

The night came to an end,, fabi, Mrs mellisa and Mr Marcos left,,,, but someone was sulking as he wanted his little woman to stay with him but he can't as he haven't even proposed to her yet.

Hey little woman wait come with me for five minutes I have something for you,

Yes sis how can you leave just like that my bro must have something so special for you go go don't keep the thing waiting hahaha my cunning bro.

What are you smiling at now???? Tomorrow we have class and its going to be so much fun you should go to sleep because you will need it,,,,.

Pretty what do you mean it's going to be fun what are you upto???? Tell me am sure it nothing good are you planning on breaking up with me at college or did you get another guy there???? I told you not to get close to anyone else because you only belong to me.