
Unconditional Life

One day, Jake was abandoned by his stepfather and biological mother when he was six years old. Since then, he has lived alone. He has no company, no friends, and no one to turn to, he doesn't even know his biological father. Jake supports himself by working at a coffee shop. He is a good person, kind, helpful, and considerate. He is friendly to those he interacts with, but no one wants to be friends with him. He is constantly bullied at school, victimized by fate, and it seems like his life is going nowhere. Despite all this, he remains happy and positive. But why did his parents abandon him if he's a good person? and why doesn't he know who his biological father is? Who is he, and what really happened in his past? Jake's relationship with Faye Smith, a classmate, is fraught with tension. Faye is extremely annoyed with Jake for no apparent reason. She gets angry and irritated at everything Jake does. Just seeing Jake makes her furious, even when he hasn't done anything. However, Jake is kind, so none of this bothers him whatever bad things she did. But when Jake changes, Faye notices and becomes curious about why he changed and starts missing the old Jake. As she gets to know him better, her attitude shifts, but this time, Jake is different. Why is Faye so angry with Jake without any reason? And how did Jake change to the point that it made Faye curious? Main Character (Mc): Jake Caratao Female Lead (FL) : Faye Smith Volume 1: Is about how cruel the world is to the Jake and how it changes him. Volume 2: Is about Jake's transformation. In any aspect, behavior, or whatever it may be. Included here are his background story, as well as those of the other characters. Volume 3: The new transformation of Jake. This time, Jake is completely different from Volume 1, especially in Volume 2. He will become the leader of a criminal gang. How did he become the leader of a criminal gang? Where is the kind, helpful, friendly, and considerate Jake now? The Volume 3 will be different from the previous stories, as it will be filled with conflicts, and fights. The story is a bit slow at the beginning because it's filled with slice of life, but as it progresses, it picks up fast pace. So, just try it. Each chapter will get better. I have some mistakes in the early chapters because I haven't yet fully detailed the story. So, I'm sorry! Tags: Realistic Fiction, Bullying, Romance, Tragedy, Evolution, Fights, Gang war.

spectacle_8 · Realistic
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27 Chs


"You're a worthless child... Get out of here!!!" Jake woke up, realizing it was just a dream.

"Whew, I thought it was real haha... it's already 4:20 am... I need to get moving" he said as he got up to get ready for school.

He ate, took a shower, got dressed, and was ready to head out.

He hopped on his bike to ride to school.

Twenty minutes later, Jake entered the school gate and bought coffee at the canteen.

As he was about to leave, three guys bumped into him. Jake fell, spilling his coffee all over his uniform.

"Watch where you're going, haha" they said to Jake as they walked away.

Jake stood up, "Sigh, it's okay, I have a spare shirt" he said with a smile.

Jake went to the restroom to change.

"Thankfully, I have t-shirts, hehe... wait I'm late now."

Then he headed to class.


"Good morning, ma'am. Sorry I'm late" he said awkwardly from the door.

"'Sorry'? You're late on the first day of school? What kind of behavior is that, huh?" she responded to Jake, with raised eyebrows.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I just had to change my clothes because I spilled coffee on my uniform" Jake replied with his head down.

"Sit down!! You're already getting on my nerves this early" the teacher shouted angrily.

Jake went to his seat while his classmates stared at him. He felt embarrassed, but his face showed a smile as if nothing had happened.

"Hi" he said to his seatmate, Faye, while seating down.

Faye looked at him "Hey, don't talk to me!" she replied with an eye roll.

"Oh, sorry hehe" Jake answered and looked at the board.

Soon, their teacher spoke.

"Good morning class. I'm Ms. Shara Guzman... you can call me 'ma'am Sha.' I've been teaching for five years, and so far, no one has complained about me. The only thing I can't stand is being late to my class (suddenly looking at Jake). Okay, prepare an index card and write your name, age, address, guardian's name, and parents' names, and hand it to me when you're done."

When everyone finished and submitted their papers to the teacher, she started calling on students to "introduce yourself". When the teacher drew a name, and it didn't expect it to be Jake.

"Jake Caratao? Who's this?" the teacher asked.

Jake raised his hand and said "Ma'am."

"Oh... it's you, boy late. Okay, come here to the front and introduce yourself"

Jake stood up and went to the front.

"Hi everyone, good morning. I'm Jake Caratao, 18 years old. I live on Guzan Street. My likes is drinking coffee, and my hobbies during my free time are watching horror movies or reading books. That's it, and I hope we can all be friends" he said with a smile and a bow before returning to his seat.

3 minutes ago. Faye's name was drawn, and she was called to the front.

"Hi guys, good morning. I'm Faye Smith, 18 years old. I live on Chester Street, and my hobby is watching movies. When I'm bored, I like to hang out at coffee shops because I like coffee" and bowing with a smile before returning to her seat.

"Wow! She likes watching movies and drinking coffee too. I want to be friends with her" Jake said, while smiling.


30 minutes later, class ended, and it was break time.

Jake packed up and left the room to go to the canteen for a meal.



Jake sat down and started eating alone at a table. As he was about to take a bite, he noticed Faye eating alone at another table. He approached her.

"Hi, classmate. Can I sit here?"

Faye is startled and frowned, saying, "No!!"

But Jake still sat in front of her and said, "You like coffee too, huh? Me too. You know, my favorite coffee is the sweet kind, like caramel. It's really good. Have you tried it—"

"Can you leave me alone and stop bothering me while I'm eating!!??" Faye yelled at Jake with a smacked on the face.

"Oh... Um.. I'm sorry" Jake said and moved to another table.

"So annoying" Faye said while glaring at Jake.

10 minutes later. The bell rang signaling everyone to return to their classes because break time is done.


At room*

Jake is back in his class. He listened attentively, focused, and worked diligently. However, Charm, Faye's friend, is looking at Jake and they talking about him.

"You know, that Jake is so irritating... I was eating and he disturbed me. I already told him not to sit but he still did, and he kept saying so many things, really annoying. Until now, I'm still annoyed." Faye told Charm.

"Maybe he's just trying to be friendly, you're overreacting." Charm teased Faye.

"He's just creepy, you know. When he smiles, you don't know if he's up to something bad or what."

"Hey, calm down. Let's listen, you're too angry... just let it go, we're not friends with him anyway"

"You're one to talk, huh? You're so teasing" Faye retorted.


3 hours ago*

The bell rang again signaling the end of class and it's time to go home.

They packed up their things and started heading out.

"Bye, guys~" Jake said to his classmates.

Jake exited the school gate and noticed a group of male students hanging out on the side of the school.

And they called him over.

As Jake approached, one of them suddenly punched him and said, "Hey, who are you to talk to Faye, huh?"

Two others kicked and punched him, while another guy from the group approached Jake.

He pulled the hair, and said, "Hey, if I find out you approach Faye again, more than just this will happen to you, understand?"

"Um... s-sorry... but... who are you guys? I don't know you and I'm not doing anything wrong to Faye" Jake replied.

More people start noticing as it was dismissal time, including Faye, who was with her friends.

"Hey, look, is that Jake?" Charm said to Faye

"Hm? Woah, yeah, that's him. Who are those guys beating him up?" Faye asked,

"Who's that guy you're talking about?" Kristine said, one of Faye's friends.

"Yeah, they're so selfish when it comes to guy, duh" Lorraine said, another one of Faye's friends.

"Well, it's all yours guys" Faye replied to them.

Faye doesn't know those people, so she had no idea that she's the reason for that trouble.

Then the people who hurt Jake left.

Jake was feeling embarrassed because so many people saw what happened, and quickly got on his bike and hurried away.

To be continued...

Hi guys, this is my first time writing a story and I hope you like it. I apologize for any grammar mistakes because English is not my first language. I promise to improve and refine the story further. Thank you all!

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