
Prisoner of your Life

"Where have you been, we returned last night and I rushed over to your place but you weren't there," Cynthia asked.

"At a friend's place," Alex said.

"What a friend, who is that, am your only friend"

Alex frowned.

"Dont look at me like that, we all know it's true," her sister said. "And what with the huge teddy? And new clothes you look amazing"

"It was a birthday gift from Becca and Roy" she smiled.

"And who is that... I go away for two days and you have a group of friends, what going on with you"

Alex chuckled, "There are Nathan's driver and personal secretary"

"Nathan? You mean the...." Alex stopped her.

"Yes I meant Mr Livingston"

Cynthia smiled, "Tell me more"

Alex frowned, "Go do your work".

"Don't worry Dad won't mind. He said I did a good job during the business trip, so tell me what happened".

Alex sighed.

"What you slept in his bed, where is the shirt you wore," Cynthia said.

"Why would I bring it it belonged to him"

"But you wore it, as an excuse for meeting him you would claim you took it to be washed and return it. Then he would have to meet you again" said her sister.

"Huh, what sort of logic is that? But am worried now, won't he mind me leaving him his dirty shirt" Alex frowned.

Cynthia laughed, "that's the logic of a woman who wants to get a boyfriend. Sister it's time you step out of that enclosed world you live in and have a relationship. You have been keeping to yourself for so long and now that you have a chance to love, take it"

Alex moved her seat back to her desk, "I don't know about that"

"You need to, this is your life I know but it's toxic for you to live the way you do. Yes you doing everything for mom but she had already lived her life and it's your turn"...." Do you think she will like it when she finds out what you do to yourself just for her, she wants you to be happy not a prisoner of your life"

Alex gazed at her sister, "You're saying a lot for just one point"

Cynthia chuckled, "I know am sorry, but you need to take this chance just this once"

"Okay," Alex said.

"Great, so now we need to find a way for you to meet him again," she said.

Alex smiled, "I am, ...this evening. He invited me out for dinner"

"What?, his serious and I like it. So do you have what to wear... Something like this" she pointed at the dress she was wearing.

"You know I don't have a lot of clothes and I don't have to change, his picking me up from work," she said.

"Oh, okay. I will help with your make-up and hair" Cynthia offered.

"But am fine," Alex said.

Her sister looked her over and smirked, "No your not"