
Unbreakable Soul Bond

Zack, a young contract killer, was pursued by his deputy commander as a means to take revenge. After a long fight at the Grand Canyon of the Abyss, they both reached the top of the cliff. Zack was heavily injured, and it was hard for him to stand up. After killing him at the end, he fell from the cliff into the depths of the abyss. Zack found himself inside the ancient-looking style room where stood the most beautiful statue he had ever seen in his entire life. As he pulled the dagger from the statue, a bright light flashed before his eyes with a robotic sound in his head. BOOM Some half-understandable code text started to appear before his eyes. His mind becomes heavy. [Scanning completed] “Some day I am going to kill you, Old Bastard.” The last thing he remembered was the immense killing intent and the scream of a girl before he lost consciousness again. This is the tale of Zack, whose soul is bound to that of a female expert. Zack got power in another world because of her, but he also shared her misfortune and the responsibility to take her revenge. With unexpected ups and downs in his life, Zack reached the top of world power never before seen or heard of until at the end he was informed that... (let's not spoil the fun :D) *** Hello, this is the first time I'm trying to write something that kind of looks like a novel, even though I don't know what I'm going to write. If you like it, please give support and likes as well. And if you have any advice for me, please comment in the next paragraph or chapter. Thanks in advance for writing all the comments. *** NOTE: The cover page is not mine.

MrLazyBum · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Death of Zack ?

Note- I didn't like it, so some changed it

Vice commander ---> Deputy commander


When Zack searched for information about the target, he found out that he was a scientist who was well known for his famous absurd theory about The Grand Canyon of the Abyss. He once claimed that the depth of the abyss is a mysterious place that is connected to another world. Therefore, many people called him a lunatic.

Well, it was not the first time it happened. Who knows since when, but every unexplained situation is labeled as mysterious. And those who said that they had uncovered the truth behind it were called abnormal.

He was baffled. Not because he was a lunatic scientist, but because he didn't find a proper reason why someone would want him dead.

Zack checked the location of his target; the last location seen was near the Grand Canyon of the Abyss, which was to be expected. A scientist who was crazy about uncovering the truth behind the abyss would be near the abyss.

Zack didn't think much about it. A job is a job, and he had to complete it. Even if it was the president of the country, he had no excuse to voice out objection after killing tens of people.

The Grand Canyon of the Abyss was one of the unsolved mysteries. Where one of the areas was like a volcano, hollow from the inside with nothing but darkness.

What made it special wasn't its surface area or height, but the endless depth you see when you look at the center from above. And no matter what or who goes in, that never comes out.

All kinds of signals are lost as soon as you enter the depths. Scientists haven't found the reason for its existence.

This was also why it was named "The Grand Canyon of the Abyss."

Therefore, only people like scientists who wish to do some experiment in their bored lives or people who have lost the will to live visit this place.

After driving the car for several hours, Zack finally reached his destination. After parking the car on the side, Zack went out to find more information about the target. However, he only found out that the target was collecting data about the Grand Canyon of the Abyss to solve the mystery.

His instincts warned him that something was wrong. No matter where he went, all the information he had gathered directed him to go to the top of the Grand Canyon of the Abyss.

No one would wish to be in that hellish environment. Although it is not the highest place, the situation at the top is no different from the tallest mountain in the world. With low oxygen and cold temperatures, any normal person would freeze to death if he stayed there; however, he got information that the target was last seen a week ago.

"Why didn't you just inform me when you wished to be dead? I would have given you a painless death." Zack cursed

Left with no other choice, Zack decided to head for the top, end the mission quickly, and go back to sleep. It's already midnight. He had been searching around for hours.

As he reached the top, the air became thinner, and the icy wind made walking difficult. The red moon played hide and seek, and the thick fog made it even harder to look ahead.

Zack wondered if the scientist was really there. He always believed that scientists are mentally half-sick, but this situation is already more than he could handle, even for him.

Just as he was two-thirds of the way to the top, Zack heard footsteps from behind. Before he could turn his head to look, the blade of a short sword almost took his life.

Zack is shocked and enraged. He was already infuriated because of the environment, and now someone tried to attack him and almost sent him to meet his unknown parents. He didn't know who and why this person was attacking him.

However, his years of training and experience as a professional killer kicked in, and he hastily moved to the side before he was stabbed. After surviving the first attack on his vital points, he looked at the person who ambushed him.

He became even more shocked when he looked at the person, because the person who attacked him was none other than the Deputy Commander. And the deputy commander was a sniper; he was proficient in sniping. However, he was using a short sword like a dagger now.

Zack also drew his dagger and asked, "Deputy Commander, what are you doing? And why are you here anyway?"

With a mixture of mocking and cruel smile, the Deputy Commander said, "You ask me why I am here after all you have done to me? You never thought you would die by my hand, did you?"

Zack now understood why he was feeling something was off. Why was his instinct warning me again and again. It was all planned by this bastard. There was never a contract to kill that lunatic scientist. It was all a trap to lure him here.

The deputy commander got this chance because the Commander was not available for 3 days. These three days were more than enough to plan to be completed and remove any traces left behind.

He wished he could have inquired more, but it was already too late. First, he must find a way to survive this situation created by carelessness.

As Zack looked at the surroundings to find a place to flee to or to put distance between himself and the Deputy Commander, the Deputy Commander attacked again, slashing his sword in fast motions. The way the deputy commander was attacking him violently, it seemed that he had gone mad.

As his attacks became faster and faster, it was difficult for Zack to look for a way to escape, so he could only concentrate on the fight.

Zack exchanged the attack with the attacks of the deputy commander. He dodged and parried some attacks as they fought and moved from one place to another, both wounded and bleeding. Although he was a deputy commander, he was only good at "one-shot killing". He had never been a fighter.

After fighting sometimes, they somehow reached the top. Zack lost too much blood, and his vision became blurred.

Breathing heavily, Zack asked, "Aren't you worried about what the commander will say when she finds out about this?"

The deputy commander sneered in contempt, "You are really too naive, Zack; when you fall behind, do you still believe there will be any evidence left?"

As if a grim reaper caught his throat, Zack's whole body froze, and suddenly he realized what was behind him. He was so focused on the fight that he didn't know when he reached the top and was standing at the edge of the cliff of "The Grand Canyon of the Abyss."

Zack wondered, Will I survive if I fall there? Well, the answer is obviously a big 'NO'

Then the second outcome will be that I will get reincarnated as the protagonist in all novels and always end up in a different world with supernatural powers when they die from falling from the cliffs... Right?

'Umm… probably yes I guess.'

Then comes the condition: in those novels, the protagonist jumps voluntarily so that villains don't get his treasure.

Zack suddenly realized the most important fact: Where the fuck is "TREASURE"? I don't even have anything called my parents' souvenir. It is not real, idiot, come back to reality and think of something now.'

'Greetings to ancestors who wrote my life story, but I am not jumping off even if I die'

Zack thought about it and decided to fight to the bitter end.

"You know, Zack, I always hated you for how easily you get girls around you; that bitch and even Commander is interested in you."

The Deputy Commander's voice broke Zack's thought process and woke him up. Remembering the life he lived till now, he cursed loudly, "Fuck you; I am still a virgin."

"And your damned face, that damned face, that is the cause of trouble. So you die now, and all trouble will disappear."

The deputy commander was still talking as if he hadn't heard Zack; it seems as if he lost all reasoning and sense.

"I'm not good at fighting"

When he saw the Deputy Commander muttering to himself as his voice got higher and higher, Zack started to observe the surroundings for a way out.

"What do I do? What should I do?"

"I should not fight."

"I should do what I am good at."

"I should kill you in one shot"

"Go and die, Zack, even in your life you never find the pleasure of SE… "

Zack became shocked and angry when he saw the deputy commander take out his handgun and heard the last shout. In his rage, he threw the dagger in his hand, which stabbed the deputy commander's heart.

Due to the sudden attack aim of the dagger, the Deputy Commander's aim moved from head to shoulder, and Zack fell into the abyss from the impact of the bullet with a satisfying smile on his face.

As he watched the sky getting smaller and smaller as he fell into the deep abyss, Zack thought to himself

'At least my next life story would be different from those losers who died in reincarnation novels without the chance to take revenge after being betrayed.'

On second thought…

'I should have forced myself on the commander when I got the chance, I would have still died, but at least not as a virgin.'

Re-edited. I tried to correct some grammar mistakes. If find anything unpleasant, please write in the comment. Thanks for reading.

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