
Unconditional Life

One day, Jake was abandoned by his stepfather and biological mother. Since then, he has lived alone. He has no company, no friends, and no one to turn to, he doesn't even know his biological father. Jake supports himself by working at a coffee shop. He is a good person, kind, helpful, and considerate. He is friendly to those he interacts with, but no one wants to be friends with him. He is constantly bullied at school, victimized by fate, and it seems like his life is going nowhere. Despite all this, he remains happy and positive. But why did his parents abandon him if he's a good person? and why doesn't he know who his biological father is? Who is he, and what really happened in his past? Jake's relationship with Faye Smith, a classmate, is fraught with tension. Faye is extremely annoyed with Jake for no apparent reason. She gets angry and irritated at everything Jake does. Just seeing Jake makes her furious, even when he hasn't done anything. However, Jake is kind and positive, so none of this bothers him whatever bad things she did. But when Jake changes, Faye notices and becomes curious about why he changed and starts missing the old Jake. As she gets to know him better, her attitude shifts, but this time, Jake is different. Why is Faye so angry with Jake without any reason? And how did Jake change to the point that it made Faye curious and eventually like him? Main Character (Mc): Jake Caratao Female Lead (FL) : Faye Smith Volume 1: Is about how cruel the world is to the Jake and how it changes him. Volume 2: Is about Jake's transformation. In any aspect, behavior, or whatever it may be. Included here are his background story, as well as those of the other characters. Volume 3: The new transformation of Jake. This time, Jake is completely different from Volume 1, especially in Volume 2. He will become the leader of a criminal gang. How did he become the leader of a criminal gang? Where is the kind, helpful, friendly, and considerate Jake now? The Volume 3 will be different from the previous stories, as it will be filled with conflicts, and fights. The story is a bit slow at the beginning because it's filled with slice of life, but as it progresses, it picks up fast pace. So, just try it. Each chapter will get better. I have some mistakes in the early chapters because I haven't yet fully detailed the story. So, I'm sorry! Tags: Realistic Fiction, Bullying, Romance, Tragedy, Evolution, Fights, Gang war.

spectacle_8 · Realistic
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26 Chs

Oh, my gosh!

At home*

"I'm here~ what another day, man. At least I got my bike back hehe" he says as he sit down on the sofa.

"Oh, right. I'll clean my wound because it's already healed at the center hehe."

He went to the bathroom to clean his wounds.

"Sigh, how many days have I been cleaning wounds in the bathroom? There are so many already, haha" he said to himself in front of the mirror.

"Ow, ouch, my arms!... I'll clean my bike after this, hihi. Can't wait to use it again." smiling as he said.

After Jake finished cleaning his wounds, he went straight to take a bath.

1 hour ago*

He finished bathing and also changed clothes.

He lay down on the bed to rest for a minute.

He suddenly remembered the captain who helped him with the problem he faced.

"It's a shame he didn't say what his name was, and what did he mean by 'at the right time'? How did he also know my name? I'm sure I didn't mention it, right? Or did I just forget?" He's thinking "Let me watch something on TokTik for a bit.. wait my bike... okay, when I wake up, I'll just wash the bike."

He stood up and took his cellphone from the cabinet.

Upon opening it, he was greeted by a multitude of notifications.

Man. Sheena: Missed calls 98, 15 texts.

Boss no. 1 (Leonard's father): 3 missed calls and 1 text.

The text from Boss no. 1 : "Jake, why didn't you come to work? Are you also planning to resign?"

Man. Sheena's texts were all expressing concern because he hadn't replied to her.

"Oh damn, so many notifications. By the way, I didn't go to work today. I'll text Sir that I'll explain everything tomorrow because something happened."

He sent the text.*

"As for Man. Sheena... wait, why Man. Sheena? I'll change this to 'Sister Sheena' hehe."

"I'm so sorry, sis, for not replying. Something came up, hehe." Jake's text.

Jake lay back down and opened his cellphone data to watch.

He was surprised to see a chat that had been sent to him.

He couldn't believe it was...


Faye's message: Did you enjoy yourself last night? Haha. Well, we're okay now.

Jake was surprised by what he read, "Woah, we are okay now. So, I can consider her my friend now, hehe."

Jake replied, "Yes, Faye. I really enjoyed it, hehe. Thank you!"

Faye received the text, and say "Haha, you're so dumb. Let's see if you'll still be happy when you get to school (smirk)."


While watching, Jake soon fell asleep.

"(Snore) Zzzzz..."

Cellphone: (ting)

"Something came up? What happened?"

Sheena sent a text, and he didn't notice it again because he fell asleep.


4:30 am*

Jake open his eyes and yawn. "I fell asleep, huh? What time is it?" He look at the clock. "Wow! It's exactly 4:30. Lucky."

Jake got up to get moving. He cleaned his bike, took a shower, had breakfast, and went straight to the shop.

7:00 am. Jake was about to leave, and he said first, "I missed going with you to the shop, my fixie~. Here we go!!! (Swoosh)"

Fifteen minutes later, Jake arrived at the shop.

"Hi guys~. Good morning! Where's Sir?" he asked his co-workers.

"Jake? Damn, didn't recognize you for a second because of add bruises." one of his co-workers said.

Shortly after, Christian also arrived at the shop.

"Hi guys-... Oh, Jake." He says as he enters.

Chris felt embarrassed facing Jake because of what happened.

"Hi, Chris." Jake says and waves.

"Jake... Um, I'm sorry... about what happened" Christian apologized shyly.

"Hm? It's nothing to me, you know." Jake approaches and puts an arm around him "Just tell that to my sister Sheena." and wink.

Christian is taken aback by what he hears. "Sister Sheena?"

"Yep, Sis Sheena. She's my sister now, and I'm proud to say that, hehe."

Jake turned around and asked a colleague, "I'm heading to the office, is Sir there?"

Christian couldn't believe what he had just learned, "He's so lucky haha, he's really close and considered a sibling by Ma'am Sheena who's so beautiful."

Jake knocks, and enters "Oh, hi sir. Good morning! I see you're already here."

"Oh, my boy, Jake! Come and have a seat. Um, I just want to say, Jake, that I'm sorry for what happened earlier because of my son's foolishness."

"No worries, sir, hehe."

"I thought you had resigned like Man. Sheena, but I understand her reasons anyway. How about you, Jake? Do you have any plans to resign?"

"Oh, no sir, hehe. I plan to continue, that's all I expect."

"Well, like I said back at the station... Here (hands over the money) is the one month's pay I promised, and don't worry, you'll receive your regular salary for this month as well. Just think of it as my way of making it up to you." and wink.

Boss added "I did the same for Man. Sheena but she didn't accept it because she said everything was okay, just needed justice so I couldn't do anything. I also support her in filing a case because as I said, I won't tolerate that. So..."

"Oh, I see. By the way, thank you so much for this, sir. This means a lot to me. Thank you very much, you're very kind." Jake said as he bows.

Boss's smiling "You don't need to thank me, Jake..."

"Can I start working again now? I'm sorry for not being here yesterday, sir."

"No worries, Jake. Alright then? Let's get moving."

Jake stands up and salutes "Okay sir!"

Jake left the office to begin working again.

"Man~... I didn't expect that your son would be my employee... He's just like you." Boss says as he whispers and smile. He's referring to someone.



"Whew, work's finally done. Time to go home!! I'm excited to watch."

Their boss arrive to bids them farewell, "Oh, how are you all? Tired? haha. Let's clean up the mess, alright? So we can all go home, thank you, guys. Take care."

"Thank you, sir." Jake says, and bows.

The boss notices him, "Oh Jake... Ahm... Oh, nothing. Take care!"

"Hm? It seemed like Sir had something to say, but looks like he was in a hurry haha." Jake wondered.

A little later, Jake left the shop.

Jake is about to get on his bike when suddenly someone calls him...

"Hey, Jake."

Jake heard an angry voice calling him.

"Hm? That voice... "

Before he turns around "Sis?..."

Sheena immediately slapped him as soon as he turned around.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls and texts, huh?"

Glaring at Jake "I was worried something happened to you! That's why I came back."

" 'Came back?'" Jake's wondering. " Anyway, ouch, that really hurt! HAHA!"

"Really! And if you ever ignore my calls and texts again, it won't just be a slap next time!" She says as she furrows her brows.

Jake turns away "Damn, I take back what I said at the barangay hall. My sister is scarier than I thought." he murmurs to himself, almost crying.

"And when I'm talking to you, don't turn your back on me!" she shouted at Jake.

Jake quickly replied, turning to face her. "Right, Right. Here, here."

Suddenly, someone calls Jake from behind him again.


When he turns around, he says "... Chris?"

Chris approaches Jake and Sheena.

As Christian got closer, Sheena spoke up.

"What? Another issue now?" She says, raises her eyebrows.

"Um... no ma'am. I just want to apologize for what I did. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm not asking for forgiveness, but I'm really sorry..." then he kneels.

The siblings are both surprised when Christian suddenly kneels down.

"What the? Christian, what are you doing?" Sheena asks.


"Stand up, and don't ever do that to anyone again. Because if you repeat that, I'll personally make sure you go to jail, understand?"

"Yes, ma'am. I promise..."


Sheena forgave Christian and gave him a stern warning.

"Thank you so much, ma'am! I'll promise that, hehe."

Christian left after being forgiven.

The siblings then walked to the nearby Duckdonald's to eat.

"You're really kind, sis." Jake compliments her.

"You know, don't joke with me, huh? I'm still annoyed with you."

"Huh! Why? You forgave Christian, but not me?"

"Yeah, because you're a troublesome brother... and what are those new bruises and wounds, huh? Who did that to you?" She scolded Jake.

"These? I fell off my bike, hehe."

Then she slaps Jake loudly.

"Damn, she's really scarier." Jake thought to himself, almost crying again.

"Awww, sis. That's my wound!"

"So what? You're lying."



Jake told her everything that happened.

"Those thugs-"

"Oh oh, calm down... hehe. It's all over now and they got caught because the captain who helped me called the police, hehe."

They arrive at Duckdonald's, and Jake orders food.

Ten minutes later, they are eating.

"Good thing I didn't know about all that, because if I had been there, I would have slapped them with my all might." Sheena said angrily.

"Duckdo's food is really good, isn't it?"

"What?" Glaring.

"Just eat, sis."

Fifteen minutes later, they finished eating and stepped out to take a walk.

"Hey, Jake. I'll walk you home." Sheena said to Jake.

"Hm? No way, I'll walk you home."

"If you walk me home, make sure you sleep at my place?" Raises her eyebrow.

"Nope, I have my own place, hehe."

"Then I'll walk you home. Who knows what might happen to you if I'm not around."

"I promise, sis. Nothing will happen."

"And always carry your phone with you so you can read my texts asap!"

"Sure, sis~"

"I'm serious, don't tease me."

"By the way, Jake." she added.

"Yes, sis?"

"Since we're siblings, right? You know my background, so I should know yours... too" Sheena said to Jake.

Jake remains silent.

"Come on, bro~. Don't be shy, it's only 8:30."



An hour later, Jake had shared everything he knew.

"Oh, my gosh!" Sheena exclaimed in shock.