

Mum you should go to bed early today, I know you are worried about brother but your health matters to you know very well how will hates when you neglect yourself i don't want him to come back and think that we all couldn't take care of you, please mum go get some sleep tomorrow am sure we will have a clue of what happened to brother and aunt too.

Thanks my boy, but how can a mother get sleep when she doesn't know where her child is? Dear lord I pray that you protect my son and mellisa whereever they are please show us a way forward I can't take this anymore my heart is hurting I can tell something is happening to my son.

Don't say that please my willy will be fine nothing can happen to him, please God why me what did I do wrong that I keep facing all this hardship? Am begging bring my willy back to me and il do everything right but please don't separate me from him because il die.