
Undead:Inside the nightmare

In the streets of Tokyo,lived Ikiteiru Shinda,a young man who never knew happiness.Mistreated by his supervisor and coworkers at work,and mistreated by his own mother at home.Shinda's life changed as he encountered Kami,a peculiar girl who claims to be a god.She offers him a life where he would be loved but in exchange he would become immortal.With the contract sealed,Shinda's descent to hell began.

Hiba_Hiba_4285 · Horror
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2 Chs

A regular day

A regular day in the quarters of Tokyo. I'm late again,I get scolded by my supervisor.The others look at me with a mocking expression.Just the usual for the company's underdog,Ikiteiru Shinda.

I work restlessly,I get dragged down,but it's normal.I've gotten used to it.I get back home,if a small wooden cube can be called a home,mother is smoking.Father is gone.

Mother took a cigarette she just lit up and threw it right at me before yelling at me.

"Did you bring money?!"She yelled.I only looked at her with dull,lifeless eyes before responding:"Yes mother."and handing her my paycheck.Mother's expression quickly shifted into a cheerful one"Great, at least you have a use.This can be enough for matches and cigarettes".

It had always been like this.Ever since I was a child,I was always looked down upon,mistreated.It's fine.I never cared.Until one day,something really unexpected happened.

I was walking as usual to work until I noticed a strange person.She was rather short, wearing a purple gothic lolita dress,and very long flowy grayish pink hair.She probably noticed I was staring at her,because she turned around.I quickly looked away,so as to hide.I stayed like that for a while before I turned to see if she was gone.To my surprise,all was left was a black ribbon.I slowly approached it.It's not that I was scared of a mere ribbon,it's just that it radiated a rather ominous aura.I picked it up and immediately hid it in my pocket.Maybe the girl will come back,so it's best to return it to her.Plus it won't bring me much even if I pawn it.

Today was just like yesterday,and yesterday was just like the other days.As I walked my way home,I heard a new voice calling me.Puzzled,I turned around but nobody was there.I suppose my loneliness started driving me mad,heh.But the voice kept calling my name over and over again,so at some point,I rushed to the nearest cafe,looked for the restroom, and then started washing my face in the sink.I looked at myself in the mirror;messy midnight blue hair,dead grey eyes,and very old clothes,that is me.

"Will you quit having these thoughts?"I hear a little girl's voice say from behind.Startled,I turned around,only to find nobody.Yep,I must be hallucinating again.

"Um,I am no hallucination you know."

I let out a scream and turned around.This time,there was actually somebody, and to my biggest surprise,it was the same little girl I have seen on my way to work,the ribbon's owner!I was confused. How the hell did she get here?Is that girl even human?

The 'girl' only looked at me in amusement before adding"The name's Kami,I'm a god and I'm here to make a deal!"

"A what?!"