
Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC

I am the bane of demons that live in the bodies of people.We've lost demonic wings, so I will take you from this land. you will learn to fly devoid of heavy bodies.There will be no turning back because the game has started. I have an idea for a climate story in the DC world. I will cover many aspects of the proceedings of superheroes. But no spoilers.

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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63 Chs


[Author: Thank you for the great activity under the last chapters. A few people said what was missing and some mistakes that I made. Thank you very much. thanks to such comments I can improve the quality and improve the stories in general. Thank you very much. This chapter was created to patch up some holes in the story. Although at the request of one of the readers. I will add interesting stories. Which he prompted me to do. Thank you again and invite you to read. Regards author.]


The next day I woke up in the morning. After all, sleeping with wings is not very comfortable. I don't want to give up my current form. I like it very much. The horns harmonize perfectly with my black hair. I have had a six pack on my stomach for some time. which looks great with my tattoos. Which I don't even know where they come from. But they look great and I'm already used to them. I am wearing dark pants. Which I unfortunately stole. And that's why I want to be able to change my character. Because every time I have to take too big. And wearing a wing under them is not very comfortable. [Link to MC appearance. In the comment. The look is based on Jin Kazuma from Tekken 7.]

I would like to master this strange energy that allowed me to start a fire earlier. I sat on the ground and tried to meditate. I didn't know how. I just sat there with my eyes closed in silence. And it worked. After a long moment I felt the energies. But I was surprised that not one but two energies. Slowly but finally I could separate them. One energy was very chaotic and unstable. He is full of hatred and anger. The other was the opposite. Calm and kind, she seemed clean and sensitive.

I studied them in many ways for about a few hours. To facilitate this, let's call this calm energy "White Energy" and the other "Black Energy". I tried to light a fire with white energy. It is true that this fire could not harm anything organic. Then he did not sleep on living tissue (I checked it on a random mouse). It worked like a normal fire. But its color was different than usual. It was a mix of red and white. He looked pretty good.

When I tried the same with black energy. The effect was much stronger. The fire easily burned everything I wanted. What's more, the fire must be much hotter than usual. In a few seconds it melted the steel speed lying on the ground. And when it comes to impact on living organisms. A random mouse burned down in less than a second. But that is not all, if I did not stop in time, the soul of the mouse would also be burned. However, I stayed at the last minute.

But only when I used both energies to create fire did normal fire appear. I continued experimenting and partly understood how it works. In fact, I can create what I want, but depending on the purpose I use a certain type of energy. However, I start using both at once. Because they are too strong at once. Equally important is balance. After getting to know the energy better. I decided to try to hide my true form. I can't steal my clothes forever. And I don't have much cash anymore. I'm trying to reduce my expenses. In the future I will have to do something about it.

I got up and went to the slightly broken mirror in the corner. It was half cracked, but I could see its reflection in it. I created in my head the image of myself only without horns and wings and closed my eyes. I focused on my new look and felt a mix of white and black energy begin to wrap my body. I felt like wings as if they would enter my back. Just as if they were under the skin. A strange feeling. I felt as horns slowly go into my head and then they are gone.

When I opened my eyes I saw that I succeeded. The wings and horns have disappeared. However, when I lost my concentration and started to enjoy success. As soon as I lost my focus, the wings immediately reappeared on my back. And the horns again appeared on my head. Now I knew what the change of form was and I decided to devote the rest of the day even though it was only late. For further exercises to control the change of form and concentration after transformation.


<If you read on a site other than "webnovel". This is a copied version. Which someone stole without my knowledge.>


I would like to devote this chapter to the development of MC power. The promised story will appear in the next. He writes it immediately, so wait a moment. It is strong so I want to give it in a separate chapter. Thanks for reading. Your comments motivate me to continue working. I await comments.

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