

Mrs mane woke up from a slumber, she had a bad dream that her son was being tortured, she picked the glass by the bedside table and poured herself some water gulped it down in one go,dear lord protect my son and melissa I beg you, willy has never harmed anyone why is this happening to him why my son, why?.

She got up and realised she's all alone in bed,calling her husband three times but no one heard or came to her she got down and went to the living room only to find it empty, calling out again with no response she panicked.

Lyna who was almost catching some sleep since she Fabiola had asked her to to rest that she will be fine heard her calling out loud with a panicking voice she sprung to the door to know what's wrong.

Mum why are you screaming and what's wrong?

Lyna where is everyone I am calling and no one is answering where are they? Did they leave like willy did not telling me where they have gone to?.