

The brissful morning came for my two lovers who were snuggling to each other like koala bears but the alarm on the side table was jealous of the beautiful picture thus making it do its intended duty.

Ohhh I don't want to wake up today pretty let's sleep some for just five minutes you smell so heavenly that I want more and more.

You are not even sleeping love so just get your lazy ass up today is a very beautiful and important day to me,,,, I can't let you sleep more otherwise you won't be handsome,,,, can I actually choose how you will dress today my love I want you looking hot I mean you must look more charming and eye catching today,

Pretty why do I feel like you are selling me out to another woman behind my back,,,,, I love the idea of you choosing my clothes not just today but forever.

Go to your room and clean up il b there when am done to help you choose the clothes make sure no one sees you while leaving.