
Un-Solo Leveling

This is my new fan-fiction work. A story of someone who gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of Solo Leveling. It's an alternate universe where Jin Woo's decision to reverse the time ended up badly for the Earth's future so he needs to fix it, but he needs someone's help. A young man's soul is chosen to help him save the Earth by going to the past. The young man receives the power to grow stronger in the world where Awakeners can't get stronger after their awakening, just like Sung Jin Woo, but not really the same. With his power, he is determined to keep getting stronger and protect the Earth. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I have uploaded up to +30 chapters in my Patreon page. If you want to support me on patreon, then this is the link: patreon.com/PeekACoo Thank you for your support

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

27. Despicable Fight

The 1st Orc that Indra kicked in the head is still alive despite him not holding back. These Orcs' bodies are really strong that Indra's full-powered kick can't kill an Orc instantly. But that kick was powerful enough to crack the Orc's skull, so his attacks are still effective.

"So these guys are Orcs. They should be weaker than High-Orcs, but they are still A-Rank monsters with great physical power. But humanoid monsters with great physiques and fighting abilities, huh? This sure will be interesting."

Indra often fights non-humanoid monsters and most of them use magic attacks. That is not really a problem, but he is a Martial Artist. He often sparred with other people, so he misses the feeling of fighting like that.

These Orcs claimed themselves to be warriors in the story. They fight using their great physical power. Though there are also variants like Tusk that use Magic. But most of them are fighting just with their physical power which Indra likes.

"Come on! Let's fight like true fighters, Orcs!"

Indra grins widely while getting into a fighting stance. The orcs are enraged at him because he ruined their fun. But they are also eager to fight him. After all, they love battle and he could injure one of them with just a kick.

They hold their weapons and seem to be talking with each other. Indra doesn't understand what they say because he doesn't know the monster language. But he knows from their expressions that they are looking down on him.

One of the Orcs suddenly looks at him and dashes toward him. The orc raises its broad sword high and then swings it very strongly at Indra. He looks at it coming toward him and then steps aside to dodge it narrowly.

"So you thought only 1 of you was enough to fight me even though I could badly injure that guy? Is it because you thought I could do it just because it was a surprise attack? You guys are really looking down on me."

Indra steps forward and then sends a strong kick at the Orc's right leg from the side. He makes the Orc lose balance and fall. Then he grabs the Orc's head and slams his hardened knee to its jaw. He dislocated the Orc's jaw then he pushes the Orc's head to the ground and stomps its neck, breaking it instantly which kills it.

"So how is it? Still want to look down on me? You better come at me together or you won't stand a chance."

Obviously, the orcs don't understand what he says at all. But seeing their comrade being killed is enough to enrage them. They finally decide to attack him together. Even the one that was badly injured in the head by Indra also joined the attack.

Indra grins as he also rushes to fight the enraged Orcs. He avoids their attacks which can be seen clearly by his Golden Eyes. Then he attacks their lower bodies because he can't reach their upper bodies without jumping as they are so tall.

But if he jumps, he will be an easy target, so he only attacks their lower bodies. He hit their legs and abdomen to make them fall before hitting their chests, heads, or necks. It takes time to defeat them like that, especially when he only uses his Muay Thai and Hardening skills without buffs or Lightning Magic.

Only relying on those 2 skills to attack makes it harder even though he can see their movements with Golden Eyes. Without buffs on him, debuffs on enemies, and Lightning Magic to strengthen his attacks, the fight becomes more difficult.

But he still can handle it and it is actually more fun for him this way. He doesn't like gambling with his life on the line, but he also enjoys fighting seriously. That's why he only does this because he is confident he can win and keep his life.

He keeps avoiding the Orcs' attacks with the help of his Golden Eyes which can help him see their movements easily. Their movements look really slow in his eyes, so he can dodge with ease and counterattack.

They are very tough and durable, so it takes a lot of hits to even kill 1 of them. But they are also very persistent as they keep fighting even when they are on the verge of dying. Still, it doesn't change the result and they still die in the end.

After storing their corpses, Indra continues to walk deeper into the dungeon. He finds more Orcs but there aren't just a few of them. There are so many of them that he can't count their number in a short time.

'Damn! There are at least 40 of them. Do the rest of them just gather here? And that big door must be the door to the boss room. I can sense some strong presence there, so these guys aren't the only mobs left.'

Among the monsters in front of the boss room entrance, there is 1 that is particularly strong. It must be something like a sub-boss or if the boss is the King, then this guy is one of the Generals. This isn't strange considering these Orcs have a clear hierarchy as warriors.

Indra thinks of a plan before attacking them. He can't just rush in to fight more than 40 Orcs. It was different before because he only fought 9. Besides, after fighting those 9, he understands how strong these Orcs are, and fighting 40 at once with the same strategy as before won't work.

"I guess I can only go all out, huh?"

He casts buff spells on himself then debuff spells on the Orcs. Of course, it startles the Orcs and they quickly prepare to fight as they scan their surroundings. But they can't see or sense any enemy around them, until one of them suddenly gets hit in the crotch.

The one that gets hit and suddenly falls weakly on the floor is the strongest among them. They get even more surprised and don't know what has just happened. Then one by one, they also get their crotches hit by an invisible enemy. They slump on the floor, twitching while holding their ding-a-ling.

It's very painful, so painful that they can't even scream. They even have a hard time breathing and their green body starts turning bluish. Their hands that hold their crotches start being covered by red blood. Indra's attacks have destroyed their child makers.

The remaining Orcs quickly gather and form a circle. They hold their crotches with 1 hand and their weapons with the other hand. Then they swing their weapons randomly in front of their crotches, hoping to hit the invisible enemy.

'Hoh? They can do something like that in a short amount of time. Impressive.'

Too bad for the Orcs, Indra has slipped inside their circle and their backs are completely defenseless. He grins widely before he starts kicking them in the nuts as strongly as he can. Even their hands that guard their nuts are useless because of all the skills that Indra uses.

The buffs & skills he uses on himself increased his attack power a few times while the debuffs on the monsters reduce their defense by more than half already. Indra's strength is on par with them without buffs, and now with all the skills he used, he is way above their leagues.

In the end, all the Orcs are lying on the floor while twitching in agony. No one died yet, but the pain they feel is worse than death. They try to stand up and fight Indra, but their legs become too weak to even stand.

Indra just grins as he moves quickly to kill the Orcs here. He has used a lot of his mana and accumulated some fatigue after all the fights. And because he hasn't killed them, he doesn't get any XP yet to level up

He kills the Orcs by breaking their necks with hardened lightning stomps. The XP he got from all these Orcs is enough to make him level up 3 times. His MP is full again after he levels up and his fatigue reduces a bit, so now he can fight the boss.

[Name: Indra Smith

Level: 94

XP: 41,000/500,000

Job: Battle Healer

Title: Reincarnator (+50% XP)

HP: 104,900/104,900

MP: 117,400/117,400

Fatigue: 0

Strength: 124

Agility: 119

Sense: 124

Vitality: 119

Intelligence: 239

Free Points: 11]


I have uploaded up to +30 chapters in my Patreon page.

Uploaded on Patreon: Chapter 57. Show Off

If you want to support me on patreon, then this is the link: p@treon.com/PeekACoo

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