
Undead Empress Unintentionally Tamed The Twin Goddesses

Haven't quite figured out the synopsis yet.. but it's Yuri there is nothing else to know.. There will be a harem.. There won't be any futa, just pure sweet harem.. it's a dark theme, if you can't handle such things, then I have to say, I really don't know how you have survived this far in this dark and messed up world.. Read and see if you like (leave a comment if you think there is somewhere I can improve)

John_Wick_0601 · Fantasy
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106 Chs


The twins woke up first, a little disoriented because of unfamiliar memories integrated within their mind's. It took a second to settle down. The first twin who had performed the nacromancy just sighed, and looked at her sister guiltily before she shut her emotions off.

The second twin rolled her eyes at her sister's odd behaviour. She's used to it. Her sister can't handle anything that has to deal with her emotions so she always tries to hide them from to the point she's the only one who has ever seen her smile.

"We should have gotten ice cream!" The second twin commented, as she stood up. The first twin followed suit. She didn't meet her sister eyes and said "I'm sorry okay? I didn't account on something this unpredictable happening. How was I supposed to guess that my first test subject was a little unusual?"

The second twin, raised her eyebrow, her eyes hardening "Unusual? You call this unusual?" She asked as she raised her hands in a resigned motion "Aurora, this person who's name is Lily by the way, isn't unusual.. she's the person who holds our fate in her hands.. do you get it now? Just like how this humans say it, we are fucked!"

"Maybe.. maybe.. mayb-"

"Maybe what? Maybe we can kill her... If that's your plan now I really know we are in trouble, if you get your head out of your ass for a moment.. 'again a human saying' then you will find out that even the thought of killing her makes me just as sick as the thought of killing you.. why can't you understand we are in trouble already?"

"Wait you have thoughts about killing me?" Aurora's eyes took on a dangerous glint, but the second twin just stared at her like this is something they have went through a thousand times.

"Right about now.. yes, I feel like killing you maybe, just maybe, it will make me feel better about this whole situation."

Aurora gave her twin an odd look, like her sister was beginning to lose her thinking capacity, but at the same time she couldn't blame her. If it were only her in this mess then they could have turned things around.

But now it's clear this affects the both of them, even though her sister specifically made it clear she just wanted the human dessert called ice cream.

She suddenly looked down were Lily was laying before her. Her heart suddenly felt this situation was out place. She didn't like that she's laying on the floor. She crouched down, and picked up Lily.

Her robe was being stained by the blood on Lily. She was also still wet from the rain, and had nothing on except her undergarment. She looked at her peaceful sleeping face, and noticed she has went through some improvements.

From the last she had observed her before she fell unconscious along with her, this Lily person. She had grown taller, became more beautiful from her average looks, and also... She had gotten bigger in some important departments.

Aurora's face flushed while maintaining her stoic face. Her twin sister knew what she was thinking about at the moment, but didn't comment on it like she usually does, frustrated with her sister.

'And all those old farts always said she was the innocent one. What's so innocent about being a closet pervert?' the second twin thought.

Aurora began walking to Lily's bedroom, and gently placed her on her bed. Since Lily went through a mutation, she gathered she didn't need heat from her sheets, like other fragile humans seemed to need. She then walked out and closed the room's door behind her.

She went to the bloodied couch and sat beside her solemn sister, her neck supported by the couch, as she stared at ceiling. Aurora joined her.

"I'm sorry.. okay? I really had no way of foreseeing our current predicament, and I can't do anything about, but to apologize."

The second twin didn't respond, she just stayed quiet, and Aurora knew she should give her space to think, as she had never seen her sister like this, no matter what happened she would always smile hiding her true self 'but now she's not her self or should I say no longer hiding her true self?'

As minutes after minutes past in silence, her twin finally replied "Have looked into your system panel?"

"That's an odd question.. why?"

"Have you looked at it or not?"

"I have not."

"Then do it."

Aurora sighed, but did what her twin said, and thought 'status' and a holographic screen appeared before her eyes, that only she can see.

System Panel:

Name - Aurora

Age - 300 Years old

Race - Divine Being

Lifespan - Infinite

Abilities Ranks - [SSS - Grade] > [SSS - Grade] > [SSS - Grade]

Status - Tamed

Aurora hurriedly sat upright, and turned to her sister, who was still staring at the ceiling, and she asked "Tamed? what does mean?"

"Just focus on the status and the info will show itself, don't tell me upon being tamed by a human, you have become incapable of thinking for yourself?"

Aurora clanched her hands tightly, and her nails dug into her palm, but she didn't feel the pain. She was now finding it hard giving her sister the benefit of the doubt, after what she herself caused. She calmly exhaled, and stared at the status, and info appeared.

Tamed - [Host has been tamed by an undead named Lily, and thus she's practically her slave. Host can't kill her master otherwise you will also die. Host will have developed a close bond with Lily as if you two had known each other for a long time, the bond will be just as strong as your bond with your sister.

Host will not be able to refute any of Lily's commands, even if those commands mean killing yourself. But host must not fret the small details, as being a tamed being will grand the host with many benefits, lest you don't anger your master and have yourself killed.

The benefits are as follows, th-]

Aurora stopped herself there, to her the benefits didn't matter more than her own freedom. She's a powerful being, becoming even more powerful isn't that much bigger of a task, if she takes account of her long lifespan, which is infinite.

Now she understood why her sister didn't bother maintaining her sly outlook, with news such as this what's the point. She found this situation laughable, because the door isn't that far, she could just stand up, and walk out, yet like an invisible force field weighed on her mind, and heart, as she actually didn't want to leave.

Which is why she for the first time in her 300 years of living, she was really scared, granted she was very young for a divine being, especially since unless she has lived for about 200 000 years, her and her sister are still regarded as infants in their race.

But it didn't change the fact she is in fact 300 years of age. She slumped back on the couch, and stared at the ceiling, and thought with indignation of the whole situation 'Yeah Luna was right the first time... we really are fucked!'

Sorry for the late update.. (anyway I was going to do this chapter about the MC's change and how she deals with it, then I thought wait the twin are just as important as her, so here we are, but no need to worry, I'm already working on chapter 10 for the MC...

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