

Stuck in the Void Wastelands, a group of courageous paladins fights to defend the portal that bridges their world to other Planes. Cut from civilization, and after decades of fighting, from the providence of their Goddess, they continued their eternal vigil even if they continued to fall one after another. Until, at last, only one Paladin is left standing. Artreus, the lone Paladin, after years of isolation, continued to fight, not for their world, or their Goddess, but the memory of his comrades. He continued to surpass insurmountable odds using the experience and knowledge imparted by his dear friends. His body battered, but his will unbroken. Until one day, he comes face to face with a Demon Lord and perished. Floating in the vast darkness, the Goddess once more called for his service. He accepted without hesitation. Not to serve the gods who abandoned them to their fate, but to save the world he and his companions swore to protect. For even if he gets beaten and defeated, even if he has to stand alone against the world, he will stand vigilant as it's protector, to uphold the oath they all swore. For he is the Unbroken.

CloudyDay · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 26

"Damn that old man. How dare he take Claus on the missions and leave me behind. He even took my dimensional bag. Damn it all." Mikaela cursed as she pounds her hand on the table.


"Stop that. You're shaking the table." The man in front of her commented before sticking a fork in sausage and taking a big bite off of it.


Out of all the people that would be left with her, it had to be Artreus.


Scratch that. Why did she even been left out? Is it because Claus is better than her? If stealth is the basis, she at least outclasses Claus by a bit. If it's the ability to support and complement the old man, she could also do that. Their teamwork flows like water in a river, and while it is true that Claus could cover his weakness by using his pets, it still doesn't mean that they have a difference in strength.


Maybe the old man also thinks that she isn't good enough. Not strong enough. That's why she's been left to babysit a perverted training freak and watch over Porsha. Which reminds her, what could she be doing? She's been gone for almost a week, and haven't heard from her or even seen her shadow.


Damn that old man. Going on an adventure and leaving her with chores.


Feeling that her temper is rising again, she drank her third mug of beer and called for more.


"Easy there. Isn't it too early to get drunk? Don't you have anything to do today?"


"Leave me be." She answered. Plopping her head on the table as she waits, she looks at the man in front of her. This guy. How could he be so carefree? She expected him to insist on coming with the Old man, after all, a man like him who trains himself to the ground for a whole day would never turn down a chance for a live battle. After all, the Old man always says that no training is better than a real battle.


Instead, there is not one peep of protest was heard from his lips. On the contrary, he seems to prefer it.


"Why are you not angry about this? Don't tell me that you don't want to go out there and fight bad guys. For we both know that is bullshit."


"Well, you're not wrong with that." He answered before taking another bite from his meal. Watching the man chew his food is testing Mikaela's patience, and for what seems like an eternity, he finally swallowed his food and continued. "But I don't mind being left behind for the moment. This way, I could train myself and get stronger."


"Why? You seem plenty strong already, and isn't real life battle better than training on your own? If you're going to give an excuse, at least make it have sense."


"Me, strong? Maybe against low-level thugs. But the fight against that scumbag Gen made me see that I am still lacking. Heck, I would've died then and there if you weren't there to save my hide, and I thank you for that." He said with a smile on his face.


Which made Mikaela's hair, raise. "If you don't wipe that smile on your face, I will wipe it out for you. With my fist." She threatened.


Receiving the pitcher of beer from the waitress who winked at him before leaving, the flirt filled the mug in her hand. "Why so hostile? I am just trying to be nice."


Reluctantly accepting the gesture, she took a sip before replying. "I don't want a pervert to be nice to me."


Finally, the smile vanished and was replaced by an annoyed look on his face. "Could you please stop calling me that? People might get the wrong idea."


Seeing this as a chance to get back at him, she says, "Well, what do you call a person who wanders in the middle of the forest butt naked?"


"A person who might have been robbed from all of his possession? You didn't think of that?" He explained.


That may be for a normal person, but he is naught but normal. Mikaela thought. "Who the hell would've been able to rob you? Any bandit would've been six feet under as soon as they get in your range."


"I bet a very strong one. Although I can't be sure, I have amnesia, remember?" He pointed at his head.


Still going with that amnesia bullshit, is he? Although she doesn't believe it one bit, the old man did explicitly told her to not push the man about it. 'Everyone has a secret they want to keep' he said, 'He'll reveal it in time.' he said. But as much as she wants to confront him about it, she will still heed the words of the man who raised her. Since she had nothing nice to say, she just ended the subject. "Whatever." She replied.


Artreus sighed. "Ha..." "What would it take for you to stop calling me that?"


"A thousand gold." She jokingly replied. "But since I know that you're broke. How about I accompany you on your training?"


Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted.


"Lookie here! Them lovebirds are havin a nice meal. Ti's good to be young and carefree eh?" It's the dumbasses who tried to get into a fight with their group for cutting in line just a week before. For days now they were trying to goad them in a fight, and while she wouldn't mind giving it to them, the old man explicitly told her not to get in trouble.


The other musclebound idiot chimed in, "Yea, city kids these days and their flirtin in public. They really have no shame, do they?"


"That's true, brother. If dis were back home, they would've been flogged for such lewd behavior." The first guy added.


What did he just say? This bastard is really trying her patience. "Who are you calling lewd, fish face?"


Anger flashed on the man's face. "What... Who're ye callin fish face, ye bitch?" He stomped towards them.


Both Mikaela and Artreus reached for their weapons, ready to defend themselves if ever the idiot attacks, but before that could happen, the waitress from before stopped them. "There will be no violence inside the inn." She yelled out. "Stop this immediately or I will report you to the guild master." Threatened the waitress.


After hearing the threat, the two men quickly withdrew to their table where their third companion was sitting. After some grumbling about the unfairness of the guild, they started to eat their meal.


"Idiots, good for them that the waitress stopped them. If they so much as get close to me, I would've cut them to pieces." Mikaela huffed.


"I'm sure you would." Artreus unenthusiastically agreed before finishing his meal. Leaving a silver coin on the table for his meal plus tip, he grabbed his sword and stood up. "I'm off to train."


"Yeah. You don't need to tell me. I am not your mother." She waved him away. Once Artreus left the building, Mikaela also finished her meal, for her job is about to start. Watching over the pervert.


To be honest, for a week that she has been watching him from a few meters out of range of his Sense, which would've been impossible for Claus without getting himself found out, which is again one of his advantages over him, Artreus seems to be a diligent man, focused on his training from morning till dusk and never deviates from his schedule. In daybreak, he goes for a jog around town, wearing the steel armor he just bought. After that, he takes a shower and eats breakfast in the inn. Then he goes and meets up with the kids in the town gate, treats them with some food to eat before heading out to the clearing one kilometer out of town to train his swordsmanship and footwork. He oftentimes asks the kids to tell him stories about things that should've been familiar to all, like the tumultuous Holy War between the traitorous Paladin Orders against the Divine Order. Or the thirty-year war between the humans and the elves, and sometimes some recent events.


If she knew better, she would surmise that the man is gathering information. Although why gather the information that should be common knowledge eludes her.


She continued to follow him until Artreus and the kids are in the clearing, then she hid herself near them, but not before she noticed the two spies that have been following the idiot for a week now. So far, there have been harmless, only watching from afar, not doing anything to harm both him and the kids. It's lamentable that she couldn't go and investigate the two and find out who is backing them and why they are tailing the pervert, she is but a single woman, she couldn't watch over Artreus and snoop around at the same time. Thus, the only thing she could do for now is to remain vigilant, in case they suddenly strike.


As she turns her attention to the man swinging a sword with weights attached to it, there is one apparent thing. This man is growing stronger at an alarming rate. Not increasing in strength or speed of feet, although he is also improving in those regards, no. His increase in strength roots from his techniques, which is getting more and more polished. Just a week before, his movements seem uncoordinated and awkward, like a child just getting used to walking. But now, he is like a naked sword, sharp and deadly. His sword swings are heavy, not because his strength increased, but because he is using all his weight behind each strike without getting himself out of balance. His speed increased not because his legs or hands got faster, but because he eliminated most of the wasted movements from each of his actions. Just a week before, she was confident that she has the advantage of speed over him, but now, she's not sure.


A realization which further inflames her temper. She could've been out there, tempering herself through life and death combat. Increasing her strength and sharpening her fighting instincts through the heat of battle. Alas, she was left here. Watching over a man who outmatches her in both fighting instinct and strength, and now has closed the distance between them in one thing she is proud of,


Her speed.


Not to mention that she already hit a plateau and couldn't feel any significant improvement from training. Is this what fate has in store for her? To languish in mediocrity? Not being able to pay back the debt that she to with the old man? Maybe that is why she's been left here. Because she would only be a burden.


She didn't even notice the tears rolling down her face as she watches in envy at the man who is growing stronger by the day. One thing is for sure, this man is blessed by the gods. Strength, technique, even the ability to manipulate both Mana and Life energy was given to him. What have the gods given her? A childhood of suffering, which only ended after she was saved by the old man.


Suddenly, she was startled by a voice calling to her. "Hey! It's Miss Mikaela!" The familiar voice said. Mikaela turned around and saw Juliet standing behind her back. "What are you doing here Miss Mikaela? Did you come for Mister Artreus? He is busy right now with his training, but we could call him over for you. Uhm... Why are you crying, miss Mikaela?" The child asked with a concerned tone in her voice.


How humiliating. To forget hiding her presence and be discovered by a little girl, while she is crying nonetheless. "I am not crying, brat. I just have dust in my eye." While wiping her tears away, she contemplated on the blunder she just did. To get herself found out while tailing her target, a huge and careless mistake on someone who prides herself in her stealth. Maybe that is why the Old man left her here. Because even in her own field she is useless.


She then felt a tiny hand patting her shoulder, turning around, it was the girl trying to console her. "There, there," Juliet says in her sweet voice. "All will be alright."


Seeing the little girl, not even at the age of ten trying to console her made her laugh at herself. To think that even a little girl would feel sorry for her. She is really pathetic. "Don't worry, sweet girl. I am fine. Really." Seeing that the young girl is still unconvinced, she tried to change the subject. "Anyway. I am not here for that stinky pervert. I came here to invite you and your brother to lunch. How does that sound?"


The little girl looks healthier than ever. Which wasn't really that surprising, considering how generous the dumbass is towards them, feeding them lunch and dinner as 'payment' for accompanying him in his training. Why he needs little children watching over him as he trains, she has no idea, and whatever it is, she doesn't want to know.


A meek smile appeared from the little girl's face, which is quickly replaced by a frown as she answered. "I apologize miss, but we have to decline. It is not that we don't want to come to have lunch with you, but we have an obligation to accompany Mister Artreus while he trains. Again, I am so sorry Miss Mikaela."


"Oh. Don't be, little Julie. Don't worry, I will go and ask that training freak over there to let you and your brother come with me. It is almost noon, I am sure he wouldn't mind." As she says that, some part of her mind is trying to figure out how the little girl not only find her but also able to sneak up on her. But she just figured it's just her carelessness and pure, dumb luck. After all, the idea of a little girl able to do that to her would only further-flung her deeper into depression, so she brushed off that idea.


Walking towards the clearing, it took a few seconds before Artreus noticed her. Wiping off the sweat from his face with a handkerchief that he bought from the kids, he greeted her. "Oh, hey Mikaela. What a surprise seeing you here. How did you find us?"


"As if you're that hard to find when you leave your footprints all around like a dumbass. Nothing an expert tracker like me couldn't trace." Her boast earned her looks of amazement from the kids and a frown from the soak drenched idiot.


"Okay, so you found us. You still haven't answered my question. Why did you come here? You know, besides coming to insult me." He took off his shirt, revealing his now toned body, which is glistening from his sweat. It is surprising how quickly his muscles have developed. It took only a week for him to transform his body that looks like that of a hardworking farmhand, into a wiry, well-toned body that looks like it was forged in steel.


By the gods, how was he able to do that? Even training from daw till dusk, still shouldn't be possible in such a short time.


Prying off her eyes from the man who's busy wiping off the sweat from his body, Mikaela stated, "I'm here to invite the kids to lunch. It's almost noon and they must be hungry from watching you for hours doing whatever you are doing." With a slight pause, she then added. "You can come too. If you like."


"Oh? you're inviting me? That's new."


"Don't get the wrong idea, you perv. I am only inviting you because if I don't, then the kids wouldn't agree to come with me for lunch."


"I told you to stop calling me that. Especially not in front of the kids."


"Yeah. Mister Artreus is no pervert. He even helped a lady just the other day to carry her heavy luggage from her carriage to her lodging." The little Timothy eagerly defended him. "He's a gentleman, and I want to be like him," he added.


"He carried the luggage because he was mistaken as one of the porters." She teased him.


She was prepared for verbal sparring with the man, but instead, it was little Juliet who answered. "We like you, Miss Mikaela. You are very nice to us. But please stop badmouthing Mister Artreus. Mom told us that it's not nice."


"Urk." She was speechless for a moment. She never thought that the kids would defend him.


"It seems you have a lot to learn from these kids eh?" The hateful man smirked.


"Sh-shut up." This bastard. Making me look bad in front of the kids. "If you don't want to have lunch with me, then fine. I will go have lunch by myself then."


"Hey now. Fine then, let's go. I have finished with today's training anyway." Putting on a fresh shirt that he took out from a bag he bought a week ago, he continued. "Just to be clear. You're buying, right?"


"Yeah. I'll treat you guys. Now let's go before I change my mind." She huffed before marching off towards the town while the others followed her.


The mood started to lighten up as they walk together and the kids share stories about stuff they did and people they knew. Mikaela noticed that Artreus is especially interested whenever the kids tell stories about their favorite of the Twenty. The look on his face has a hint of longing and sadness. That longing look which she also saw on the old man whenever he's drunk and thinks that no one is looking.


Why he's acting like that, though? She doesn't know.


They were near the restaurant that they were frequenting when their way was barred by a familiar figure.


It's the buffoon and his gang again.


"Lookie here, Niel. The bastard and the bitch had tykes. What did I tell ye? Them city girls are loose."


Loose? She? A loose girl? She hasn't even been with a man before and this man dared insult her like this? Who does he think he is? Mikaela felt like his heart would burst in rage. But before she could lunge at the man and tear his throat with her bare hands, Artreus stood in the way.


"What are ye standing there for, ye bastard? Got somtin ta say?" The buffoon asked him. His face full of confidence.


With a cold voice, Artreus uttered. "Take it back."


"What? What ye said boy? Can't hear ye?" The man mocked.


"I said take back what you said, fish faced bastard. Or is your hearing as weak as your brain, that you can't understand words?"


"Ye dare call me stupid, ye punk?!"


As the standoff between the two continued, Mikaela whispered to him. "What are you doing? I could defend my honor myself. I don't need your help." She said to him.


"I know you can. There is no doubt about that." He answered. "But I wouldn't be able to call myself a man if I let a friend get slandered right in front of me."


"When did we become friends?" She asked snidely.


"Then associates."


"That's better."


"What are ye whispering about ye bastards?"


"Just talking about how ugly you are."


"Fuck both of ye in the ass!" He said with gritted teeth. "If ye think that yer safe because the guild master is protecting ye, then yer wrong. Ye see, we're not in the Inn anymore. Here in the outside, I can do anything I want with ye."


"Is that so? Then what are you waiting for?"


"Ye punk! You'll regret ever disrespectin us! Imma smash your face in!" He roared and charged at Artreus.


Artreus motioned them to stand aside as he looked with an uninterested gaze at the 200-kilogram behemoth of a man charging at him at full speed. As the distance shrinks up to just five meters, the children closed their eyes in fear, not wanting to see what is to become off Artreus. Even the onlookers shriek as if they could already see what will be the result of the collision between the fist of a mountain of a man, against the face of a person half his size.


But what happened next caught everyone off guard, as Artreus effortlessly caught his opponent's fist and flipped him over his shoulder like a ragdoll. With a loud thud, the 200-kilogram body of the man slammed against the ground, forcing the air out of his lungs and blood comes out of his mouth as his innards squished against each other. Then, before he could even do anything, the finishing blow was dealt, as Artreus slammed his fist hard on the man's face, knocking him out.


With a sickening squelch, he drew his arm back, revealing the bloodied face of the muscular man. Then, turning towards the other comrades of the fallen man, he says, "I think you got it wrong. The guild master didn't forbid us to fight because he is afraid of what you may do to me. Instead, he is afraid of what I will do to you."


Hearing this, the one called Niel was about to draw his weapon, but he was quickly stopped by their other companion, Joe Nathan. He was the only one in the group who never try to get into trouble, and although he might not be as muscular as the others, and he seems to be the calmest one of them, he is by far the one who oozes danger the most.


There is no doubt, he is strong.


Joe Nathan then stepped forward, walking slowly until he stood face to face with Artreus. Both men faced each other with serious looks on their faces, and it seems that either of them would lunge at the other at any second. Seconds pass and some onlookers started passing out. It seems they forgot to breathe from the tense atmosphere. Mikaela was about to stop the situation before they get into more trouble when Joe Nathan smiled.


"I would like to apologize for the behavior of my friend." Joe started. "I know he's been really rude to the both of you this past week, please forgive him."


"I don't mind the things your friend says about me. I couldn't care less what he thinks of me. But to slander a woman with such vile accusation, throwing mud at her honor, that is unforgivable." He told him. Which would've been great to hear only if she didn't hear what he said next. "She may have a foul mouth, scowls, complains, and nags a lot. But a woman of ill-repute, she is not."


"Understood. I will make sure my friends don't make the same mistake again." Joe answered. His smile, unwavering.


"That would be for the best." With that, Artreus began to march ahead, but not before signaling her and the kids to follow him. Passing by Joe, he tossed a gold coin at him. "Here. For the healers."


"Aren't you so kind?" Catching the coin in mid-air. He continued, his smile wider than before. "Don't worry, I will pay you back for this. You can be sure of it."


Artreus didn't respond, instead, he urges the group to continue walking.


He really has come far in such a short time. To throw someone as easily as he did without even using Aura, his strength improved by leaps and bounds.


He truly has passed her while she's stuck in a rut.


Thankfully, she now has an idea of what to do to remedy her problem.


Now that he knows I could track them, why not use this opportunity to the fullest and train with him? She'll still fulfill her job of watching over him, this way, she would be able to reap benefits while doing so.


As much as she hates even resorting to this, beggars can't be choosers. She cannot continue the way that she is. She must get stronger, either with body strength, skill or if the gods wills it, and Awakening.


With Artreus' ability with all those categories, there is no better one who could help her, than him.


For now, she will just have to swallow her pride and seek his help.


The only problem is how could she ask for his help without looking desperate?

