
Unalloyed Blade Works

First story yayyy since this is my first story I accept all criticism Anyway for the synopsis read and find out

UnalloyedBladeHero · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


December,18 12:36 a.m

3rd POV


A woman is seen in front of a door carrying what seems to be a baby. The woman herself seems to be out of breath like she was running a marathon her silver eyes frantically look in all directions, cuts and bruises all over her, and her raven like hair is disheveled."I'm sorry my little Nocti but mommy has to go bad guys are coming after her…please don't hate me for this."The woman says with tears threatening to pour out of her eyes she put the baby in a basket with a note."SHE'S OVER HERE SOMEWHERE SPREAD OUT I WANT HER FOUND!!!" A man who seems to be an army general yelled. The woman hurriedly knocked on the door and ran in a random direction as she ran further away we get to see that the door belongs to a wooden cottage. An elderly man opens the door confused he looks left then right but once he looks down he sees a baby! He rushes the baby in the cottage faster than an old man should've, once he took the baby out of the basket. The old man picks up the note and begins reading "Master Prince I hope you don't mind taking care of my son the Cassifica Kingdom is after me so until I get them off my tail will you please take care of him train him once he's old enough from your favorite student ***** p.s his name is Noctis so don't try to name him after yourself." The old man started laughing loudly then picked up the baby then said"Guess this means you're my grandson now hmmm Noctis Prince that doesn't sound bad at all does it." The baby now known as Noctis started giggling and clapping his hands signaling that he likes it."HAHAHAHA that good now I wonder how Alice will take it having a grandson all of a sudden guess we'll pass that issue when we get to it call me Grandpa James for now on okay."

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