
Unbreakable love: Only one I love

Alex had one goal in life to make enough money so she could give her mother a comfortable life. But her efforts always seemed less fruitful even with her adoptive father and step-sister by her side. "Am not crying, just got something in my eye " Alex sniffed. "Am sorry, here is something that might help" the stranger said passing his handkerchief. "Thank you," she said taking it. After wiping the falling tears she turned to look at the stranger. His long brown hair was moving with the breeze around him as his dark orbs stared down at her. He bent down took his hankie and gently wiped the still falling tears from her eyes, "you missed a spot" he smiled. She smiled remembering that night, it was the day she had met him. Nathan Livingston. The man who claimed to only have eyes for her and soon had proved it.

jandralitto · Urban
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132 Chs

Last night

"I thought you would never return, how was the event?"

Nathan sighed, "I don't remember most of it, but I think it went well"

"What's wrong something happened?" his father asked.

"Yes but even though it was to my advantage I didn't like how it happened," he said.

"Tell me what happened then"

"Someone I care about was hurt and I was able to help her," he said.

"Her? So it's a woman we are talking about? "his father smiled.

"Yes, Dad it's a woman. A very special woman" he smiled.

"Seeing you smile proves it's true, so what happened to her"

He told his father what happened and how he was able to help.

"Instead of focusing on the bad thing think of what you did for her. You were able to help her again so be happy about that" his father said.

"I know but...."

His father sighed, "It's her life son, if she decided to be treated like that then don't interfere, cause to her you are still a stranger who has shares in her father's company"

"I don't know why it makes me sad when I see her cry but am scared if I try too much she might get scared away," he said.

"Then take it slow, she must be the type of woman who has got used to doing things on her own so when she saw you treating her differently and offering help it was a surprise and must have alerted her on why you were acting that way," his father said.

"I will Dad, thanks for listening," he said.

"Am here for you son and this has dispersed my doubts about your sexuality"

Nathan paused, "What do you mean?".

"Since you never talked to or dated any women I always thought it was because you were into men" his father chuckled.

Nathan laughed, "And if it was true"

"Then I was ready to accept it, you my only son there is nothing I would not do for you"

Nathan smiled, "Then just to ease your mind, am not into men. I just never found anyone worth my attention until I met Alex".

"Then I wish you all the best son"

"Thanks, Dad, I do need it," he said.


Alex woke up with a sprained neck, she yawned as he picked up the call that had woken her up.

"Hello," she answered.

"Sister, are you okay? Am on my way to your place mom gave me some food to bring to you" Cynthia said.

"Okay, you let yourself in I can't get up," she said

"Okay, see you soon"

She heard the door open a few minutes later as Cynthia walked in.

She moved to the living room where she was.

"You seem sick, what happened" she scanned her face.

Alex yawned again, "Am hungry what did you bring?" she asked.

Cynthia smiled opening the packed food for her sister.

"Let me grab a fork for you," she said moving to the kitchen.

Alex tasted the food and smiled, "My favourite"

"Mom was worried you were tired from last night so she made this" reported Cynthia.

"I will call her later," Alex said.

Cynthia sat down and looked at her eating.

"Tell me what happened last night," she said.

Alex sighed, "What do you mean?".

"I mean start from where you shared a seat with Mr Livingston and then disappearing and right after he disappeared too".

Alex snickered, "I shared his table 'cause ours seemed full".

Cynthia scowled, "Am sorry about that it was mother's fault"

"Then I slipped in the washroom and hurt my ankle" she pulled the cover on her leg revealing the still-swollen ankle.

"Oh my God, does it hurt," she asked.

"Look at it and ask me again, it's red and swollen so yeah am in pain," she said.

Cynthia grabbed her phone, "Who are you calling" asked Alex.

"The doctor, that ankle needs to be checked or it will get worse" she answered.

"Don't worry, just get some ice and painkillers and I will be fine?" Alex said.

Cynthia got up creating distance between them, "Am sorry but am not listening to you right now. Am calling the doctor cause that thing can get worse".

Alex sighed and let her call him while she ate her food.