
Undead:Inside the nightmare

In the streets of Tokyo,lived Ikiteiru Shinda,a young man who never knew happiness.Mistreated by his supervisor and coworkers at work,and mistreated by his own mother at home.Shinda's life changed as he encountered Kami,a peculiar girl who claims to be a god.She offers him a life where he would be loved but in exchange he would become immortal.With the contract sealed,Shinda's descent to hell began.

Hiba_Hiba_4285 · Horror
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2 Chs

The deal

"A deal?!"I look at 'Kami' with disbelief in my eyes.This is a joke, it's impossible.Right?Kami seemed to know my thoughts,because she responded with a very annoyed tone "I am a God.And I'm here to make a deal,sign a contract with you.What more do you not understand?"I grabbed my hair and started pulling it so hard it could have bled. I'm going crazy, that's for sure.This is impossible, and even if it was somehow possible, why would a literal god come up to a nobody?I was interrupted by a slap from Kami.

"There,can you feel it?Now get it together."I only looked at her and then,after a moment of silence asked"Why?"For a response, Kami only looked at me before declaring "It's simple;you are an underdog,a victim,nobody loves you,and you are constantly used and mistreated.So why not make a contract and get their affection?"Saying that,a paper scroll appeared out of thin air and started flowing towards me.I picked it up,and started looking at it;it looked rather old,and the text seemed to be in an indecipherable language.On the bottom, there was an empty space, probably for signing the contract. Kami pointed at it and said"Now now,aren't you impressed by my powers?Anyway,if you sign here,your life will change for the better....and the worse"


"Oh nothing.Scratch that."Suspiciously, I pulled out a pen from my jeans' pocket but Kami stopped me and said "No need,you can sign with your blood." I remained silent,thinking.Well,a but of blood over a better life?I'd next more than eager.I had lost all hopes,but I still wanted that.I but my lip till blood leaked,picked some with my index,and then stained the paper with it.As soon as the blood entered in contact with the paper,the scroll vanished into thin air.Kami looked at me with sparkling eyes and declared.

"Now we signed our contract!I'm glad you agreed "She said as she jumped to me.

Little did I know,that this very contract signed my descent into an endless pot of nightmares.