
Unalloyed Blade Works

First story yayyy since this is my first story I accept all criticism Anyway for the synopsis read and find out

UnalloyedBladeHero · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 1:Five Years Later

August,15 7:15 a.m

Noctis POV


I was having a nice dream about adventuring, me and my companions was about to slay the evil dragon until,"NOCTIS WAKE UP IT'S TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!!" I hear my grandma yell. I got out of my bed, get dressed, wash my face and brush my teeth, and run down the hall to get my breakfast."Grandpa when are you going to train me to be an adventurer" I asked ever since grandpa told me a story of his adventuring days being an adventurer is all I ever wanted to be since."Once you get home from school but be warned training will be like hell on earth the weak-willed ran home crying to their mommy after just one day HAHAHAHA" Grandpa said."Yes!! I won't let you down grandpa see you later" I said as I finished my food and run to catch the bus to school.

James POV


That boy will be a great adventurer one day I just know it."So when are you going to tell him?" I hear Alice ask"Tell him what that his father is a no good bastard or that his mother is on the run from a foreign country" I replied quite harshly."HE HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW JAMES!!!"Alice yelled right in my ear."I KNOW!! I-I know Alice he's not ready yet, I'm not ready yet…How about this on his 17th birthday I'll tell him deal." I said"*sigh* deal but his training please don't be too hard on him he's only 5" Alice practically begged."I was already going to, I'm going to head out and get some groceries I'll be back in a hour or so" I said as I leave the cottage

8:00 am

Noctis POV


Today is the first day is the first day of school and I get to train, today is the best day ever. Since I wasn't paying attention to where I was going I bumped into someone and we both fell on the ground"Hey watch where you're going" the boy said"Sorry I was paying attention I was just excited for school" I replied "Heh famous last words, hey my name is Jura Sol want to be friends"Jura asked. Friends? my very first friend I'M SO HAPPY."Yeah let's be friends we'll be best bros" I replied happily"That's great but let's hurry up to class or we'll be late"Jura said. As we we're running to class I decided to ask something that's been on my mind for a while"Hey Jura why do you have pointy ears" I asked "Oh this I'm what you called an high elf one of the four major races there's high humans, high elves, demi-humans, and demons. From what I can tell from your silver eyes you're a high human" Jura said"I AM!!" I yelled " Yep let talk about it later get a move on we're almost late" Jura said as we ran towards our class.

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