one day Teruhashi Wales up and decided to make a change with her life and the way she lives .So what better way to change then to obsessed over the one you love in most. Love is what cause she's the most change I do not own Saik k or the cover photo I am using in anyway shape or form
The wound I sustain from Ryohei still hasn't healed but I just decided to head out to the hospital.
I can't say I'm stuck in a war between two ancient gods now can I?
It's amazing how I am still sane at this point in the story.
The fanfic author has altered too much.
Why the hell is it so hard to just want to survive.
As I grabbed a red potion and a blue on I opened up my inventory.
From it, I made the system give me the Demon blood gods armor.
This was from an ancient family of demon hunters.
Not much can say about them since the F.A. Doesn't tell me shit about these weapons.
But I will have to dawn it no matter what it is from.
'Yandere system please equip the demon kids armor.'
[Demon God armor equipped.]
[Please remember that the demon God armor has a nasty side effect..]
[You are drawing power from hell itself.]
[You may. be powerful for a human but your not a God]
Hearing the system talk to me I could only laugh.
If there was some kind of time limit then I will go over it.
Even if it kills me Ryohei will die no matter the cost.
Taking the teleporter I ported back to the field.
"I expec-." (Ryohei)
Before he could talk I grabbed my hatchet and cut his handoff.
It was in a brief instant but I saw fear appear on Ryohei.
But the fear on his face turned into pure anger.
Without making a comment he sent a ball of fire to me but I slashed making a blood-red slash.
My attacks were powerful but I could tell my body was losing something.
As I rushed forward I slashed down but Ryohei dodge.
Turning my body I slashed at his chest
"Too shallow." (Ryohei)
"I wasn't aiming there."(Teruhashi )
As Ryohei landed his leg broke off.
Blood splatter everywhere all over the ground creating a pool of blood.
His face grimaced in pain as I laughed evilly at him.
" Do you even know what he wants?"(Ryohei.)"Arkmiss wants to kill everyone. He plans to mill the council of gods."
"Oh so what, ?!!!" (Teruhashi)
"He planning Homicide against the God and his war will be blindless slaughtering until he dies." (Ryohei)
"I know." Teruhashi."I but I don't care."(Teruahashi)"The fanfic author makes the decision."
Taking my hatchet I took off Ryohei head.
As Teruhashi looked at ryohei head she grabbed her armor and threw it into a portal.
Her body was cover in dark red veins and her hair was partly white now.
[Arkmiss has a message for you ]
As the system said this a screen popped up and it showed a boy with white hair.
His red eyes stared deep into her. They looked worried but she could see the evil smile on his face.
"Thank you. I handled the devourer. There will be no more interruptions. You will be heading into the final arc soon."(F.A)
" Oh really what's your next fanfic"(Teruhashi)
"Idk when chap 25 is out I will work on my original work." (F.A.)
"Sure you will." (Teruhashi )
As Teruhashi fell to the ground the fanfic author laughed
She had overexerted herself to the point of death.
"Okay happy this is over."
As the screen turned off I could feel my body fall down to my bed.
The council weren't being cooperative anymore so I killed them all.
The only way to control something is to take it by force I guess.
Ryohei has a point Teruhashi doesn't know my plans but at the same times m I don't know hers.
The system will need to change it host again one day.
Or atleast I think so at some point it will need to
But I don't know who next that is the problem.
That is the problem I deal with daily I guess.So many world and not many to pick from .
Well my play isn't over jsut yet after all I still have time.
As I gazed at the clock it showed no movement.
Thus was the clock that would tell me when the world will end.
I have collected most of the pieces but I need battery.
As I put my hand through the.screen I grabbed ryohei dead corpse fro. the ground and put him in a slot of the clock .
It lit up for a brief minute but then went off.
Ryohei body wrinkled up and turned to into ash.
That was the 100th body today that didn't work .
I guess God ki had to be. used as a power source then.
As I looked at the other slot O saw a gaint black squid.
It skin was pure black but it had spots that looked like stars on it .
it's body wrinkled up but using gods I it rejuvenated it self to keep its existence alive .
"You pathetic. So fucking pathetic. You said I was going to die."(F.A.)
"You're going to die."(Devourer )
"Mmmm Kay keep moving around ."(F.A.)
Opening the pod I used my foot and stepped on devourer eye and ulled on its tongue.
"You are my new pet.So how about I make you show me more respect."
That day from the moon radio of screams could be heard coming from space .
Yo guys I am taking a break and working on my orginal story and i'm trying to jist take a break from thus for a while since irl has gotten really busy for me and because of that I feel like im rushing this