

Pretty did sis sleep? She must be internally exhausted let's not wake her up for sometime am afraid she may suffer a break down due to stress, hope bro will turn up soon.

Why are you so quiet? It's Fabian whose answering for you hubby are you okay? I know you must be worried about our son but we can't loose hope so soon he will came back safe and sound I trust lord won't let any harm befall my son he's never hurt anyone so why would anyone wish him harm.

Am sorry dear but I can't keep this anymore, someone called me earlier and said he knows where willy is and if I want him alive I must leave the house and also take Fabian with me, they threatened me I only did as they ordered, I thought they wanted to harm you but I see we are all safe I don't know what they really are upto.

Dad! How and why didn't you tell me, all the search and places you said were your hunch was just keeping me from caming back what if anything happened to mum or pretty or sis how could you dad?.