

At what point does struggling in life get better momentarily maybe but you can struggle your whole life just for you to die as soon as you get what you want Whether it be money, power, women any material or spiritual thing is useless the moment you die. I can bet when you die the afterlife won't see any achievement you've done and give you mercy for it. The devil won't see your taste in women and give you another shot. You can't bribe any god for forgiveness. anything you can think of won't be any use when you don't exist. the only person I ever trusted had reached a single idea one that I believe changed my life completely ' Do whatever you feel like doing ' I know I know expected it to be more profound maybe something that'll make you rethink your entire existence. but for me at that point in my life it did just that change the entirety of my being forever I'm just bored so I choose to write this it has zero direction I'll write as I go it'll have mistakes but It should be a fun journey

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chapter 2

He had just gotten out of the gym it took like 30 minutes to get here and about 10 minutes to cancel the membership. He bought a gym membership about a year before now he was searching for something to do besides his monotonous schedule.

He always woke up early as a habit he normally did nothing until it was time to go to work. He didn't finish high school mind you college so he couldn't get a good job he had to go with quantity over the quality of the job

He had the gas station job from 9 to 2 then he goes to a factory from 3 to 7 he spends whatever days off or long periods of time he has to deliver food. all his time spent is efficient besides when he first wakes up

He always has a need for money so unless he has all the money he needs for that month and a little more for safety he occupied all his time. having friends beside the people he needs to interact with like his co-workers was unnecessary, he also barely talked to the 'friends' he does have using that time for something beneficial was always more appealing

He hates wasting time that's why right now he's taking a completely different path to the gas station than before the time he has left before work was too much to take the quick path he often does. this is an often thing for him he might as well run around to stay fit than sit and wait for an hour

He didn't realize the same car as earlier was slowly following behind him. his path was unorthodox so unknowingly he was going to places they would have trouble following in a car

I'm being immersed in my mind not thinking about anything moving on auto pilot until a car drives on the sidewalk cutting me off 'what the fu' that was the only words that could manage to come to mind before 3 people got out of the car and ran at me

in my stupor I don't realize what was happening before someone already landed a hit to my side I try to hit the guy back but another one of the men were behind me

the guy kicked me in the back of the knee I buckle under my weight in this position I could do absolutely nothing besides try to protect my head from the kicks pounding all over my body

my whole body was hurting the attacks didn't seem to stop coming consciousness started fading from me every time I got hit but another hit would make me wake up to block myself until it all stopped

the men stopped stomping on the seemingly dead body that hadn't moved in a while one of the men pulled out a phone and dialed a number " hey boss we got him what should we do now "

that was the last thing he could hear before his consciousness faded away

suggestions if you want

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tagyucreators' thoughts