
Unconditional Life

One day, Jake was abandoned by his stepfather and biological mother. Since then, he has lived alone. He has no company, no friends, and no one to turn to, he doesn't even know his biological father. Jake supports himself by working at a coffee shop. He is a good person, kind, helpful, and considerate. He is friendly to those he interacts with, but no one wants to be friends with him. He is constantly bullied at school, victimized by fate, and it seems like his life is going nowhere. Despite all this, he remains happy and positive. But why did his parents abandon him if he's a good person? and why doesn't he know who his biological father is? Who is he, and what really happened in his past? Jake's relationship with Faye Smith, a classmate, is fraught with tension. Faye is extremely annoyed with Jake for no apparent reason. She gets angry and irritated at everything Jake does. Just seeing Jake makes her furious, even when he hasn't done anything. However, Jake is kind and positive, so none of this bothers him whatever bad things she did. But when Jake changes, Faye notices and becomes curious about why he changed and starts missing the old Jake. As she gets to know him better, her attitude shifts, but this time, Jake is different. Why is Faye so angry with Jake without any reason? And how did Jake change to the point that it made Faye curious and eventually like him? Main Character (Mc): Jake Caratao Female Lead (FL) : Faye Smith Volume 1: Is about how cruel the world is to the Jake and how it changes him. Volume 2: Is about Jake's transformation. In any aspect, behavior, or whatever it may be. Included here are his background story, as well as those of the other characters. Volume 3: The new transformation of Jake. This time, Jake is completely different from Volume 1, especially in Volume 2. He will become the leader of a criminal gang. How did he become the leader of a criminal gang? Where is the kind, helpful, friendly, and considerate Jake now? The Volume 3 will be different from the previous stories, as it will be filled with conflicts, and fights. The story is a bit slow at the beginning because it's filled with slice of life, but as it progresses, it picks up fast pace. So, just try it. Each chapter will get better. I have some mistakes in the early chapters because I haven't yet fully detailed the story. So, I'm sorry! Tags: Realistic Fiction, Bullying, Romance, Tragedy, Evolution, Fights, Gang war. This novel is suitable for readers aged 18 and above, and you are sure to enjoy it. The events in this book can very well happen in real life. So, once you read it, you’re sure to like it.

spectacle_8 · Realistic
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25 Chs

Bad Day...

"Jake, is that you?"

"Uh... Um.. Hi, Ma'am Sha hehe, yeah." Jake replied, still facing away.

"Why are you still here at school? It's been time to go home for a while now."

"Ahm... How do I say this? I'm scared." Jake whispered to himself.

"I just bought some food nearby, but the line was long, so it took a while." Jake said, still not facing her.

"Really?..Okay, go home now." said the teacher.

"Okay, ma'am. Byee!! ~"

Jake got on his bike and quickly left through the gate.

"Wooh, that was close, haha" he said to himself.

20 minutes ago, Jake got home and was treating his wounds in the bathroom.

Talking to himself in front of the mirror, "Ugh, my whole body hurts. How can I go to work looking like this?"

"I'll just rest for a bit, then I'll get ready for work."

Jake went to his bed and lay down.

While lying down, he didn't realize he was falling asleep.

Then Jake woke up at four in the afternoon.

"(Opens eyes and look at the clock) Oh no! It's already 4:30 pm." He hurriedly got up and grabbed his phone from the cabinet.

"How am I gonna explain this to my manager? She's definitely gonna scold me again, ugh." As Jake rummaged through the cabinet.

When he checked his phone, he saw 26 missed calls from his manager. "Oh man, how am I gonna explain this?"

He texted his manager saying, "Hi ma'am. Sorry I couldn't come in and didn't answer your calls, I fell asleep while resting for a bit." Then he sent the text.

The manager received and saw Jake's text while sitting in her office.

"(ting)... (looks at her phone) Jake..." she said quietly but angrily.

Jake texted her again.

"Ma'am, I'll come in early tomorrow if that's okay. I'll make up for it, I'm really sorry."

"(Smirk) Okay, come in early tomorrow and head straight to my office." The manager texted back to Jake.

Jake received the text.

"Yes!! But I'm still nervous, I feel like I'm gonna get scolded... but it's okay, if I get suspended for a week, I'll just focus on work hehe, I do have bills to pay next month."

"For now, let's go for a bike ride to get some fresh air... Haha, I really do talk to myself a lot" Jake said to himself.

He got up, took his bike, and left.

Jake went to their coffee shop but only peeked inside.

"Man, I miss the smell of coffee. I should get some... but somewhere else hehe."

Jake rode around to find another coffee shop.

10 minutes ago, Jake found a coffee shop.

"Hm, a baba shop? Haha, that's cute" he said.

He parked his bike in front and went inside, not expecting what happened next...

"Hm, it smells good... (look away) huh? Faye?"

He saw Faye sitting alone, drinking coffee.

Jake approached her.

"Hi Faye! All by yourself, huh? (Smile)" Jake said.

"(Looks up) Jake???...(scans him up and down) Haha, why do you look like that? Got beat up again? (Giggle)" Faye said.

"Uh... Nope, I... wiped out on my bike... on the way home earlier hehe" He replied, embarrassed.

"I didn't expect to see you here. You're really into coffee, huh?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, but just today because I wanted to be alone. But since you're here, I'm leaving. Bye. (Stands up)"

"Hey, Faye. I'm sorry again for what happened."

"(Turn around) D*mbass." She said as she left.

"(Smiles) Take care!" Jake said.

"Oh wait, I need to order."

Jake got his order and sat alone, drinking coffee at a table. He watched people passing by outside.

He saw a group of friends walking by, laughing and having fun.

"(Smile) Man, I wish I had friends too, haha" he whispered.

30 minutes ago, he stepped out of the shop.

"(Stretching) Haaaay!! (He look at his watch) Huh? It's already 6:30pm? I guess I stayed in there longer than I thought... It was really good though. I should buy something for dinner later."

Jake got on his bike and headed to the nearby Jolly Bee

He arrived in front of Jolly Bee.

Parked the bike on the side, went inside, and got in line.

He noticed a happy family nearby, laughing and playing around, looking perfect and close to each other.

"(Watching)... (Smiles) Cute hehe."

Suddenly, he remembered his childhood memories with his parents and sibling.


They were all in one room with his parents lying down while he and his sibling were dancing and showing off.

"Mommy, look! I'm great at dancing (dancing)" Jake's sibling said.

"No, I'm the best dancer... Mommy, watch (showing off)."

"Hahahaha, you're both great dancers to me (hugging Jake and his sibling)."

And then...

"Hey kid, move. You're not the only one in line" said the person behind Jake, who was also waiting in line.

"Oh, uh.. sorry (moves forward)" Jake replied.

"Tsk, tsk." the person behind him added.

Jake just kept his head down, clearly feeling down.

10 minutes ago, Jake had bought his food and left.

"Hmm, it smells so good. Chicken Joy really is the best... (looks at where his bike was) Huh? Where's my bike? It was just here, right?"

Jake couldn't find his bike where he left it.

"Where did it go? I'm sure I left it right here."

Jake decided to ask the guard at Jolly Bee if he had seen his bike.

"Sir, have you seen my bike?"

"Bike? What bike?" the guard replied.

"It's a black fixie, I left it right here on the side just a while ago. Didn't you see it?" Jake asked anxiously.

"Um, kid, I didn't see anything. I didn't notice any bike where you're pointing"

"Huh?" Jake replied, bewildered.

Jake left and couldn't do anything about what happened.

He looked around the entire area near Jolly Bee but couldn't find it anywhere.

"Sigh, whatever."

Jake walked home, head down, carrying the food he bought.

He bumped into a guy walking towards him.

"Hey, watch where you're going" the guy said to Jake.

"Uh... Oh... Sorry (bows)" Jake replied.

Jake felt devastated because he saved up to buy that bike.

Few minutes later. Jake was standing in front of his rented apartment when suddenly three men ran past him carrying bags, their faces hidden under black masks.

He watched them until they were out of sight and he walked again.

As he approached his door, he noticed it was wide open.

"Huh? (surprised)"

Jake quickly ran inside and found his belongings scattered around.

He checked the lock of his door.

It had been broken by the thieves, allowing them to enter his home.

Jake realized that the three men he encountered earlier were the ones who robbed his apartment.

Unable to do anything else, Jake cleaned up the mess left by the thieves.

"Sigh, luckily nothing too important was lost. Next time, I'll invest in a better lock... Wait, my cellphone?"

He checked his phone in his cabinet.

"Wooh, thank God it's still here. I wonder who those guys were... Tsk tsk."

An hour ago, Jake finished cleaning up inside his house and managed to eat and take a shower.

He lay down on his bed, reflecting on the unfortunate events.

"Man, what a day hehe... but I'll make up for it tomorrow. Hopefully I won't get too much scolding. At least I'll recover quickly from what was lost because I'm suspended from school for a week hehehe."

Soon after, Jake fell asleep.

"Zzzzzz hmm"

To be continued....