

At what point does struggling in life get better momentarily maybe but you can struggle your whole life just for you to die as soon as you get what you want Whether it be money, power, women any material or spiritual thing is useless the moment you die. I can bet when you die the afterlife won't see any achievement you've done and give you mercy for it. The devil won't see your taste in women and give you another shot. You can't bribe any god for forgiveness. anything you can think of won't be any use when you don't exist. the only person I ever trusted had reached a single idea one that I believe changed my life completely ' Do whatever you feel like doing ' I know I know expected it to be more profound maybe something that'll make you rethink your entire existence. but for me at that point in my life it did just that change the entirety of my being forever I'm just bored so I choose to write this it has zero direction I'll write as I go it'll have mistakes but It should be a fun journey

tagyu · Action
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3 Chs

chapter 1

I wake up before light as i always do staring at the slightly yellow white paint on the ceiling of my studio apartment organizing the thoughts of what happened the day before

being bombarded by random useless thoughts making me question it all over again and it all disappears as I reach for the half empty water bottle on the messy desk next to my bed

I drowsily get up and walk to the bathroom in the mirror I look at a barely considered black face with what I debate is an okay goatee and growing beard some messy curly hair and some brown muddy eyes with black circles under them

I brushed my teeth then went to the kitchen and opened the fridge 'I really need to go to the store ' I grabbed some leftovers chicken and rice and went and sat on the couch *bzz*

my phone has been ringing since I woke up. Who is this dedicated of course it's her "I know your up you always wake up at this time stop ignoring me you owe me 200 dollars I need it now" 'she knows damn well I don't have 200 dollars I have no money I can just use I don't even have enough for rent' so I just turned off my phone and kept eating

after I was finished I put on some jeans and a hoodie and left *bzz* 'yeah no I'm ignoring her' I locked my door and headed down the stairs going straight for the gas station 4 blocks away I don't like wasting time so I jogged it took about 15 minutes to get there

as I walk in "hey Alex you're a bit early no" the store clerk had a smile on his face and was on his phone while speaking I replied " yeah Devon I was heading out to the gym wanted to stop by for a drink " he's the manager here but always works when it's the slowest I'm only supposed to work in another 3 hours at 9 am hence his surprise

I only grab a water bottle and go to the counter to buy it "Alex you work here you don't have to pay for a single water bottle" to be honest he's doing me a favor really I don't have money to spare right now I'm heading to go cancel a membership that I started on a whim but I also can't spare a favor "nah its good I got it" "suit yourself" Devon is the type to always remember favors and make sure he gets paid back sometimes in stupid ways I'm not willing to bet what he'll have me do for a bottle of water

I walk out the store and start jogging closer to the city what I didn't see was a car start following me from the store

what power system should I use

tagyucreators' thoughts