
Unbreakable Soul Bond

Zack, a young contract killer, was pursued by his deputy commander as a means to take revenge. After a long fight at the Grand Canyon of the Abyss, they both reached the top of the cliff. Zack was heavily injured, and it was hard for him to stand up. After killing him at the end, he fell from the cliff into the depths of the abyss. Zack found himself inside the ancient-looking style room where stood the most beautiful statue he had ever seen in his entire life. As he pulled the dagger from the statue, a bright light flashed before his eyes with a robotic sound in his head. BOOM Some half-understandable code text started to appear before his eyes. His mind becomes heavy. [Scanning completed] “Some day I am going to kill you, Old Bastard.” The last thing he remembered was the immense killing intent and the scream of a girl before he lost consciousness again. This is the tale of Zack, whose soul is bound to that of a female expert. Zack got power in another world because of her, but he also shared her misfortune and the responsibility to take her revenge. With unexpected ups and downs in his life, Zack reached the top of world power never before seen or heard of until at the end he was informed that... (let's not spoil the fun :D) *** Hello, this is the first time I'm trying to write something that kind of looks like a novel, even though I don't know what I'm going to write. If you like it, please give support and likes as well. And if you have any advice for me, please comment in the next paragraph or chapter. Thanks in advance for writing all the comments. *** NOTE: The cover page is not mine.

MrLazyBum · Fantasy
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20 Chs


After being mentally tortured by the certain thing in his mind and getting over his despair after looking at the status window, Zack accepted the fact that he has to live with this system setting that he was given.

In order to survive, the first thing he must do was learn more about himself and his physical state.

He checked the status window and saw his age, which was 17 years old, which means he is 8 years back in his youth.

'At least I got another chance to make my own harem… *cough* *cough* Ahem, I mean a chance to train myself stronger,' he thought to himself.

*Ava, can you tell me what my body condition is?*

Zack asked the system so that he could know more about the system and how he could utilize it for his growth.

Even though it didn't provide him with much help, at least it should be able to do that. Zack said it in his heart.

[Player body condition:

2 ribs fracture

Left-hand fracture

Right leg fracture

Nothing serious; Player has to be on bed rest for only two weeks, and the player will be back to the best condition he was in]

'Nothing serious? You have the nerve to say this? I am a normal human with half my body broken, and you say nothing serious?" Zack was fuming inside.

'Whatever, at least you are not completely useless', Zack thought in his mind, totally ignoring the annoying tone of the system.

*Ava, do people cultivate here in this world?* He asked again because, in all the world, he had read about it in novels. Every single one has some kind of energy that is used to cultivate and become Superman or Superhuman.

[yes. Everyone who can cultivate is called 'Awaken' here.]

Zack became happy and felt like singing some Hakuna Matata, knowing that he can cultivate in this world. Half of his worry had gone away. He hastily asked, "Then how can I cultivate; do you know any technique?"

[If this is the player's first time absorbing MANA, The player can't use the available techniques stored in the system until he is completely healed.]

'When I will be completely healed. huh? It will take more than a few days.'


Zack sighed helplessly and ignored the system.

'Since I'm reincarnated here, I will become stronger. Only by getting stronger can I survive in this unknown world.' Zack made the decision in his heart with steel-like determination.

Zack pondered what he should do with the time he has, as he is unable to move properly due to being wounded. He cast a glance at the girl seated on the chair next to him. Her pink lips resembled fresh rose petals, and her white skin was as smooth as silk. Probably she was tired of dressing his wounds, as she was dozing off with one hand on her chin.

Now that he was paying her more attention, She seemed to be a genuinely lovable and kind girl.

However, loveable or not, he has to wake her up to know something.

'Since she is my sister, I have the official right to annoy her.' Zack smirked in his heart.

"Hey! Are you awake?"

"Huh? Big brother, did you call Momo? Do you need something, big brother? " The girl suddenly opened her eyes.

"Is that medicine in the bowl for me?" I asked because I need to get healed fast. I was never in a situation like this before.

"Huh? Yeah, big brother. It is for you," she replied in a cheerful voice. And as if she suddenly got enlightenment from Newton's apple.

"Big brother, you have to drink this medicine, so you can get better."

"Don't make Momo worry anymore."

" I will make medicine every day, and you will be fine soon."

"I am not as good as Grandpa, but I can make tasty medicine."

"You know, you just need to add honey to every medicine, and it becomes sweet," she said as she helped me drink the medicine in the bowl, as she kept continuing her unconcerned speech.

'Could you let me speak first? I am the one who wishes to ask something. So let me ask before you open your Momopedia. Did I make a mistake by waking you up?' Zack wondered as his throat became dry instead of that person before him who was speaking nonstop.

"Hey Momo, umm... Do you know how I got these wounds? Umm... As you know, I don't remember what happened before." Zack asked the girl beside him.

"Oh, you don't know. I also don't know. When I found you, Big Brother was already injured and bleeding.

"When I went outside to gather some herbs, I discovered Big Brother near the forest and at the sea. At first, it seemed like a large fish to me. But it was you, Big Brother," she sighed and replied in a dejected tone. As she continued, her expression changed from sad to joyful.

"Last time I went to check, I found a big spirit fish; it was two times the size of Big Brother." I also found a MANA core inside. We made soup and cu.."

Zack ignored her lack of concern expression, as she placed more value on the fish than on him.

Zack thought to himself about how he was at the shoreline while he was last in the room.

There were more events going on around him, and all of them were still a mystery to him.

The Grand Canyon of the Abyss, The dark corridor, the mysterious statue inside the ancient hall, and coming to the shores in a wounded state.

Since he couldn't find the answer to these questions, he threw them out of his mind for the time being.

Zack was feeling empty as he lay on his bed.

When he thought about what was missing, he remembered his dagger.

As a professional contract killer, his life was always in danger. Therefore, he kept his dagger beside him at all times.

Now that he thought about it, the old dagger was gone, and he didn't find his new dagger beside him, which he pulled out of the statue.

He moved his head down to look at himself; he was wearing different clothes before he fell from the cliff. 'I was wearing something like this before too in the hall, but because of the unfamiliar place and darkness, my mind didn't think too much about the outfit.'

"Momo, when you found me, did you see anything else? Something like a knife or dagger? Did Grandpa put it somewhere after dressing my wounds?" Zack asked.

Because he had just woken up, he didn't remember the conversation between the old man and the girl because of dizziness.

Momo stared at me while blinking a few times.

"I didn't find anything beside you when I found you," she hesitated a little before continuing as her voice became low at the end, "Grandpa didn't dress your wounds, Momo did."

She looked outside the door to hide her embarrassment and awkwardness.

But then she turned to Zack and suddenly said,

"But I didn't do anything, brother; I didn't touch your thing either."

"You need to drink more medicine, big brother. Your thing doesn't look healthy. Last year I cleaned your wound, and it became bi."

Zack was speechless as he stared at her unblinkingly.

How can she talk as if nothing happened? Is she really 15 and not 5? Is she really that innocent, or is she making a fool of everyone?" He thought to himself.

'I finally understand why people used to say that talking too much is not a good habit; you say more than you need to,' Zack said to himself with a helpless smile.

'If it is really too innocent, then sigh.'


'Momo is kind, loveable, and beautiful, but she is a curious little kid who talks too much.'

Zack closed his eyes, ignoring the chatterbox by his side, and tried to sleep.

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