
Unbreakable Soul Bond

Zack, a young contract killer, was pursued by his deputy commander as a means to take revenge. After a long fight at the Grand Canyon of the Abyss, they both reached the top of the cliff. Zack was heavily injured, and it was hard for him to stand up. After killing him at the end, he fell from the cliff into the depths of the abyss. Zack found himself inside the ancient-looking style room where stood the most beautiful statue he had ever seen in his entire life. As he pulled the dagger from the statue, a bright light flashed before his eyes with a robotic sound in his head. BOOM Some half-understandable code text started to appear before his eyes. His mind becomes heavy. [Scanning completed] “Some day I am going to kill you, Old Bastard.” The last thing he remembered was the immense killing intent and the scream of a girl before he lost consciousness again. This is the tale of Zack, whose soul is bound to that of a female expert. Zack got power in another world because of her, but he also shared her misfortune and the responsibility to take her revenge. With unexpected ups and downs in his life, Zack reached the top of world power never before seen or heard of until at the end he was informed that... (let's not spoil the fun :D) *** Hello, this is the first time I'm trying to write something that kind of looks like a novel, even though I don't know what I'm going to write. If you like it, please give support and likes as well. And if you have any advice for me, please comment in the next paragraph or chapter. Thanks in advance for writing all the comments. *** NOTE: The cover page is not mine.

MrLazyBum · Fantasy
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20 Chs


In the year 2169

As time marched on, not only did technology advance, but so did the very fabric of our lives. Traditional pastimes like reading novels and comics were losing their appeal as the rise of virtual reality MMO games took over. However, with progress came new dangers, and criminal organizations emerged.

In the basement of an old house, a strikingly handsome young man that the girls would be jealous of him, in loose trousers and a white shirt, lay down in his bed, reading a novel on his laptop, yawning, and smoking. The clothes were lying around everywhere in the rooms, and the bookshelves were empty, but you could find magazines and books on the couch and the tables. The only thing that was in order was a corner where a futuristic-looking tracksuit with a hoodie and one dagger were in the wardrobe.

A single glance was enough to tell everyone that God had blessed him with a pretty face and laziness at the same time. Someone would wonder how God accommodated both qualities in a single person.

"What the hell. Again, the same old thing of transmigration? Why can't they think of something new?" he said to himself after closing the laptop.

<A new mission is issued. It is recommended to pick up the new weapons before going to the mission>

< A new mission is issued. It is recommended...>

Suddenly, the AI's repeated message echoed through the room.

"I know, damn it. I'm the one who set you to remind me, but you don't have to repeat yourself in the same monotone. Can't you upgrade your voice?"

<It is due to the host being too lazy to move. AI is programmed to calculate the behavior of the user and respond in a form which is to encourage the user to give better results in doing any task>

"Ah, I give up" Zack laid down on the bed again.

The young man was Zack, also known as "Pervert Master," and was one of the most talented contract killers in the organization.

However, he was the most hated man in the underworld and in society as well. The reason for his being hated was that in the underworld's organizations, he was too talented and well-paid but did not work much because of his laziness. However, the commander still favored him.

In society, because of his terrible luck, most of the time girls succumbed to his charms, so all the boys hated him. Most of the time, he was at the right place but at the wrong time.

Because of that, he was often found with random girls in awkward situations, which aroused misunderstandings among people who saw him. So rumors about him started floating around the society and organization and some gave him names like a pervert, lecher, etc.

However, just like every coin has two sides, some liked him for their gossip and gave him thumbs up for his mastery of being in an awkward situation, calling him "Master", This was why he was named "Pervert Master" among people.

Zack got up with his eyes half open and asked about the time, "Hey Spark, what time is it and what time do I have to get there? Remind me two hours early, alright?"

< It is still 20 minutes to 10 p.m. and you have one hour and 20 minutes to collect all the accessories information >

"Of Fuck. Not again."

Zack suddenly opened his eyes and cursed. He got up, changed his clothes, and ran to his car.

After super driving skills and breaking a few signals along the way, Zack reached his destination.

As he stepped out of his car and walked through the gates, the first person to catch his eye was a strapping young man with muscles that could rival a Greek god's. With sharp eyebrows and piercing hawk-like eyes, he looked like the type of character that would betray the protagonist in a novel. But this was no work of fiction, and the man before him was not a villain.

Instead, he was Andy - Zack's superior, one of the trainers in their organization, and a friend.

"Zack, you are late again. You should stay in the compound, which is available to every member of the organization." Andy advised him as a senior.

"Like hell, I'm staying with a bunch of weirdos who do nothing but work out their bodies, and there is not a single girl to be seen,"

Zack replied as he walked in with Andy.

After walking a few steps, he added with a somber tone, "And you already know that that bastard, the deputy commander, is desperate to get revenge on me"

"Hahaha!" Andy laughed out loud as he walked. "There is no point in blaming him, Zack. He is the victim here. Who asked you to talk to his wife to impress her, but in the end, you are the reason his wife is asking for a divorce?"

"How would I know that it would end up like this? I just wanted to secure my future here" irritated Zack said

" Oh common, don't say you didn't know; you are famous for your nickname.

The first time you come here you bump into Roxie"

"It was an accident; I was in a hurry, and she walked in as I entered the gate."

Oh, really, then what about your time with Nina?" Andy chuckled and asked.

"It was an emergency. I had to save her; I could not stop the bleeding without removing the shirts. It was not like I saw everything; I could see more at the swim club than they give me credit for." Without any emotion or hesitation, Zack replied.

With an amusing smile, Andy asked, "Then what about our commander?"

"No comments," Zack said in a defeated tone, as if his dignity depended on it. Then added in a fearful tone "And shut up Andy, otherwise, if the commander were to hear this, then the next bounty will be on my head"

Finally, they reached the commander's cabin, but before they entered, the commander's secretary opened the gate and said in a chilling voice without any emotion, "Mr. Zack and Mr. Andy, your assignment for today has already been sent to you.

Please check your mail before midnight", after which she left the duo staring at her back.

"Where is the commander?" Andy Asked

"Commander won't be available for 3 days."

Andy nodded and did not inquire further because it was one of the rules of the organization that no details of the mission could be passed on to another member.

Even if it was a high-ranking member, only the commander, the commander's secretary, and the deputy commander can know about it. And the details of the mission remained in the mail for only 30 minutes before it was deleted for security reasons.

There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that the target does not realize that he has been targeted, and the second reason is that the members of the organization may be friendly, but none of them is a saint.

"She is as cold as ever." Zack said to Andy, who was standing with him.

"I'm surprised, you know?" Andy chuckled

Zack looked at Andy, hinting at him to go on and say. What are you surprised about?

"You are no president of any country, so stop giving me the damn pose," he said grumpily in his heart.

"You got the commander, but why not her secretary?" Andy grinned at him with his white teeth, making Zack speechless.

"Fuck Off" Zack left the laughing Andy behind and went to pick up the necessary stuff he would need on the mission.

In the organization, all the tools a member required could be obtained here. The latest gadgets and weapons, specially made for killing and planning, are available there.

After gearing up and reading the information for the new mission, Zack started driving.

Someone Told me about the mistakes I have done, so I'm re-editing the chapter and, adding a few more lines. and already posted chapters, I will try to correct my mistakes in them as well,

It is my first time writing in words that I imagine in my mind.

And the first experience is that it sucks.

Especially when it comes to naming the character.

However, Any advice is welcome for supporting this journey. Thanks.

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