

Came with me then and better keep your mouth closed, am taking you only because I want to show you that not every one with skirt would run after you some of us have our respect and dignity intact Mr.

As you say beautiful and am sorry if I hurt your feelings am a man who respects women as my mother taught me I don't go chasing every girl like my dad did I want to be faithful to my woman one day and to make my mum proud of the values she instilled in me.

I don't know what to think of you, one minute you are talking nonsense next you are like a priest but whatever as long you help me save my friends il be grateful to you,

It's okay beautiful you don't have to feel indebted to me because il help anyone in need especially you I can tell you love your friends alot I wish I had such a loyal friend like you but I know your like are very few in this world.