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Willy took Fabiola to eat at his favorite place, They sat at a corner and he ordered smoked fish with mashed potatoes and pumpkin soup,he knew she would love it because its very delicious.

While waiting for their orders, hey willy tell me about yourself, am sure there is alot about you.

What do you want to know about me and why?? Are you interested in me I know am handsome so you couldn't resist but you are a little girl wait and grow up first.

Seriously why would I like you uncle?????? Yes am little waiting to grow up but you why are you still single willy tell me, ohhhhh am sure no girl wants an uncle for a boyfriend.

Hahahaha I have many girls who likes me but I don't even look at them because for me I believe in true love and that connection that bonds two to eternity that's why am still single not because am uncle okay,