sent down the final arm of wrathful justice. Thunder cheered as Chen Yi was sent spinning towards the ground like the hope and dream of weak cultivator. I revolved my cultivation to the limit as I shot towards her. I thought I wouldn't be in time to catch her and was about to churn out more power when giant snake caught her before lifting her back into the sky. We all were amazed as the snow white snake lift its head to the heavens.

Nobody thought she was dumb enough to take 95 lightning strikes. I, myself, could only blink in utter amazement as the snake tail absorbed the next four lightning strikes. It had to be known that the more you were able to take. The stronger talent your new body would have. Only true sons and daughters of heaven took all hundred. Which amount to ten percent of cultivators population in any given world. These were future powerhouses that could be considered unrivaled. Just making it to ninety bolts would make you one of the strongest contenders and most valued assets. However, the heaven was fair and thus it struck her with ninety-ninth bolt as big as three mountains. Nobody had their eyes open to witness such rage. The heavens were incredible fair and just when it comes to stamping out rare talents. However, we could still feel Chen Yi vitality pulsing like a war drum. This was my first time witnessing someone with true talent fight such an overwhelming tribulations. Her gains should be as large as the space in my sister brain. When we all open our eyes. The only thing we witness was a glowing ball descended from the air. Resting above the cobblestone road. I glance around to see a shit ton of elders and people from different sects. I glance behind me to see Aunty Luo and Imperial with their mouths wide open. As if they were staring at one of the greatest treasures known to man. From the rate at which their hearts were pumping. Greed was only thing on their mind.

I turned my attention back to the orb. Instead of dispersing, it formed long flowing dress that hug every corner of her body. Pale white legs stuck out from under the dress. I don't think I was the only one attracted by the succinctly moonlight flesh or the shimmering silver like hair. I was about to walk forward when she gave such a creepy smile that my hands snake to my sword hilt before I could process what happen next. An aura that I only once felt while in the bowels of a mountain erupted from the girl I once thought was harmless. Such frightening aura was more than enough to make Emperor step back before throwing up a silver shield. An enormous snake head appeared out of thin air. The head alone was large enough to cast shadow over the largest mountain range. Not to mention block any light from shining upon this city which was over six hundred kilometers in every direction. Chen Yi gave off a one of the scariest laugh I ever seen when she disappeared only to appear on top of the horned snake. I think she wanted to show off which was stupid because now she was worth capturing. To my utter dismay, I felt a force yanking me through the air. Dragging me towards the head of snake before everything went black.